Writing a New Genre

by Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraigunnamed

After a really nice vacation to Alaska (where it wasn’t even close to the 100 degrees F we’ve had here in NC), I had a few things to deal with.  A lot of unpacking, a suitcase that decided to hang out in Dallas, TX, instead of following us home,  and a book to finish.

I’d hoped to finish the book during my vacation.  I did get a lot written, but it wasn’t quite finished.  I finally knocked out the last bit yesterday and then quickly cleaned it up to send it along to my freelance editor.

This book was an interesting project for me.  It was an attack book…one that forced me to write it.  It’s been bugging me for three years.  I’ve got several other things to work on right now, but I scheduled time to work on this one.

I’d no idea how difficult it would be to write.  I ran a couple of weeks over my self-imposed deadline.  I’m happy with the finished product, but…it was a bear to write. Continue reading

Branching into Other Genres

By Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraigDeathtoStock_EnergyandSerenity2

I’ve mentioned earlier that I’m branching out into another genre.  This isn’t resulting from boredom with my current genre.  It’s not even purely a commercial endeavor.  No, this is an Attack Novel.  The story rose up and demanded I write it.  Its incessant nagging started two years ago, and the fact I ignored its demands demonstrates my stubbornness and focus.  It’s zombies.  It’s more than zombies, of course, but drilling it down to its core…yeah, zombies.

The book is a cozy treatment of zombies. Zombies with off-stage violence. Zombies with no profanity.  Is there an audience for this?  Who knows?  I was attacked.

Then I realized that my team might not really be onboard with zombies.  Does my cover designer do zombie covers?  Does my cozy editor do zombie books?

It’s good to make sure everyone has experience producing the new genre if we have a team that works with us on a different one.
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