You’ve Decided to Publish. Now What?

Twelve Months--Violeta Dabija

The biggest moment in my writing career came with the realization that I wanted to be published by a traditional publisher.

Once you realize that you really want to take that step…what do you do next?

It’s my day to blog on A Good Blog is Hard to Find. Hope you’ll pop over for some tips to help with your journey to publication.

And…if you don’t blog-hop on weekends, you wouldn’t know if you received an award yesterday. Might want to check Sunday’s post, just in case.

Elizabeth Spann Craig

View posts by Elizabeth Spann Craig
Elizabeth writes the Memphis Barbeque series (as Riley Adams) and the Southern Quilting mysteries for Penguin and writes the Myrtle Clover series for Midnight Ink and independently. She also has a blog, which was named by Writer’s Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers. There she posts on the writing craft, finding inspiration in everyday life, and fitting writing into a busy schedule.


  1. Jody HedlundDecember 14, 2009

    Thank you for the award, Elizabeth!

  2. Michele EmrathDecember 14, 2009

    You dominate my blog today and I wasn’t aware of A Good Blog is Hard to Find, so thanks for the new read! PLUS, your post there is VERY helpful. Thanks!


  3. Jemi FraserDecember 14, 2009

    Great post – and another new blog for me :)

  4. Margot KinbergDecember 14, 2009

    Elizabeth – Thanks for sharing your wisdom here and on A Good Blog….. I admire the way you’re able to do so much very high-quality blogging.

  5. Mason CanyonDecember 14, 2009

    Another good link to follow. Thanks Elizabeth.

  6. Kristen Torres-ToroDecember 14, 2009

    I’ll head over to the other blog! Thanks for letting us know, Elizabeth!

  7. Karen WalkerDecember 14, 2009

    Yours was one of the few blogs I did check yesterday. Huge hugs and a big thank you for including me, Elizabeth.

  8. Tamika:December 14, 2009

    Heading over to check out the discussion, sounds like a good one!

  9. L. Diane WolfeDecember 14, 2009

    I came, I saw, I commented!

  10. Jane Kennedy SuttonDecember 14, 2009

    I “suffered” from that same realization – I’m heading over to A Good Blog is Hard to find.

  11. Elspeth AntonelliDecember 14, 2009

    I came here and commented. I’m going over there to comment. Obviously, Elizabeth you have some Pied Piper qualities. Do you do parties?


  12. Wendy @ All in a Day's ThoughtDecember 14, 2009

    Heading over to read more b/c I’m in that boat.
    ~ Wendy

  13. Stephen TrempDecember 14, 2009

    Thanks for the award. I’m honored to be included in such a distinguished group. And I’ll definately stop by and read your blog on finding a traditional publisher as this is where I’m currently at.

    Stephen Tremp

  14. Elizabeth Spann CraigDecember 14, 2009

    Jody–Thanks for your comments and encouragement on mine!


    Michele–You’ll have to join in when your book is published…we need more Southern writers on there.

    Jemi–It’s a fun blog…Southern writers. I’m on their rota.

    Margot–Ditto! I don’t know how you do it.


    Mason–Thank you! It’s a fun blog…lots of Southern writers.

    Wendy–Thanks. :)

    Kristen–Thanks for checking it out!

    Karen–Hugs to you! I really appreciate your stopping by…I saw you had such a busy weekend and I love that you spent some of it with me on my blog!

    Tamika–Hope you enjoy!

    Elspeth–I’d like to be a Pied Piper. :) Actually, though, that story always scared me. I think it’s because all those children ran off with a STRANGER (and we were studying stranger danger in school.) ;)
    Stephen–Thanks! Hope it helps. I know you’re out there looking.

  15. Helen GingerDecember 14, 2009

    Thanks Elizabeth. I’ll pop over.

    Straight From Hel

  16. Elizabeth Spann CraigDecember 14, 2009


  17. AnonymousDecember 27, 2009

    Wow! what an idea ! What a concept ! Beautiful .. Amazing …

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