Add an Element of Mystery to Every Genre

by Kathryn Jones, @Kakido Scrambled_Cover_for_Kindle-md

The Secret of the Old Clock…The Bungalow Mystery…The Mystery of Lilac Inn…

I was twelve-years-old when I began reading Nancy Drew mysteries by Carolyn Keene.  Nancy not only drew me in to her stories, making me feel like a part of them, she made me feel like one of the sleuths.  And if I solved the mystery before Nancy or one of her friends, I felt especially smart.

As an adult, I enjoy writing novels and stories with elements of mystery in them.  In 2002, I published my first novel, “A River of Stones.”  This book, though not specifically a mystery novel, tells, as part of the story, the understood wanderings of an old man whom every child in the neighborhood knows is a vampire.  The main character, Samantha, gets her very best friends to wear crosses around their necks and homespun garlic next to their skin.  Of course, the vampire isn’t really a vampire, just like Mr. Green, Samantha’s other old and scary neighbor, isn’t a living scarecrow, though he dressed and moved like one on Halloween. 

My short stories usually flicker with some mystery in them as well: In the story, “The Awakening of George Mahooney,” for example, we see the main character, George, awaken from sleep and go about his day as usual.  He sits on the rocker and thinks about his life and how old he has become.  In the backyard, he regrets he no longer has the strength to pick the weeds.  In the kitchen his wife is humming a familiar tune as she cooks his breakfast.  George wishes he could be happy, but he is too old.  When his wife calls the doctor he is suddenly worried.  Is she sick?  But George quickly discovers it isn’t his wife he should be worrying about at all—he is the one who’s dead.

I love weaving secrets.  I love reading to students those parts of my work that keep them guessing.  Is that man really a vampire?  That sure looks like a coffin in his basement.  But why does a light go on when it’s opened?  Why isn’t it lined with red, shiny material?

Because the coffin is really a meat freezer.

Why don’t the flies like George Mahooney anymore?  Why aren’t they bugging him in the yard?  Why aren’t they landing on him?  Why doesn’t he have to swat them every other second?

Because the few that have entered the house have already found his body and George is no longer in it.

More recently, I have written two cozy mystery books, both with the sleuth Susan Cramer. In the first, (Scrambled) Susan has just left her husband hoping for a better life, in the second, (Sunny Side-Up) she has finally taken that long awaited cruise. There’s only one problem in both scenarios. Death.

When it comes to writing a great mystery, there are many elements that have to be kept in check; namely, the plot, the clues, the characters, the setting…

But in every book there should be an element of mystery, yes, even if you’re writing a romance. For the reader should be guessing who the girl ends up with or what caused the boy to actually leave her in the first place.

Yes, until the very end.SUNNY SIDE-UP-cover-md

Contact Kathryn at: or visit her on her Facebook author page: http:



Elizabeth Spann Craig

View posts by Elizabeth Spann Craig
Elizabeth writes the Memphis Barbeque series (as Riley Adams) and the Southern Quilting mysteries for Penguin and writes the Myrtle Clover series for Midnight Ink and independently. She also has a blog, which was named by Writer’s Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers. There she posts on the writing craft, finding inspiration in everyday life, and fitting writing into a busy schedule.


  1. Alex J. CavanaughOctober 15, 2014

    I actually did that with my latest manuscript!
    Meat freezer in his basement – I can see kids’ imaginations turning that into a coffin.

    1. Kathryn Elizabeth JonesOctober 15, 2014

      The scene in my book with the freezer/coffin actually happened to me! :)

  2. K.B. OwenOctober 15, 2014

    Love this! You’re absolutely right: keep the reader wondering. I think kids especially love mysteries. If you think about it, so many things are a mystery to them, with potential for magic and non-rational explanations. When there is a rational explanation, I think it’s reassuring. I grew up on Nancy Drew and Scooby. I loved them!

    1. Kathryn Elizabeth JonesOctober 15, 2014

      Thank you, K.B.

  3. L. Diane WolfeOctober 16, 2014

    I don’t put a lot of mystery in my books, but I did love Nancy Drew when I was younger. I still have the books, which were first editions.

    1. Kathryn Elizabeth JonesOctober 16, 2014

      Diane, What’s not to like about Nancy :) I also collect Nancy Drew, though I don’t have the first editions.

  4. Alex MandarinoOctober 16, 2014

    Really nice post. Coincidentally, I read this just before:

    1. Kathryn Elizabeth JonesOctober 17, 2014

      So cool! You know what they say…inspiration is just floating around…Thanks for reading.

  5. Jemi FraserOctober 16, 2014

    Great post! I like having a bit of mystery in the books I read & write too! :)

    1. Kathryn Elizabeth JonesOctober 17, 2014

      Thanks! Jemi, What do you write?

  6. Teresa C.October 16, 2014

    I LOVE a bit (or a lot) of mystery in every story. I try to wiggle in elements of shock or surprise where I can in my short stories.

    Great article.

    1. Kathryn Elizabeth JonesOctober 17, 2014

      What do you write, Teresa?

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