

Originally, I despised the whole idea of Twitter. Now, I’ve got to give Twitter a big thumbs-up. Want to find out what I think its advantages are? Please pop over and visit Terry’s Place, where I’m guest blogging today.

Yes, it’s a teaser. :) They’re very useful on Twitter, too—and a great way to drum up blog traffic.

Elizabeth Spann Craig

View posts by Elizabeth Spann Craig
Elizabeth writes the Memphis Barbeque series (as Riley Adams) and the Southern Quilting mysteries for Penguin and writes the Myrtle Clover series for Midnight Ink and independently. She also has a blog, which was named by Writer’s Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers. There she posts on the writing craft, finding inspiration in everyday life, and fitting writing into a busy schedule.


  1. Terry OdellNovember 10, 2009

    Thanks for being my guest. And for another look at social networking, check out the Doonesbury cartoon at the end of my blog on Monday.

    The other extreme, perhaps. I confess I didn’t fully understand all the terminology!

  2. Mason CanyonNovember 10, 2009

    I’m with you. I don’t understand all the terminology either. It’s like learning another language. But we must to keep up.

  3. Kristen Torres-ToroNovember 10, 2009

    Hey, Elizabeth! You pretty much have me convinced. Right now I’m not sure as to the time factor, and since I’m not published/in submission, I might wait for a little while longer. Then again, I guess I am supposed to be building my platform… thanks!

  4. Maryann MillerNovember 10, 2009

    Very helpful information. Thanks for breaking it all down for us. Now I just need to learn how to use the technology. :-)

  5. Karen WalkerNovember 10, 2009

    okey, I’m heading over there.

  6. TaraNovember 10, 2009

    There might be a time when I give in and start tweeting. I’ll keep your post in mind.

  7. Elspeth AntonelliNovember 10, 2009

    I’m slowly getting the hang of it. I have found it great for finding useful links from other writers. Heading over to Terry’s blog now!


  8. Tamika:November 10, 2009

    I’m heading over. Twitter is a big toss up for me. I am still debating.

  9. David CranmerNovember 10, 2009

    I still haven’t brought myself to make the Twitter leap. But I will zip over to your other blog and maybe be persuaded.

  10. The Old SillyNovember 10, 2009

    Oh goody – I’ll have to tweet this! ;)

    Marvin D Wilson

  11. Elizabeth Spann CraigNovember 10, 2009

    Terry–Thanks so much for having me!

    Mason–Once the initial hurdle is over, Twitter is pretty easy to use.

    Marvin–Oh, Tweet! :)

    Kristen–Let me know when you join up so I can follow you!

    Maryann–It took me about 3 days of light usage (15 minute sessions) to feel comfortable with it.


  12. Crystal Clear ProofingNovember 10, 2009

    Well that was my next stop anyway. I can hardly wait to type this and get over there because I just plain don’t “get” Twitter at all!

  13. Elizabeth Spann CraigNovember 10, 2009

    Crystal–I had to play around with it a lot. And I sent out some tweets that didn’t work (I did an @ reply instead of an RT @, etc.) It takes a little practice.

    Tara–Let me know if you sign up and I’ll follow you!

  14. Judy HarperNovember 10, 2009

    I haven’t ever Twittered (?) before. I did read your post on Terry Odell’s site. After reading the many uses of Twitter, I’m going to give it a try. thanks!

  15. Jane Kennedy SuttonNovember 10, 2009

    I’m still not sure about Twitter so I have to go find out why you give it a thumbs-up.

  16. Elizabeth Spann CraigNovember 10, 2009

    Jane–I know we got on Twitter at about the same time. It’s only been in the last couple of months that I’ve really hit my stride there.

  17. Elizabeth Spann CraigNovember 10, 2009


  18. Elizabeth Spann CraigNovember 10, 2009


  19. Stephen TrempNovember 10, 2009

    I’ll tweet to that.

    Stephen Tremp

  20. Elizabeth Spann CraigNovember 10, 2009

    David and Stephen–Thanks for popping by!

  21. GlynisNovember 10, 2009

    I was against Twitter, but am converted. I have found so many new supporters and resources through the network.

  22. L. Diane WolfeNovember 10, 2009

    I will go look, as I’ve not figured them out since I joined a year ago.

  23. Elizabeth Spann CraigNovember 10, 2009

    Glynis–Another convert like me! Yes, the resources are fantastic there.

    Diane–It wasn’t easy for me to get into, but I’m glad I have.

    Judy–Good luck with it! Give yourself a few days to a week to get used to it. And let me know your address for Twitter when you get one and I’ll be sure to follow you!

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