Twitterific Writing Links

Bluebird with beak open and 'Twitterific Writing Links' by ElizabethSCraig superimposed on the image

by Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraig

A weekly roundup of the best writing links from around the web.

Twitterific writing links are fed into the Writer’s Knowledge Base search engine (developed by writer and software engineer Mike Fleming) which has over 40,000 free articles on writing related topics. It’s the search engine for writers.

Have you visited the WKB lately?  Check out the new redesign where you can browse by category, and see the character and location name generators! 

Creativity and Inspiration / Goal setting

Creativity and Inspiration / Inspiration

Creativity and Inspiration / Productivity / Fitting in Writing

Creativity and Inspiration / Productivity / Writer’s Block

Creativity and Inspiration / Productivity / Writing Quickly

Creativity and Inspiration / Writing Life

Genres / Horror

Genres / Miscellaneous

Genres / Mystery

Genres / Poetry

Genres / Science Fiction

Genres / Young Adult

Promo / Ads

Promo / Blogging

Promo / Miscellaneous

Promo / Newsletters

Promo / Social Media Tips

Promo / Speaking

Promo / Websites

Publishing / Miscellaneous

Publishing / News / Amazon

Publishing / News / International Publishing

Publishing / Options / Self-Publishing

Publishing / Options / Traditional Publishing

Publishing / Process / Legalities

Writing Craft / Beginnings

Writing Craft / Characters / Antagonists

Writing Craft / Characters / Development

Writing Craft / Characters / Protagonists

Writing Craft / Characters / Supporting Characters

Writing Craft / Common Mistakes

Writing Craft / Diversity

Writing Craft / Flashback and Back Story

Writing Craft / Lessons from Books and Film

Writing Craft / Literary Devices

Writing Craft / Miscellaneous

Writing Craft / POV

Writing Craft / Pre-Writing / Plotting

Writing Craft / Pre-Writing / Research

Writing Craft / Punctuation and Grammar

Writing Craft / Revision

Writing Craft / Revisions / Critiques

Writing Craft / Settings and Description

Writing Craft / Special Needs

Writing Craft / Synopses

Writing Craft / Tension

Writing Tools / Apps

Writing Tools / Resources

From My Blog:

The top writing links of last week are on Twitterific: Click To Tweet

Elizabeth Spann Craig

View posts by Elizabeth Spann Craig
Elizabeth writes the Memphis Barbeque series (as Riley Adams) and the Southern Quilting mysteries for Penguin and writes the Myrtle Clover series for Midnight Ink and independently. She also has a blog, which was named by Writer’s Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers. There she posts on the writing craft, finding inspiration in everyday life, and fitting writing into a busy schedule.


  1. Alex J. CavanaughMarch 19, 2017

    I missed the one about comic books from Reedsy.

    1. Elizabeth Spann CraigMarch 19, 2017

      It was interesting! I’d love to be able to draw.

  2. Margot KinbergMarch 19, 2017

    As always, Elizabeth, a great set of links – thanks. I love it that there are so many on getting inspired. I think maintaining that spark is so important. Writing is hard work, and it’s nice to have ideas for keeping that fire going, so to speak.

    1. Elizabeth Spann CraigMarch 19, 2017

      It is, because it’s easy to lose the spark! Hope you have a great week.

  3. L. Diane WolfeMarch 19, 2017

    And your articles were the most helpful this week.

    1. Elizabeth Spann CraigMarch 19, 2017

      Thank you! :)

  4. Colleen M. StoryMarch 21, 2017

    Thanks, Elizabeth. Love the Lit Reactor piece on ways to turn your day job into a secret writing office. Hilarious! I’m afraid I was guilty of some of those tactics back in my corporate days…

    1. Elizabeth Spann CraigMarch 22, 2017

      I think we have to steal every chance we can get to write, ha! I may have done a little writing at work back in the mid-90s. :)

  5. sally croninMarch 23, 2017

    Thank you Elizabeth for including my tweet.. Some great resources here.. best wishes Sally Cronin.

    1. Elizabeth Spann CraigMarch 23, 2017

      Thanks for being a resource for writers!

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