When an Unreliable Narrator Needs a Little Help

by Deborah Nam-Krane, @dnkboston

It took me almost six years to publish my series The New Pioneers, even though I had four completed novels. Part of my delay was that it takes a number of chances. At its heart, it’s romance with chick lit elements. However, each novel has its own special character to reflect that story’s heroine. Thus far, The Smartest Girl in the Room has explored Emily’s coming-of-age and The Family You Choose has uncovered the dark family secrets that haunted Miranda. Harel. But Jessie Bartolome’s story, The China Doll, is where I’m taking the biggest risk.  While The Family You Choose reveals a secret you didn’t realize was there until the very end, it’s clear from the outset that The China Doll is a mystery with a capital M.

I’m pretty confident my readers can handle the genre-tweak; it’s the main character that made me nervous.Continue reading

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