Frogs, Hot Water, and the Seven Deadly Sins: Making Trouble for Characters

by Man Martin@manmartin1Days of the Endless Corvette

I’ve been reading students’ unpublished novels for a summer class I’m teaching alongside Nancy Zafris at Kenyon College in Ohio.  Again and again, I see the same fundamental flaw: the characters refuse to get into trouble.  This is understandable.  Most of us – except for the hopelessly neurotic – are very good at avoiding trouble.  This isn’t to say we run from challenges, but trouble itself we stay out of.  If there are difficult people with whom we can’t get along, we either stay out of their way entirely or deal with them on a superficial level, being as outwardly courteous as we can stand.  We do not take deliberate actions to sabotage our love lives or our careers.  For the most part, we obey the law.  We don’t embezzle funds or commit murder.

No one should get into trouble if there’s any way to avoid it.  Trouble makes everyone unhappy.  Trouble prevents us from self-fulfillment.  Trouble causes stress and migraines.  Trouble is just too much trouble.

The trouble is, trouble is precisely what your characters have to get into.  Ahab can’t say, “Whew!  That durn whale chawed off my leg!  I’m staying on shore from here on!”  Romeo can’t say, “Juliet’s the daughter of my enemy?  Uh-oh, better steer clear of her!”  Humbert Humbert can’t say…  Well, ahem, you get the idea.

I remember as a child, when someone in a book or tv show pulled some especially bone-headed maneuver, asking my mother, “Why did So-and-So do that?”  What I was really asking was, why would anyone do something that was only guaranteed to get them deeper into trouble?  My mother’s wise response was, “Well, if they didn’t do that, we wouldn’t have a story.”

That’s the key to the whole thing.  Characters can’t just be in trouble – they have to get into it by their own wilful actions.  No trouble, no story.  That’s the genius of Huck Finn; Jim is escaping slavery on the Mississippi which heads south; the longer they’re on the river, the deeper into trouble they go.

The story of our lives is largely one of how we stayed out of trouble, or managed to get out of trouble with a minimum of pain once we got into it.  In fiction, it’s just the opposite: it’s characters getting into trouble in the first place, and making it as bad as possible for themselves before they get out, if they ever do.  So how does a writer, who like any healthy human being, is a gifted trouble-avoider, create a character who gets into trouble?

When it comes to getting characters in trouble, writers have an external knob they can twist and an internal one.  The external knob is the outside circumstances.  If a character is marooned in a lifeboat with nothing but another shipmate and a book called, 101 Tasty Recipes for Shipmate, you know he’s going to get into trouble and you have a pretty clear idea of what kind of trouble.  The internal Knob is your character’s propensities.  The Seven Deadly Sins are a virtual how-to list for making people get into trouble.  Envy, Greed, Wrath, and Lust are perennial favorites, and, of course, Pride was the go-to among the Ancient Greeks.  For some reason, not many writers use Gluttony or Sloth, but even those have been done.

There’s a saying that if you put a frog in a pot of water and turn the heat up slowly, the frog will boil to death, never realizing the temperature is changing.  As a writer, you don’t want to do it that way.  Get the water as hot as you can as quickly as you can, and stoke your frog with sufficient Wrath, Pride, Envy or whatever to make him jump.

And that’s where your story begins.

Man Martin

Man Martin is two-time winner of Georgia Author of the Year for Days of the Endless Corvette, and Paradise Dogs.  He blogs daily at

Elizabeth Spann Craig

View posts by Elizabeth Spann Craig
Elizabeth writes the Memphis Barbeque series (as Riley Adams) and the Southern Quilting mysteries for Penguin and writes the Myrtle Clover series for Midnight Ink and independently. She also has a blog, which was named by Writer’s Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers. There she posts on the writing craft, finding inspiration in everyday life, and fitting writing into a busy schedule.


  1. Sue ColettaJune 13, 2014

    I’m surprised your students don’t automatically realize that. I love twisted my character’s life into knots. That’s part of the fun! Great post. I love how you word things. :)

  2. Elizabeth Spann CraigJune 13, 2014

    Man, thanks so much for blogging here today. Thanks, also, for the good advice. We love our characters and it can be painful to put them in harm’s way–but it makes the story in the end. Enjoy your time at Kenyon (you’re escaping some really steamy, stormy weather down here in the South!)

  3. Alex J. CavanaughJune 13, 2014

    Poor frogs!
    Lead them to the bridge and let them jump on their own – sound easy enough.
    I probably don’t let my characters get into enough trouble…

  4. Joel D CanfieldJune 13, 2014

    “That durn whale chawed off my leg!”

    I do sorta wish Ahab had said that. Maybe in the Coen Brothers version. I hope it’s a comedy. Thanks for the laugh and a good practical post.

    The best trouble is when our readers DON’T ask why that fool did what they did, but see it as inevitable. (Editor’s note in my latest manuscript: “As a writer I understand why he’s doing this, but as a reader it makes him look stupid.” Had to retrofit some wanting and needing to wriggle out of that one.)

    1. Joel D CanfieldJune 13, 2014

      One day I will learn to choose the “tell me tell me” option when I comment.

  5. Marja McGrawJune 13, 2014

    Excellent post, and you made me chuckle while reminding me of some valuable lessons. Thank you so much! Your examples were priceless.

  6. Margot KinbergJune 13, 2014

    Elizabeth – Thanks for hosting Man.

    Man – I couldn’t agree more. I think the writer has to remember to stay realistic (after all, how many problems can the same character believably face at the same time?). But that said, I don’t think a story would be credible if it didn’t present the main character(s) with challenges. And it’s in the way the character faces those problems that we see what sort of person s/he is.

  7. Marilyn chapmanJune 14, 2014

    This reminds me of writing tutor and author Julie Cohen’s words: ‘You owe it to your protagonist to keep throwing problems at her – to really make her suffer…’ A very interesting and relevant post.

  8. Melissa LewickiJune 15, 2014

    Someone told me once that the best writers are sadists. They have to make their characters suffer.

  9. Peter MulraneyJune 16, 2014

    I have my characters do one of two things , sometimes both: commit crimes and be involved in relationships. Trouble guaranteed.

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