What Does Your Character Want?

blog1 Someone wrote a wonderful post on gift wish lists and what our characters might want for Christmas. I hunted through blogs on my Google reader, but couldn’t find the link. (Getting even foggier than usual as Christmas approaches and the busy factor goes up!) If it was your post, please leave a link in the comments.

I thought it was an interesting post. We always think about what our characters want in the big picture. What do they want and how can we keep them from it? We’re all about creating conflict!

But what about the day to day little things? What does our character value? If they could compile a wish list for Christmas or a birthday, what kinds of things would be on there? What does their wish-list say about them?

My character, Myrtle? She values her independence most of all. Her most prized possession is her driver’s license. Her wish list? It wouldn’t have a thing on it. She’s self-sufficient, thank you, and doesn’t need a thing.

My character Lulu would love a set of knives. She loves spending time in the kitchen…and may also need some knives to deal effectively with all the killers that are suddenly lurking around her.

What would your characters put on their wish list?

Elizabeth Spann Craig

View posts by Elizabeth Spann Craig
Elizabeth writes the Memphis Barbeque series (as Riley Adams) and the Southern Quilting mysteries for Penguin and writes the Myrtle Clover series for Midnight Ink and independently. She also has a blog, which was named by Writer’s Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers. There she posts on the writing craft, finding inspiration in everyday life, and fitting writing into a busy schedule.


  1. VickiDecember 21, 2009

    My protagonist’s Christmas wish list would include peace. Not the world kind – well that, too – but a ceasefire between her two warring brothers. Oh, and her father’s killer behind bars.

    Merry Christmas, Elizabeth.

  2. Margot KinbergDecember 21, 2009

    Elizabeth – Thanks for reminding me! That blog you mentioned might be Cassandra Jade’s In the Realm. In that post, she asked readers to comment on what their chracter received as a gift, what they thought about it, and what they wanted. Folks, even if I’m wrong and this isn’t the blog Elizaveth meant, this is a terrific blog that I recommend.

    Now, to your question, which is a terrific one! My Joel Williams would want a nice new leather briefacse with a strap. He often carries journals, articles and student papers back and forth from his office to his home, and his own briefcase gets a beating. I know – it’s simple. But Joel’s a simple, practical guy; he’s not much of a one for fancy gifts.

  3. Jessica MarcantelDecember 21, 2009

    My character, Rose, would like a real Invisibility Cloak, and maybe a new brain so all those delusions will stop. :D

  4. Corra McFeydonDecember 21, 2009

    I sure am copying what I posted at Cassandra’s!:

    *My protagonist is uncomfortable being given gifts but reacts graciously; you can’t tell he’s flustered, but he is.

    The skeptic character (who actually runs the novel despite my best efforts) is an efficient gift opener and shows no emotion that isn’t natural. She’s difficult to impress and isn’t very moved by generosity. If she catches you watching her she’s annoyed.

    She’d be profoundly moved if the protagonist gave her a gift because he would know to do it in such a way she opened it in complete privacy and never had to acknowledge it.

    The main character (as opposed to the protagonist) would be pleased with anything you gave him, and if it was homemade he’d be touched. He wouldn’t mind being watched and wouldn’t likely need to fake a reaction because the very act of giving the gift would mean more to him than whatever he was unwrapping.*

    LOL. It was too long to resummarize. (Or else I’m too lazy.)

    Merry Christmas to you! :)

  5. Corra McFeydonDecember 21, 2009

    As to what they’d want:

    The protagonist would want a motorcycle, but he’d be fine with anything someone gave him. He rather not receive anything. Take him to a baseball game so it’s less awkward.

    The skeptic character: Music, books, clothes, music box, perfume, knicknacks, tickets to the opera. (She’s from 1864.)

    The main character: Toy soldiers, a picture of his father (a soldier away at war), books, a drum, a homemade cake. (He’s seven.)

