Freelance Writing–Using Social Media to Land New Writing Gigs

By Shawndra Russell,  @ShawndraRussellBecome a Freelance Writer in 30 Days

Social media opens up a world of opportunity for us writers. You can create a private Notice-Me List on Twitter filled with publications you want to write for and editors you want to work with, so you can be sure to interact with them frequently. You can show off your work in numerous ways, like pinning published pieces to a dedicated Pinterest board and uploading samples to your Linkedin page. You can list your skills and experience on your Facebook About page.

These platforms give you a lot of means to reach new decision makers who are looking for solid writers. Being active on social media also makes others willing to hire you or accept a guest post because they will have more confidence that you will actively share the piece, which obviously promotes both you and the outlet.Continue reading

Freelance Writing: Think Like an Editor, Sell Like a Pro

By Jennifer Brown Banks, @jenpens2


There’s great truth to the expression, “You should walk a mile in someone else’s shoes to understand them.” Which is why I’m very fortunate, that when it comes to the field of writing, these stilettos have covered much territory.

In my journey of more than a decade, I have served as a relationship columnist, a ghost writer, professional blogger, and a reviewer. I have penned pieces for digital publications, and for popular print glossies too. Many of which you’ve likely read.

But, what has probably enhanced my creative career the most, was my role as a senior editor of a regional publication, a few years ago.Continue reading

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