Characters Impact Stories


by Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraig

Wednesday I drove to Flat Rock, North Carolina, to speak with a book club.  It was a great event and the group asked some very interesting questions.

One of the questions I received was: “How do you alter your writing for books authored by Craig versus those authored by Adams?”

I have three different series and the Memphis Barbeque Mysteries is a four book series for Penguin that I wrote as Riley Adams.  At first, I was tempted to say that there was no difference between the series, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized this wasn’t true at all. There’s a lot of difference between the Memphis series and the Myrtle and Southern Quilting series.

I realized it came down to one key factor.  My answer was: “The main character in the Memphis series is an extrovert.”

That’s a fact that’s startling in itself.  I favor quieter characters.  Write what you know, maybe?  I consider Myrtle, if not strictly an introvert, definitely an ambivert with some antisocial leanings. I consider Beatrice from the quilting mysteries as a major introvert who craves time alone (which is elusive in the series, a fact that can make her cranky).

But the Memphis series was very different.  1) I was asked to write this series by Penguin.  2) My editor asked me to model Lulu after some of the popular Food Network stars at the time.  None of those folks seemed introverted to me.

Having Lulu be an extrovert, looking back, influenced the series in many ways.  She fed on the time she spent with other people: it energized her. She was more apt to discuss the case with a variety of different people and get different ideas about the murderer’s identity. She sought out events; she attended parties and hung out in her restaurant with her customers and enjoyed evenings in the city.  Lulu was actively involved in planning and executing events as she’d cater various parties. She seems more impulsive to me.

In my other series, my characters are sometimes craving solitude.  They either seek out the opinion of one person (in the case of Myrtle) or they are hounded by friends when they are trying to find time to be alone (in the case of Beatrice).  They both come across as reserved and observant.  When Myrtle attends parties, she frequently can’t wait to leave. Beatrice is frequently irritated by the antics of her extroverted friend, Meadow and the fact she’s pulled into social events by Meadow.

In addition, the Myrtle and quilting mysteries seem much, much quieter overall to me. The Memphis books are vivid with the color and sound and smells of the city and the quirky people.  The other series…aren’t.

This basic difference between the protagonists in my different series changed nearly everything in the books, even the way that the characters interact with the settings.

I know there are many other ways a protagonist can impact a story or a series: especially through the ways in which they view the world (sometimes you see what you expect to find).

How does your protagonist impact your story?

Ways characters can influence elements in our series: Click To Tweet

Elizabeth Spann Craig

View posts by Elizabeth Spann Craig
Elizabeth writes the Memphis Barbeque series (as Riley Adams) and the Southern Quilting mysteries for Penguin and writes the Myrtle Clover series for Midnight Ink and independently. She also has a blog, which was named by Writer’s Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers. There she posts on the writing craft, finding inspiration in everyday life, and fitting writing into a busy schedule.


  1. Mason CanyonSeptember 2, 2016

    I can’t image Lulu being any other way considering the profession she’s in. Not sure it has anything to do with Lulu being an extrovert but she’s still working and the others (Beatrice and Myrtle) are retired. Interesting point about how the characters impact the story.

    Thoughts in Progress
    and MC Book Tours

    1. Elizabeth Spann CraigSeptember 2, 2016

      Mason–Good point! A working character also approaches environment differently. She had some flexibility with her schedule, which probably gives a mystery writer the best of both worlds–opportunity for the protagonist to easily interact with others and the flexibility to leave to follow leads.

  2. Alex J. CavanaughSeptember 2, 2016

    Interesting! That got me to thinking about about my books. Byron is definitely introverted and wants privacy (although he grows out of it by the third book) while Aden was outgoing. His story wouldn’t have worked if he was introverted though.

    1. Elizabeth Spann CraigSeptember 2, 2016

      Alex–Isn’t it funny how it can dictate the story?

  3. Margot KinbergSeptember 2, 2016

    What an interesting post, Elizabeth! And I definitely see how Lulu’s personality impacts your Memphis BBQ series. But that makes sense, since she’s the main character. And the main character’s personality has all sorts of ways of permeating a story. In my case, my main character is more or less a ‘no-drama’ sort of person. I think that character trait finds its way into my stories, too.

    1. Elizabeth Spann CraigSeptember 2, 2016

      Margot–Excited about your upcoming release!

      I like “no drama” people. :) Particularly when they’re forced into tension-filled scenes with dramatic people! (Beatrice and Meadow are like that in my quilting series).

  4. L. Diane WolfeSeptember 2, 2016

    Your answer led to something really deep.

    I think what impacts my characters the most is their background and what baggage they carry.

    1. Elizabeth Spann CraigSeptember 2, 2016

      Diane–Baggage is huge! And it’s amazing how one aspect of a character can color a story.

  5. KessieSeptember 2, 2016

    Wow, now that’s something to think about. Introvert or extrovert–the answer will have ripple effects throughout the books. I’m writing a paranormal romance right now with guy and girl protagonists. The girl is an extrovert, the guy is an introvert. The girl has friends, talks to people, finds things out. The guy keeps to himself, talks to his bees, and muses on the deep philosophical questions of life. Plus he’s a monster. :-D

    1. Elizabeth Spann CraigSeptember 2, 2016

      Kessie–That’s the thing about introverts…you just never know what’s lurking beneath the surface, ha! Still waters run deep. :)

  6. HilarySeptember 2, 2016

    Hi Elizabeth – I think I’ll stick with me … that’s difficult enough! But your post certainly raises interesting thoughts … also linking character to job … I read one of yours with Lulu and can definitely see her character – could imagine her. Now I’ll need to read in a different light when I read a story …

    Cheers and I loved the others’ comments – have a great Labor Day weekend – Hilary

    1. Elizabeth Spann CraigSeptember 2, 2016

      Thanks, Hilary! And hope you have a good weekend, too.

  7. Jemi FraserSeptember 2, 2016

    Great observations! The MC has truly taken hold of your series and that’s a very good thing!!

    1. Elizabeth Spann CraigSeptember 2, 2016

      Jemi–It definitely helps, in terms of writing! Hope you have a great weekend!

  8. Deborah Nam-KraneSeptember 6, 2016

    Ooh- great topic!

    My protagonist has changed for each book in my series (more or less). One of the first heroines was just that; very romantic, a mix between dreamy and feisty, and the tone of the storytelling reflected that (even if she wasn’t in every scene). For my next release, there are two MCs, and while they’re pretty different (he’s literally by the book and she’s been outside of the law for a long time), everything about the story is harsher- as fits the way they both see the world. And while that might be standard for, well, a mystery/thriller, the story itself was tailored to fit the characters, not the other way around.

    1. Elizabeth Spann CraigSeptember 6, 2016

      Deborah–It’s interesting to see how much the *characters* influence the story, instead of the *author* influencing the story. Sometimes I read my books and think how much they sound like me, but it’s really cool when we see the story world through the character’s eyes, instead!

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