The Complete Ten Step Guide to Ghostwriting Fiction

by Joe Bunting, @JoeBuntingPen-Logo-WITH-margin-(300px)

I’ve ghostwritten five books and these projects were some of the most rewarding work I’ve ever done. Before I started ghostwriting, my writing career was progressing slowly, but afterward, it took off. Since then, I’ve come to believe that ghostwriting is the best way to apprentice yourself to the craft of writing. It doesn’t hurt that you get paid for it, either.

What is Ghostwriting in Fiction?

It’s no secret that many of the non-fiction NYT Bestsellers are actually ghostwritten or co-written, but it’s not as commonly known that a lot of fiction authors use ghostwriters as well.

This is actually great news for creative writers, because it means that there really are opportunities to practice your fiction writing while getting paid for it.

How to Become a Ghostwriter

How, though, do you break into the ghostwriting world? In this ten step guide, I’m going to show you how to get paid to practice your writing.Continue reading

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