Using Blog Posts as Resources

by Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraig
I usually do all of my link sharing on
Sundays, but I thought what I’d do today is to share a couple of recent links
I’ve found helpful…and also share some posts that I find myself coming back to
often to re-read.
Porter Anderson in his Publishing
last Tuesday
, linked to a Tumblr
by Fight Club writer Chuck Palahniuk.  In it, Palahniuk pointed out that characters
who think can be dangerous. :) Thinking words need a bit of the show-don’t-tell
treatment.  Palahniuk also tells why
solitude is bad for our characters. Check the links for more information.
I also came across another link I found
interesting yesterday, on a similar topic. Self-Editing
for Everyone Part 4: The Weakeners
by Bridget McKenna. This post has a nice
list of filler words (and other types of pitfalls) to look out for in our
writing.  I’m always careful here to note
that we don’t have to eliminate all of
these—but it’s helpful to go through our writing and see if we’re using these
words as crutches.
Here are some older posts that I
frequently refer to. I liked these posts because they offered something a
little different from most writing craft posts and because they got me
thinking.  Other than that…the posts have
very little in common.
Acting Out (a
technique for breaking acts and then adding twists, plot direction) by Lilla Zuckerman for Save the Cat!
Logline Library compiled for
The Script Lab.  I somehow find this site fascinating
(probably says a lot about my state of mind.) I love seeing complex stories
being successfully reduced to a few words.
What do you do with favorite posts that
you want to refer back to?  I use the
free version of Evernote to organize my
favorite tips.  I usually do a pass
through them right before editing or when I feel a bit stuck. The important
thing, I think, is not to get immobilized by all the good ideas—but to have
them there as reference when we need them.
And I’ve got to plug Mike Fleming’s and
my search engine…if you don’t want to bookmark and you’d rather search a topic
when you need it, you can pull up all the posts I’ve shared on .  It’s free.
Have you got favorite posts? How do you
organize them?

Elizabeth Spann Craig

View posts by Elizabeth Spann Craig
Elizabeth writes the Memphis Barbeque series (as Riley Adams) and the Southern Quilting mysteries for Penguin and writes the Myrtle Clover series for Midnight Ink and independently. She also has a blog, which was named by Writer’s Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers. There she posts on the writing craft, finding inspiration in everyday life, and fitting writing into a busy schedule.


  1. Hilary Melton-ButcherAugust 12, 2013

    Hi Elizabeth – thanks for all of these .. my blogging life is muddled to put it mildly and needs to get sorted – great tips here ..

    .. and I really need to start using Evernote – thanks for the thumbs up there ..

    You give us great examples, while keeping those standards yourself .. Cheers Hilary

  2. Margot KinbergAugust 12, 2013

    Elizabeth – Thanks for sharing those posts. I love being able to find different perspectives on writing. And I have become a big fan of WKB. It’s such a good resource for everything writing.

  3. Karen WalkerAugust 12, 2013

    Elizabeth, you are such a great resource for writing tips that I’ve created an Elizabeth’s tips folder I put these things into.

  4. Alex J. CavanaughAugust 12, 2013

    I don’t organize – I just visit your database!
    Filler words – that one I definitely need to read.

  5. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsAugust 12, 2013

    Hilary–Evernote is a wonderful site and I haven’t needed to upgrade to the paid version…seems like free suits me well. :)

    Margot–Thanks so much!

    Alex–It’s an interesting post, for sure.

  6. Stephen TrempAugust 12, 2013

    These are good links. Thanks for posting. I’m off to check out 6 Secrets to Creating and Sustaining Suspense by Steven James for Writer’s Digest.

  7. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsAugust 12, 2013

    Stephen–That was a great one. :) And I don’t even have too much suspense in my cozies! But I love reading about it.

    Karen–Thanks! :) Hope the tips help.

  8. Hart JohnsonAugust 12, 2013

    Oh, great list of links here! I’ve just spend a weekend editing and some of these really hit home. Those first two, in particular–using a wordcloud highlighted how badly I do both of those!

  9. L. Diane WolfeAugust 12, 2013

    I copy and save some in a Word file, which came in handy when I was writing my last book.

  10. Roland D. YeomansAugust 12, 2013

    Alex cheats, using your posts — but then so do I. :-)

    I had to visit the post by John Yeoman — last name and all.

    Thanks for all the helpful posts!

  11. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsAugust 12, 2013

    Hart–I know what you mean!

    Diane–Good way to be able to access them…then you can do a search with Microsoft Explorer for them.

    Roland–That’s what they’re there for! :)

    And…ha! Yes, I’ve almost switched your Twitter handle with John Yeoman’s a couple of times, because I go too often by memory. If that happens, you’ll know why!

  12. Diane KrauseAugust 13, 2013

    Elizabeth — I’m late to the party, but thank you for another great post!

    I do also use blog posts as resources (including yours, of course). And I too use Evernote as my go-to tool. It’s so easy to clip good articles, posts and URLs, add tags, and save them for future reference. I love Evernote!

    Thanks for including your saved posts — I’m sure I’ll be clipping some of these to Evernote.

  13. Julie MusilAugust 13, 2013

    Like Alex, I visit your database when I need help! But knowing these posts are go-to places for you definitely narrows it down. I’m visiting each of these tomorrow, when I can keep my eyes open :)

  14. Rochelle BarlowAugust 14, 2013

    What a great list of posts. I was about to jump into bed, but I couldn’t stop myself from reading at least half of the posts. I’ll have to come back tomorrow.

    I love love Evernote. I also pin them so that others can find them too and for a visual reference. I have started to utilize y’all’s awesome database: it’s awesome!

  15. ShopnerkothaAugust 22, 2013

    Thanks Elizabeth.Great work My friend looking for few buy essays. That time i found your blog.Nice.

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