What I’ve Learned in the Last Year

Self Portrait With Book 1923-5- Nella Marchesini-1901-1953 Time for all the year-end retrospectives. I sort of like them…but sort of not. So mine is more of a recap of things I learned this year and resources I gathered.

January—I discovered that you can get out of jury duty by being a mystery writer. Yes, there I was, pen and notebook in hand. I was completely ready to do my civic duty—and get an insider’s view on courtroom proceedings for a criminal trial. The defendant’s attorney? He did not want me there. I guess if you’re a lawyer, it’s best to stick with what you know. And he didn’t know how a mystery writer might react.

Feb-March—I worked through the revision process with Midnight Ink for Pretty is as Pretty Dies. I realized that promoting a book had changed since my first book was published in 2006. It had become a much more virtual process than a matter of a physical appearance. This was a huge relief since I’m 1) an introvert and 2) a stay-at-home mommy for whom appearances are difficult.

Early April—I got the green light to write a new series for Penguin’s Berkley Prime Crime—the Memphis Barbeque series.

April—I became curious about blog touring and discovered that several successful authors had attended Dani’s Blog Book Tour class on Yahoo Groups. Although she doesn’t have an upcoming class on her rota as far as I can tell, she has some great info in her archived Blog Book Tour blog.

May—Taking Dani’s class, I learned many interesting tips:
RSS Feed buttons and Add-This and what RSS feeds and bookmarks do.
Making room on your sidebar (collapsing your archives.)
Qualities of a good blog.
Buy buttons if you have a book to sell.
How to handle Facebook.

Want a great overview? Try her Quickest Blog Book Tour Guide Ever.

Late May—I made some really wonderful friends that were classmates of mine in the Blog Tour class. Among them were Karen Walker, Galen Kindley, Jane Sutton, Patricia Stoltey, Stephen Tremp, and Nancy Sharpe. I also met graduates of Dani’s class: Marvin Wilson, Helen Ginger, L. Diane Wolfe. They’ve stuck by me through the months—which I really appreciate.

I also opened up a separate, professional Facebook account.

June—Welcome to Twitter. I start to make many new online writing friends and discovered what a fantastic writing community there is online. For a great sampling of my new friends, check out my blog’s sidebar or my award list.

Early July—Joined the fabulous mystery writing cooks at the Penguin/Berkley Prime Crime blog, Mystery Lovers’ Kitchen. I met some really welcoming authors who inspired me to ramp up my writing, as well as my cooking.

July—I learn that yes, you can write the bulk of a book while you’re kids are home on summer break. I wrote at the swimming pool and skating rink. (Link: How I Survived My Kids’ Summer Vacation.)

August 1—Pretty is as Pretty Dies is released. I guested on a variety of blogs and increased my book’s visibility on Google.

August, September, October—I made a lot more public appearances than I usually make…to promote the release of the new book. Here are my “Thoughts on Public Speaking.”

November, December—Revisions, revisions! Learned to juggle revisions on two separate books and write the first draft of a third. Still working on time-management. :)

Thanks so much to all of you who have made this such an incredible year for me. I’m looking forward to 2010 and connecting more with all of you! Your comments and support have meant so much to me.

Elizabeth Spann Craig

View posts by Elizabeth Spann Craig
Elizabeth writes the Memphis Barbeque series (as Riley Adams) and the Southern Quilting mysteries for Penguin and writes the Myrtle Clover series for Midnight Ink and independently. She also has a blog, which was named by Writer’s Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers. There she posts on the writing craft, finding inspiration in everyday life, and fitting writing into a busy schedule.


  1. Patricia StolteyDecember 30, 2009

    I’d call that a great year, Elizabeth. I hope 2010 is even better.

    Thanks for counting me among your blogging friends. I feel the same way about you and the rest of our blogbooktour classmates. The writing life is a lot more fun these days.

  2. Journaling WomanDecember 30, 2009

    What a great year you have had. I wish for you in the new year wonderful family moments, lots of personal care and much success in your writing career.

    Happy New Year.

  3. Margot KinbergDecember 30, 2009

    Elizabeth – You’ve had a productive and eventful year, and that’s wonderful! I’m truly happy for your writing success, and I’m impressed with the way you’ve used your blog and Twitter to meet others and network with the writers’ community. Thanks for letting me share that community with you. I wish you and your family a wonderful 2010.

  4. cassandrajadeDecember 30, 2009

    I second Margot in that it sounds like you have had a very productive year. Congratulations and thanks so much for sharing your thoughts and advice with the rest of us.

  5. Ann Elle AltmanDecember 30, 2009

    Wow, I can hardly remember what I did last week, you have an amazing memory. I guess I spent most of the year writing, editing, and reviewing like you. Ah, maybe next year, because I write a blog, I can look back and remember.


  6. Ingrid KingDecember 30, 2009

    What a wonderful retrospective – and what a great year it’s been for you! Thank you also for the great blogging resources in the May section.

    Wishing you an even more wonderful 2010 – Happy New Year!

