Writing Warm-ups

I have such a hectic schedule that I usually end up writing on the go, scribbling out a couple of paragraphs when I’ve got a few quiet minutes.

I used to think that I was doing this writing without any kind of warm-up. I’m realizing now that that’s totally wrong—I’m warming up by my daily habit of blogging (and the fact that I write a little every day).

Warming up options:

Blogging—To me, blogging is one of the easiest ways to warm up for writing each day. Besides the great writing exercise, it’s a nice way to stay in the habit of writing, develop friendships, and build a platform.

Morning Pages—I’ve heard a lot about Morning Pages (a daily warm-up recommended by author Julia Cameron in her book, The Artist’s Way but haven’t actually tried it myself. She states that:

Morning Pages are three pages of longhand, stream of consciousness writing, done first thing in the morning. There is no wrong way to do Morning Pages– they are not high art. They are about anything and everything that crosses your mind– and they are for your eyes only.

Short projects (poems, short stories, articles): Completing short projects can help you feel like you’re making some creative headway, especially if it looks like the end of your novel is light years away. They’re also nice if you’re getting restless or bored with what you’re currently working on.

Prompts: Prompts aren’t only good for getting your creative juices flowing, I’ve heard some writers say that they can also inspire new direction for stories they’re currently working on.

Recently, Anjie from Prompts for Writers asked me to be a guest poster and write some prompts. I do really like Anjie’s site because she always comes up with more than one prompt—she’ll have a journaling prompt, one for poetry, one for fiction, etc.—and I think her site would be a great resource for teachers as well as writers. My post is up there today: http://promptsforwriters.blogspot.com/ . (As a side note, I know that she’s also looking for writers to guest there and write prompts…might be a unique part of some folks blog tours.)

How do you warm up for writing? Or do you jump right in? Or, like me, do you warm up early and then jump right in at several later points during your day?

Elizabeth Spann Craig

View posts by Elizabeth Spann Craig
Elizabeth writes the Memphis Barbeque series (as Riley Adams) and the Southern Quilting mysteries for Penguin and writes the Myrtle Clover series for Midnight Ink and independently. She also has a blog, which was named by Writer’s Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers. There she posts on the writing craft, finding inspiration in everyday life, and fitting writing into a busy schedule.


  1. HeatherApril 22, 2011

    I never really thought about but I guess I do warm up by blogging. It’s the first thing I do most days.

  2. Margot KinbergApril 22, 2011

    Elizabeth – Warm-ups are very helpful, I think, for writers. There’s even research that supports the fact that they can be very helpful. I know, for instance, that I’m glad for the warm-up practice I get from my blog-writing. It keeps me nimble, so to speak.

  3. Carol KilgoreApril 22, 2011

    Great tips here. I warm up by blogging, too. And a little email.

  4. Tamara WardApril 22, 2011

    I warm up by revising the last couple pages I wrote the day before. Then I’m revved up and ready to press forward!

    P.S. I love your blog! Thank you!

  5. L. Diane WolfeApril 22, 2011

    Blogging often does it for me, or letters. Seems I’m always sending out a batch of letters to somebody.

  6. Write PromptsApril 22, 2011

    Blogging for me has been my warm-up lately, too, since I’m just working out a new writing routine. I love the spontaniety of blogging, and creating writing posts is actually a creative process I’m enjoying on a different level now that I’m blogging four days out of five. I also like going back to past prompts I’ve made and free-writing from some of those. I find I can free-write from the same prompt I used a while back and get something totally different from it.

  7. Elspeth AntonelliApril 22, 2011

    I’d never thought as writing my blog post as warming up, but I guess it is. Always best to do something good when you’re not aware of it. Of course, now I”m aware of it. Curses.

  8. Karlene PetittApril 22, 2011

    I blog first thing too! And…yes, it warms me up. Happy writing! And a very Happy Easter. Thanks for a great blog.

  9. BettyZadeApril 22, 2011

    Hi there! I’m new to blogging and a serious pursuit of writing, but I’m finding warm-ups to be helpful. The morning pages thing is a great idea, and one I’ll try taking up myself! My mind had never felt so happily stimulated since I began taking writing as a career seriously. I even joined a writer’s club. Wheeeee!

  10. BluestockingApril 22, 2011

    Blogging helps me warm up. I also me up with a prompt writing group once a week. The group setting forces me to do prompts because I’m terrible at doing them on my own.

  11. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsApril 22, 2011

    Heather–For a while I compartmentalized blogging as if it didn’t count as writing…when it definitely does!

    Margot–Blogging makes for a terrific warm up. :)

    Diane–I haven’t written a letter in ages. I think I need to.

    Carol–I know what you mean about the email! I sent out a slew of emails today and I think I’m definitely warmed up. :)

    Betty–Taking writing seriously is the biggest single thing I did to end up published. It’s easy to let writing take a backseat to all the other things going on, but even just a small investment of time each day can make a huge difference.

    Bluestocking–I think writing groups are great ways to stay on track. Mine never seemed to work out, but I hear from many people who have wonderful groups that really keep them inspired.

  12. Alex J. CavanaughApril 22, 2011

    Does writing stuff at work count as warm-up?

  13. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsApril 23, 2011

    Tamara–Thanks so much for coming by!

    Alex–Why yes! Yes, it does. :) Why not?

    Write Prompts–I enjoy it, too. And thanks for hosting me today, Anjie!

    Elspeth–I’ve spoiled it now! Especially since it can be classified under the heading “it’s good for you.” :)

    Karlene–And a Happy Easter to you, too! :)

  14. Martin EdwardsApril 23, 2011

    I usually jump right in through lack of time, but I must admit, I’d like to do warm ups more often!

  15. SandyApril 27, 2011

    Thanks…I never really viewed my Blog as a warm-up. Great tips shared!!!

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