    Fun post. :)

  6. Shannon MessengerDecember 21, 2009

    Hi! I just found your blog because I won your award (does it weird you out that something you made is being passed around?) I also won Marybeth’s gnome award and have somehow turned it into the award no one wants to win (I wasn’t *totally* alone in that. Frankie made it even worse. And Marybeth is all for it so it’s kinda funny). But don’t worry, I won’t do that to your award. ;)

    Anyway, what I’m trying to say, in the long rambling way I have is hi and I adore your blog so I hope you don’t mind that I’m following you now. (in the non stalkerish sense of the term)

    Oh, and as far as what my main character wants: Big picture: she wants to be normal and fit it (and poor girl, she’s never going to get it. I’m an evil, evil writer when it comes to my characters). Small picture, she’d probably be very happy with a book of Alchemy tips (she’s REALLY bad at Alchemy). I write Middle Grade Fantasy–if you can’t tell. Sorry, I’m rambling agin. My bad. :)

  7. Alan OrloffDecember 21, 2009

    My character, Josh Handelman, would like a new car. Due to some unfortunate circumstances, he’s stuck driving his father’s old Taurus.

    Either that, or a Sham-WOW!

  8. Alan OrloffDecember 21, 2009

    It’s early. I typo’d my character’s name! It’s Handleman.

    I need a nap.

  9. Karen WalkerDecember 21, 2009

    I don’t know yet, that’t he main problem. The character isn’t clear to me yet, nor is the story. Ah, well. Merry Christmas, Elizabeth, to you and your family.

  10. Bobbi MummDecember 21, 2009

    My character, Lucy Beam, would like to have old friends – ones she doesn’t feel a need to impress – with whom to share the holidays. She’s thrilled with her own little family, but feels that the friend part of her life is sadly lacking. Thanks, Elizabeth!

  11. Carol KilgoreDecember 21, 2009

    Good thought to ponder. Taylor would like something practical – maybe a cardigan. Will, on the other hand, would like a toy for his boat. And Jake . . . well, he’s more a giver. If he receives a gift, he wants it to be extremely personal.

  12. Jemi FraserDecember 21, 2009

    Great question – my mcs want to avenge the deaths of their families.

  13. Lorel ClaytonDecember 21, 2009

    This is fun! Problem with my wip’s fantasy world is there’s no Christmas (need to rectify that), but I’d like to go with Jemi’s answer–vengeance! Since that’s not very Christmassy, I’ll have to say love and freedom.

  14. L. Diane WolfeDecember 21, 2009

    I’ve passed through at least one or two Chrismtases with each of my characters, so I had to think about what each one liked. While I won’t give you a list, I will say this is something we writers need to think about!

  15. Marvin D WilsonDecember 21, 2009

    They all want people to buy Marvin’s books! (wink)

    The Old Silly

  16. Wendy @ All in a Day's ThoughtDecember 21, 2009

    I read a similar question. Lindsay wants to be able to trust. She also likely ordered a good deal of kitchen stuff she doesn’t need from UPS b/c she has a crush on the driver.
    ~ Wendy

  17. Jane Kennedy SuttonDecember 21, 2009

    I want to use Marvin’s answer!

    I think my main character, Barbie, might ask for new clothes. Hers seem to have shrunk while hanging in her closet.

  18. Tara McClendonDecember 21, 2009

    I love to think about things like this. My MC is a warrior, so she’d want the latest weapon.

  19. Kristen Torres-ToroDecember 21, 2009

    Hm… I don’t know my newest MC that well yet. We’re still in the introductory stages. But for some other characters. Hmm… Emily wants a camera. Rachel? A private dance tutor. :0)

  20. Helen GingerDecember 21, 2009

    My character could use some money or gift certificates for books. She’s finishing up her GED and wants to go on to college.

    Straight From Hel

  21. Terry OdellDecember 21, 2009

    Great post. I’m finding some of my characters are of the “impossible to buy for” variety now that you’ve made me think about it.

    My character, Frankie in When Danger Calls would have liked a new camera, but Ryan already gave her one.

    Ryan never wants anything for himself. He’s a covert ops specialist, a sniper by specialty. He’d rather not have anything related to that; he regards that part of his job as a necessary but unwelcome chore.

    Graham in my August 2010 release would like a crock pot. Now that he’s a detective, he won’t have the same hours as a Patrol cop. He’d really like parts for the Harley he’s rebuilding, too.

  22. Dorte HDecember 21, 2009

    I am really sorry I can´t tell you what Arnold Kickinbottom most desires, but that is because it will not be revealed until part 4 of my Christmas story.

    You know, some secrets are so secret that some types are ready to kill for them ;)

  23. Ann Elle AltmanDecember 21, 2009

    My main character, Sophia, would love a book of Sudoku and time alone to enjoy it.