  7. Dorte HDecember 30, 2009

    What a great post!

    How interesting (but probably also annoying) that they did not want you in the jury.

    And inspired by your post I have just checked that I reviewed “Pretty is ..” in September so I can´t have known you for much longer than that.

    I can also see that a blog is a sort of calendar, and a very useful one for those of us who don´t remember what we did last week.

  8. Mason CanyonDecember 30, 2009

    You had a very busy year, but so productive. The tips from the blogging class sound great. Thanks for sharing those.
    Here’s wishing you continued success in the coming year.

  9. Jemi FraserDecember 30, 2009

    You had a marvelous year! I’ll have to check out Dani’s site – thanks for the link :)

  10. Karen WalkerDecember 30, 2009

    Elizabeth, it was wonderful taking Dani’s class with you and continuing the connection ever since. You are an inspiration to me in how you handle your working and family life. And you’re an amazing writer. Wishing you all the best for 2010.

  11. Kristen Torres-ToroDecember 30, 2009

    That is a great year! I’m hoping being a missionary (and related to a bunch of law enforcement/lawyers, etc.) will get me out of jury duty when the time comes!

    It’s been great to meet and get to know you this year!

  12. Terry OdellDecember 30, 2009

    Good for you — did you remember all this or look it up. I can’t remember what I had for breakfast (which is why I’m doing a goal-setting post and not a retrospective!)

    I’ve got a Jury summons for Jan 4th. I agree, it’s great writing fodder, but one of the volunteers who works the courtroom said my number is probably to high to get called in at all.

    I’ve never been turned down for a jury panel, although 95% of the time the defendant changes his mind when the panel walks in and reality of the situation sets in.

  13. Carol KilgoreDecember 30, 2009

    You had a great and busy year. Hope 2010 is even better for you.

    I learned about writers and jury duty a couple years ago.

  14. Simon C. LarterDecember 30, 2009

    Congratulations on a great year, good lady. I’m glad to have made your acquaintance here on the internet. Thanks for your ever-helpful posts.

    Happy New Year!

  15. L. Diane WolfeDecember 30, 2009

    You had quite a year!
    And it’s been a delight getting to know you. One of these days we’ll meet in good ‘ole NC.

    I did a post like this today, but not in such detail. I am impressed!

  16. Jen ChandlerDecember 30, 2009

    Hello Elizabeth! I’ve missed stopping by daily. I’ve got some catching up to do :)

    You’ve had a fantastic year! Good for you! Here’s to a fabulous new year, filled with writing success and new goals galore.

    I hope your Christmas was merry and bright!

    Happy Wednesday,

  17. WinnieDecember 30, 2009

    What a great year for learning!

    I am *totally* stealing that idea about jury duty. I’m hoping to write a (SF) mystery this year, so I won’t even be pretending. ;)

  18. Jane Kennedy SuttonDecember 30, 2009

    You have certainly had quite a busy and successful year!

    I’ve enjoyed visiting your blog – not only for what I learn but because it is enjoyable to read. I think it’s fascinating how you can take routine daily activities and relate them all to writing.

    Wishing you and your family a happy, healthly, and successful 2010.

  19. The Old SillyDecember 30, 2009

    Truly a great year for you, Elizabeth. Your blog has risen to star prominence and you are achieving much in your literary career. Keep on keepin’ on, sistah!

    Marvin D Wilson

  20. Judy HarperDecember 30, 2009

    Finally, I have my computer back! In one of your posts, I think you commented on a similar experience. About how one doesn’t realize how dependent you become until you don’t have one or have access to one! I like the outlining of what you did this past year. For me, this would be a way of organizing my thoughts to see what I’ve accomplished, and we can see you’ve accomplished a lot! One reason I like coming to your blog is the information I glean from it! Looking forward to a good and productive 2010!

  21. Jan MorrisonDecember 30, 2009

    You are definitely my inspiration and mentor in blog world! I can’t wait to find out what will happen next!

  22. Corra McFeydonDecember 30, 2009

    Wow! You’ve had a busy year!

    The links were great here. I read through the blog tour posts; a fascinating class! (I just collapsed my archive.)

    I’ve also got a separate Facebook account. Your post on the topic inspired me last month. :)

    Thanks for sharing this – great post.


  23. GlenDecember 30, 2009

    Thank you so much, Elizabeth, for all you’ve shared this year. You are the best example I know of an author giving back to the writing community. Blessings to you, friend.

  24. Elspeth AntonelliDecember 30, 2009

    What a year! Pity about the jury duty, but you could just hang around the courthouse and hear trials. I agree with you about this blogging world; how I wish we weren’t all spread so far apart! (although it’s neat that we are).

    Best wishes for 2010; may your keyboard shiver with your inspirations.


  25. --DebDecember 30, 2009

    The whole year is obviously chock-full of great stuff, but I’m still stuck on your January lesson … you got knocked off of Jury duty because you’re a mystery writer? That’s hilarious!

