Characters Impact Stories


by Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraig

Wednesday I drove to Flat Rock, North Carolina, to speak with a book club.  It was a great event and the group asked some very interesting questions.

One of the questions I received was: “How do you alter your writing for books authored by Craig versus those authored by Adams?”

I have three different series and the Memphis Barbeque Mysteries is a four book series for Penguin that I wrote as Riley Adams.  At first, I was tempted to say that there was no difference between the series, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized this wasn’t true at all. There’s a lot of difference between the Memphis series and the Myrtle and Southern Quilting series.

I realized it came down to one key factor.  My answer was: “The main character in the Memphis series is an extrovert.”Continue reading

With Self-Publishing, We Control the Future of a Series

By Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraigPretty is as pretty dies

For years, I belonged to several email loops with other traditionally published mystery writers.  We would share information and resources with each other and were on a blogging schedule to contribute to the group blog.

Eventually, I dropped out of all of these groups.  One of my failings is my lack of patience and another is my overwhelming desire to fix things.  These two issues combined with a dose of me-trying-to-be-professional meant that I was constantly biting my tongue while reading messages from these loops regarding author issues with our traditional publishers.

I was especially sad on the occasions when an author would apologize for having their series canceled.  They would be in the process of pitching another series to their agent and/or publisher and would offer to drop out of the blog since they weren’t sure if they were going to continue being contracted writers.Continue reading

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