    Theo, he’d want his wife to walk in the room and say, ‘Remember, dear, how we used to go walking by the river? Let’s go.’ That would be his greatest gift.


  24. Galen Kindley--AuthorDecember 21, 2009

    Why is it, unlike everyone else, I don’t have the first clue what my characters might like. Somehow, I don’t think that speaks very highly of my character development skills or imagination. Or, maybe I’m just a Scrooge.

    Best Regards, Galen.

    Imagineering Fiction Blog

  25. Elizabeth Spann CraigDecember 21, 2009

    Jessica–I’d like an Invisibility Cloak, too.

    Vicki –Your protagonist has got some conflict going on! Sounds like a good read.

    Margot –Of course it was Cassandra’s! I’m losing it for sure. Thanks so much, Margot! And there might have been another blog that did something similar, too, but my brain is too weak to remember it now.

    Joel would do well with a new briefcase! He’ll need it to keep his notes for his new cases in!
    Corra –These are some interesting characters! You’ve made me want to find out more. They’re definitely in different parts of their lives and have different interests.

    Shannon –That’s so funny! I wondered when that would happen with the award. I’m glad you popped over to my blog! Welcome. And congratualtions on your award.

    I think I’d like to fit in sometimes, too! That would be a novelty for me. I love the idea of a collection of Alchemy tips. :)
    yağmur–That’s a good one!

    Diane–It does make us think, doesn’t it?

    Marvin–I bought yours today, you marketing wiz!

    Wendy–THAT is funny! She’ll have to return the items through UPS so she can see him twice!

    Jane–Isn’t that the darnedest thing? :) Amazing how that happens.

    Alan –Ohh….old Taurus. And it’s still able to get around?

    No, Alan! It’s too early for a nap. :)

    Helen–An ambitious character! I love those.

    Ann Elle–Time! That would be a wonderful gift.

    I’m wondering if Theo’s wife has Alzheimer’s? Or if they’re just having a rift in their relationship right now.

  26. Elizabeth Spann CraigDecember 21, 2009

    Galen–We can say they’re satisfied with the status quo? That works for me!

  27. Elizabeth Spann CraigDecember 21, 2009

    Karen–It’s not a good first draft question, is it? My new characters in my current first draft?–I’ve got NO idea what they’d want. Not to be murdered, I guess. :)

    Happy Holidays to you, Karen!

  28. Elizabeth Spann CraigDecember 21, 2009

    Bobbi–She sounds like a really interesting character! She must really miss her old friends.

    Carol–Interesting insights into your characters!

    Jemi–Sounds like a lot of conflict going on for your characters, too!

    Lorel–Vengeance! And love and freedom. :) Quite a combo!

  29. Patricia StolteyDecember 21, 2009

    Lynnette wants to get away from the bad guys and the cops and feel safe, Willie wants peace and quiet and a good book about trees, and Sylvia wants to go to Boston’s on the Beach for lunch.

  30. Tamika:December 22, 2009

    My characters needs are always the center of my attention. Mainly because they go on and on!

    Grace wants a man.
    Shelton wants another bottle of anything.
    James wants a woman.
    Phillip wants his children.

    They all have major issues!

  31. carolynyalinDecember 21, 2009

    My little guy would like his family all together.

  32. Elizabeth Spann CraigDecember 22, 2009

    Tara–Always good to have a little firepower!

    Kristen–Rachel sounds interesting! We’ll have to keep an eye on her…

    Terry–Sounds like your characters are related to my family! I have hard-to-buy-for folks all over my list.

    Ryan maybe needs a bullet proof vest? Or he might have that covered?

    Graham is right about the crockpot. Makes a world of difference when you’re busy!

    Dorte–Ah…secrets that end in murder! The very best kind!
    Carolyn–Hope he gets what he wants!

    Patricia–I think I like Willie!

    Tamika–At least they know what they want! They sound like strong characters.

  33. Rayna M. IyerDecember 22, 2009

    I love characters that know what they want. We all know what we need, but to know what we want is a gift. A bigger gift is to be able to get what we want, but that’s a different story.

  34. Elizabeth Spann CraigDecember 22, 2009

    Rayna–And sometimes what we want isn’t necessarily what’s good for us!

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