Using Google Calendar to Stay Organized

blog6Right now I’m using two tools to keep my calendar organized. I really had to do something new because I suddenly had a ton of stuff going on—book club meetings, a library talk, guests on my blog, my guest posts on others’ blogs…plus the usual dental appointments, the children’s events, family/friend birthdays, etc. I was waking up at night worrying that something was going to fall through the cracks.

What’s really working for me right now is using 2 different methods—the old-fashioned wall calendar method plus Google Calendar.

The reason Google Calendar is working so well for me is because I have a smart phone that syncs to that calendar. So I have the calendar with me at all times. I have to admit that it’s really nice. When someone asks me if I’m free to do something on a particular day, I don’t have to say, “Can I check my calendar and call you back?” It’s just so nice to open the calendar on my phone and check the date and save myself a phone call (I’m no fan of talking on the phone anyway.)

Another really, really nice thing about using Google Calendar (particularly if you can sync it to your phone) is that I can copy/paste from different emails right into the calendar.

For example, say I’ve got an email for an event of some kind (writing-related or personal). The email might list things that to bring with me to the event, might give directions to the venue, might have the time the event starts and stops. I just select all, copy, and paste it to the corresponding date on the Google Calendar. Then I’ve got it right there, easily accessible on both my laptop and my phone.

Or it might be an interview request. Lately I had a couple of different blog interviews. The questions were in the body of the email. I pasted the email into the date on my calendar that I needed to turn it in…and set reminders for earlier. Several times when I was out and I had dead time waiting for something, I took out my phone, read the questions, and jotted down answers to email later on my always-handy notebook.

You can also share your calendar out with someone else. Not that that other person might read the calendar like intended. :) But it is nice to know that, if somehow I went missing (I’m a murder mystery writer, so these thoughts are always in the back of my head), that my calendar could be accessed to see where I was supposed to be.

My wall calendar is really needed, too—it’s best for spotting potential conflicts on the calendar. Sometimes I just have to see it all laid out on paper. My wall calendar is posted on my garage door where I have to see it when I go in and out of the house.

What are you using to stay organized? Do you use Google Calendar or something else?

Elizabeth Spann Craig

View posts by Elizabeth Spann Craig
Elizabeth writes the Memphis Barbeque series (as Riley Adams) and the Southern Quilting mysteries for Penguin and writes the Myrtle Clover series for Midnight Ink and independently. She also has a blog, which was named by Writer’s Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers. There she posts on the writing craft, finding inspiration in everyday life, and fitting writing into a busy schedule.


  1. trainee writerApril 29, 2011

    I feel really stupid.I did not know there was a google calendar.I usually just forget things, get confused then panic.Already this month my daughter has missed a hair cut and a dentist appointment because i forgot.Don`t even mention the writing targets i never seem to reach.I will have a look at it thanks.

  2. HeatherApril 29, 2011

    I use an old fashioned pocket calendar, which can be a pain. I didn’t know google had a calendar like that. Thanks for the heads up, I’ll definitely be trying it out!

  3. Manon EileenApril 29, 2011

    Yes…. Yay for Google Calendar! I use it a lot :)

  4. Mallory SnowApril 29, 2011

    I just got a new iPod not too long ago and I love using it to keep myself on track. I have a task list/calendar for work and home and then a separate one just for my writing tasks. These are both apps, only because I couldn’t find an app for Google Calendar that displayed the way I wanted to.

    Google Calendar is also a great way to display your calendar on your website for, say, showing your blog schedule or your tour schedule. They offer the ability to customize a code that you can then paste into a page on your website. Really cool feature!

  5. Karen WalkerApril 29, 2011

    This is the one area where I have remained old-fashioned. I tried a PDA a few years ago,and just didn’t like it, so I still use a day planner which I carry with me at all times so I know what I’m doing and have my phone numbers, etc.

  6. Sierra GardnerApril 29, 2011

    I use Google calendar and an old fashioned planner. Eventually one of these days I’ll get an Iphone or tablet and then be an exclusively Google calendar type of girl.

  7. Margot KinbergApril 29, 2011

    Elizabeth – Thanks for this input. I have to confess, I don’t use Google calendar. For personal and family things I use the old-fashioned kind of wall calendar. For work things I use Microsoft Outlook’s calender. But you’ve made Google Calendar seem really attractive; I’m going to have to check it out.

  8. The Daring NovelistApril 29, 2011

    That reminds me, I’ve been meaning to ask you for an interview. (Must remember to put that on my calendar….)

    I know a lot of people who like Google Calendar and its ability to sync. I have some convoluted methods of my own, and just hate to give them up. (I don’t have an iPhone, though, so syncing would be a more manual process.)

  9. L. Diane WolfeApril 29, 2011

    I have a calendar on my new iPhone that I’m trying to get used to using. But I still write down everything on a big calendar, too!

  10. Hart JohnsonApril 29, 2011

    Man, I sure better get a smart phone before I’m famous. I have a lot of trouble. Though the Google calendar DOES seem a lot smarter way than most, as I almost always am near a computer.

  11. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsApril 29, 2011

    Heather–Hope it’ll help you out! :)

    Trainee Writer–Oh believe me, I’ve dropped the ball, too. Not since adopting this new method, though. After I dropped the ball several BIG times in a row, I realized I needed to figure out a new method (i.e.–one that worked!)

    Mallory–The Google Calendar took me a little while to adjust to, I’ll admit. You have the iPod Touch? I’ve heard good things about it.

    I didn’t know about that, Mallory–thanks! Maybe I could open a separate calendar just for my blog/website? I know there’s a way to add several calendars–I’d need to do that or else everyone on my blog would be bored by my dog’s heartworm pill schedule and all the other random stuff on my calendar. :)

    Manon–So helpful, isn’t it?

    Diane–I think I’ll always have to have both, because somehow I just can’t see conflicts on the calendar unless it’s on paper.

    Hart–And I always have Google up. *Always!* I’m either pulling up quick research or I’ve got my Google Reader up, or my Gmail program…it’s so easy to access the Google calendar (and no, I don’t work for Google, but I’m thinking they should owe me for such a great plug! :) )

  12. Alex J. CavanaughApril 29, 2011

    I need to try that. Sync it up with my iPad.

  13. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsApril 29, 2011

    Karen–I was a day planner person for a really long time…but then I kept losing the day planner! The nice thing about this is that there’s a backup on the computer if I lose my phone (God forbid!)

    Sierra–It’s very addicting, I’ll admit!

    Alex–And you’d be all set!

    Margot–Recently, Microsoft Outlook (which I use as my family email) has been bombing REALLY badly. Honestly, I don’t know what’s going on. It’s definitely having a conflict with something (or with itself). I’m thinking about reinstalling it. Bleh.

    The Daring Novelist–I say, don’t mess with success! And–I’d love an interview. :)

  14. Maryann MillerApril 30, 2011

    Have you spied on my office and decided I needed some help? LOL I still have the “scraps of paper” method of keeping track of things. And do you know how many sticky notes you can put on the side of your computer tower?

    I keep trying to get better with some kind of organization. II decided to buy a small notebook and write everything in it, but that didn’t work when some note that hadn’t been dealt with got lost on a page with everything else crossed out.

    I’m sure I just need to make up my mind to try something like the Google calendar.

  15. Mallory SnowMay 1, 2011

    Yes, I LOVE my iPod Touch! I can’t believe my husband actually had to talk me into it (I never buy new things for myself). Now I can’t go anywhere without it. There really is an app for everything!

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