  26. Tamika:December 30, 2009

    Sounds like a great year! Looking ahead gives me goosebumps. I sitting on the edge of my seat in anticipation.

  27. Elizabeth Spann CraigDecember 30, 2009

    Ann–I’m afraid that actually I have a really horrid memory! The nice thing about blogging daily is, though, that there’s this journal that’s happening at the same time! Good luck with yours. It really is a nice tool.

    Patricia–It’s definitely a lot more fun. Hope you have a great 2010, too!
    Teresa–Thanks so much! And to you, too. One of my goals this upcoming year is to manage my time better so I can spend more of it with family.

    Margot–Thanks so much! I hope you and your family have a happy and successful 2010.

    Cassandra–Thanks! The class I took helped me to catch on a lot quicker than I would have otherwise…and then blogging about it has gotten it set in my head!

    Ingrid–You’re so welcome. Hope they help! Happy New Year!

    Dorte–Getting kicked off jury duty was a mixed blessing, I guess. I was hoping I wouldn’t be involved in a really LONG trial, but I was interested *very* much in watching the proceedings for a criminal trial. Pooh.

    And you’re so right…with memory-challenged people like me, a blog really IS a web-blog. It really helps me to piece my memories together.

    Simon–Happy New Year! And thanks.

    Diane–I’ll check out your post! And, next time you’re in the Charlotte area, let me know. I don’t get out as much as you do!

    Mason–Hope they help! I found the class really, really helpful. Hope you have a wonderful new year!

    Jane–Thanks so much! I’ve enjoyed “Jane’s Ride,” too!

    And Happy 2010 to you…

    Marvin–Thanks for all your encouragement and being a blogging mentor for me during the blog class!

    Jan–You’re sweet! I really appreciate all the support you’ve given me this year. New years are always exciting for me…but a little scary, too. Because who knows what could happen!

    Jemi–Hope it helps you out!

    Corra–I’m glad you liked the links. The class was really helpful; I had no idea what I was doing when I started blogging.

    Karen–I appreciate that so much! I think I’m still working on the balance between writing and family. Happy 2010 to you, too!

    Deb–I did! Isn’t that funny? You have to fill out that jury questionnaire thingy and the defense attorney was not amused with the crime writing.

    A lawyer friend of mine said the rule of thumb with jury selection is to avoid the X factor. I guess I was the X factor!

    Kristen–I bet that being a missionary would DEFINITELY get you off jury duty! I saw one minister dismissed while I was there (it was a long day.) Then there was a lady who was mother to a policeman and she said, “I want to let you all know that I’m on the side of *law enforcement!* So she got dismissed before I did! Sounds like you would be in the same position. :) Great meeting you, too!

    Terry–That’s a good idea. Only so many retrospectives we can handle!

    I didn’t know what my jury number was, but I was called in right away. And dismissed right away. :) And then, of course, I had to wait there the rest of the day to see if another courtroom needed me. Which they didn’t. Oh well. It *would* have been a nice experience for me. :)

    Carol–Thanks! You too.

    Jen–I’ve missed seeing you, too! Glad you’ve got your new computer now. Hope you have a wonderful upcoming year!

    Winnie–The funny thing was that everyone was talking about what a drag it all was (jury duty) and I was more like a puppy that was pulling on a leash! I wouldn’t have wanted to be there for more than a couple of days, though–I had to arrange for my husband to be home in the afternoons when the kids got home from school.

    Judy–You’ve had computer problems, too? Jen has really gone through some issues. Computers are wonderful…when they work!

    Hope you have a wonderful 2010!

  28. Elizabeth Spann CraigDecember 30, 2009

    Glen–Same to you! And thanks.

    Elspeth–Same to you…as we do the Time Warp again! :)

    Tamika–I’m the same way. I like the fresh start, but thinking about challenges to come gives me the willies.

  29. Elizabeth BradleyDecember 31, 2009

    I am impressed. Good for you!

    2009 held tons of heartbreak for me, so I am not committing it to memory.

    I look forward to the new year.

  30. Lorel ClaytonDecember 31, 2009

    Busy year! Hope 2010 is even better. I’ve always wanted to be called for jury duty, but I never am. Best to remember not to mention anything about writing mysteries.

  31. Helen GingerDecember 31, 2009

    Elizabeth, it sounds to me like you not only have time management down, you have time memory down. You must keep a calendar. I couldn’t remember what I did month by month, for sure! You’re amazing.

    Straight From Hel

  32. Elizabeth Spann CraigDecember 31, 2009

    Elizabeth–I’m hoping 2010 is kinder to you. Sometimes it’s just a relief to get the year over. My year 2000 was like that.

    Helen–Well, I sort of cheated on that…having a web blog really helps keep track of the days!

    Lorel–I wouldn’t say a thing about it! :)

  33. AnonymousJanuary 2, 2010

    I’ve been looking all over for this!


  34. Elizabeth Spann CraigJanuary 4, 2010

    Anon–The blog info and blog tour info? Hope it helps.

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