Using Pinterest for Pinspiration

by Kendel Lynn, @kendel_lynn
When I first heard
of Pinterest, I wanted to cry. Another social networking site to use, learn,
master? Can’t be done. It’s asking too much of me. 
I can barely handle Twitter
and Goodreads, and I’m not on the Facebook or Google Plus, Tumblr, LinkedIn, Instagram,
Snapchat, StatWatch. (I made that last one up.) However, someone kindly took
the time to show me what Pinterest truly was, and once I figured it out, and
how it worked for me, I was hooked.
Pinterest is a way
to organize all those beautiful pictures you see every day, from the delicious
torte you’d love to make (but never will) to the beach you’d love to visit (and
hopefully will). And for us creative types, it’s a visual playground of inspiration.
In one weekend, I created boards for different aspects of my protagonist’s
world. While Elliott Lisbon comes to life on the printed page, she’s viewed in
vibrant color on the Pinterest page.
I spent hours
finding the perfect images for her cottage: adorable yellow rain boots on a
shelf with a wooden sailboat and a starfish, a charming blue cottage door, a
hammock on the porch with overstuffed pillows, and of course, her MINI Cooper
Convertible parked on the sand! While most of these are not described in BOARD STIFF, these photos embody the spirit of her beachside living. And I so want to
visit her there!
Seven boards later,
I had a pictorial of her world, the parties she attends, the foundation where
she works, and even her enviable wardrobe. Later I added specific boards for
each of her stories: SWITCH BACK (in OTHER PEOPLE’S BAGGAGE) and BOARD STIFF. Random
and fun and beautiful windows into each story.
Pinterest offers us
a way to engage readers outside the printed page, to share moments inside a
character’s life, long after the cover is closed. Have you ever finished a
book, then sat there wishing you could spend just a little more time inside?
Wouldn’t it be nice if Warner Brothers built every writer a theme park? Why
should Harry Potter have all the fun?! Until then, we can create our own
Pinterest-land and give all our readers tickets to the best rides.
Explore your visual
creativity, not just the written one. I enjoy browsing for just the right
pictures, and even if no one ever sees my collections, I visit them and add to
them and love them all the same.
Have I given you
Pinspiration? I hope so – now send me your pins!
Kendel Lynn is a
Southern California native who now parks her flip-flops in Dallas, Texas. She
read her first Alfred Hitchcock and the Three Investigators at the age of seven
and has loved mysteries ever since. Her debut novel, BOARD STIFF, won several literary
competitions, including the Zola Award for Mystery/Suspense. 
Along with writing
and reading, she spends her time as the managing editor of Henery Press where
she acquires, edits, and figures out ways to avoid the gym but still eat
cupcakes for dinner.

Elizabeth Spann Craig

View posts by Elizabeth Spann Craig
Elizabeth writes the Memphis Barbeque series (as Riley Adams) and the Southern Quilting mysteries for Penguin and writes the Myrtle Clover series for Midnight Ink and independently. She also has a blog, which was named by Writer’s Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers. There she posts on the writing craft, finding inspiration in everyday life, and fitting writing into a busy schedule.


  1. Margot KinbergMay 1, 2013

    Elizabeth – Thanks for hosting Kendel.

    Kendel – Pinterist is an interesting new way to share, and it can be useful both in terms of author presence and in terms of inspiration. Thanks for sharing how you use it.

  2. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsMay 1, 2013

    Kendel–Thanks so much for posting today. I love the way you’re looking at Pinterest as a way to inspire you…and treating it as not just another promo platform. I have a Pinterest presence, but I haven’t explored the site for inspiration. Since I have a tough time with description, I think it would help a lot to look for similar settings and characters there. Thanks!

  3. YVONNE LEWIS:May 1, 2013

    A great post to read and extremely well written.

    I would like to thank you for joining my followers and the kind comment.
    My book will not be ready until next year as I have a winter holiday in the US planned also to visit my son in Spain in the summer.

  4. JoelMay 1, 2013

    I’m gonna go straight sideways with your idea, Kendel.

    I’m always telling my marketing clients to know their ideal prospect, the one person they’d really love to connect with (authors, too, need to write for that one perfect reader.)

    I’ve always had them write out a vivid description, and “find one or two appropriate photos.” THAT’S gonna change. Now I’m going to suggest a full-on world in Pinterest, so they can keep growing their imaginary profile as they get to know their perfect reader better and better over time.

  5. Susan ElizabethMay 1, 2013

    Elizabeth – I love all of these fun topics you track down for your readers :)

    Kendel – When you’re designing Elliot Lisbon’s world (rain boots and sailboats) are you sharing others’ pins or are you creating brand new images?

  6. Kendel LynnMay 1, 2013

    Hi Susan, I probably re-pin from Pinterest boards more than anything, though if I can’t find the right image, I pop out to the Google machine and see what I can find. And I definitely don’t take my own pics (unless my cell phone camera counts!). Thanks for reading! – Kendel

  7. ~Sia McKye~May 1, 2013

    Kendel, I would have never thought about using Pinterest like that. Makes perfect sense.


  8. L. Diane WolfeMay 1, 2013

    That’s a really unique way to use Pinterest. I hadn’t thought to make boards for my characters.

  9. TamekaMay 1, 2013

    I love using Pinterest for this very thing. Seeing my characters’ world really brings them to life for me!

  10. Alex J. CavanaughMay 1, 2013

    Give me an extra hour in the day and I might join.

  11. Susan Gourley/KelleyMay 2, 2013

    Your Pinterest story sounds just like mine. I resisted and then I loved it.

  12. S ChippendaleMay 2, 2013

    I never thought of pinning for individual characters. What a wonderful idea, especially if you take a few days off writing and need to submerge yourself back in a characters world. Thanks for sharing.

  13. Gina GaoMay 2, 2013

    This is a really awesome post! I’ve never used my Pinterest, but I guess I’ll go ahead and use it now.

  14. Doreen PendgracsJune 6, 2013

    I love Pinterest. As you say, it gives you a place to file images that make you feel good or inspire you. If I ever feel glum, I just look at my Pinterest boards where I’ll find chocolate, culinary treats, travel, cats and more. I’m going to check out your boards. You’ll find mine at Chocolatour.

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