Tips on Author Websites

Robin with friend and Trixie, 1952 by Peter Samuelson (20thc.) As I make blog rounds and visit Tweeted links, sometimes I can see a pattern of interest in a subject over the course of the week. This week I kept running into tips on tweaking our author websites. Or…maybe I was subconsciously interested in the topic and those were the links I kept clicking on.

Website designing software has gotten so easy to use that most of us are able to come up with a simple design, then maintain and update our own sites.

I’ll admit that I’m not a decorating type of girl. As you can see from my blog. :) Not a whole lot going on, aesthetically, on the blog. In fact, the Blogger template was called “Minimalistic.” My eyes have a hard time reading anything but black on white, so I went with what was easiest for me, since I’m spending the most time on the blog.

The website is a little different. I do think websites should pop a little bit.

These are the sites I came across this week. I think I need to spruce up my website a little, so I’m going to use some of the tips I came across. And, unfortunately, H1N1 has hit my house (courtesy of my son) and so I may be spending some quiet time around the house the next few days. Or longer. Or maybe we’ll all end up with it and I’ll talk to y’all again in a month. :)

The Book Publicity Blog, which is new to me, seems to be a good resource for many different things. I’m linking to their post on author websites. Most interesting point this article made: including your contact info for your agent. I never would have thought of doing that. So Ellen—I’m putting your info on there now!

Literary agent Nathan Bransford’s post on author websites. Most interesting point: Be very, very careful about posting excerpts from a book you’re hoping to have published.

And this site just seems hilarious to me: The Intern. Basically, it’s written by a young woman who’s been working (for free) for a publishing company. She’s seems really witty and sharp—fun to read. I’ve linked to her post on websites. Most interesting point (and I’m quoting directly):

INTERN gets confused if the author website the author provides doubles as the author’s personal ferret photo collection/manga link farm/news feeds from other random websites, and one has to sift through all this other stuff to find writing-related information. Save your author website for content directly related to your writerly self (and/or your professional self, if applicable). Please?

I’m going to look at these tips and brush up my site, which I usually neglect doing in favor to spending time with my blog.

On a separate note: There’s a fairly good chance I’ll come down with swine flu. Not only was there flu present at the Hannah Montana sleepover that I chaperoned last night (a girl fessed up that she hadn’t been to school that day because she had flu–and had missed school all the past week suffering from it. MOM—What are you thinking?!?!?! This mom may end up as a victim in my next murder mystery…) but it’s in my own house now, too. Is there anyone who’d like to write a guest post for this blog? Y’all know the kind of thing I stick on here. Or you could write something different.

If you’re interested, please just email me a story, links, photos. I’ll throw them up on the blog. I usually like to post very early in the morning…except, well, for today. Because of Hannah Montana and the fact that my air mattress had a hole in it and my bony back was on a gym floor. :) So you could email it to me the night before and I’d schedule it for the next morning.

I’ll take the first 7 people, for right now. I think I’m going to be on Lysol and Clorox wipe duty for a bit, even if I stay healthy, so it might be nice to grab a quiet week. Thanks, y’all.

Elizabeth Spann Craig

View posts by Elizabeth Spann Craig
Elizabeth writes the Memphis Barbeque series (as Riley Adams) and the Southern Quilting mysteries for Penguin and writes the Myrtle Clover series for Midnight Ink and independently. She also has a blog, which was named by Writer’s Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers. There she posts on the writing craft, finding inspiration in everyday life, and fitting writing into a busy schedule.


  1. Journaling WomanOctober 24, 2009

    I would love to, but I don’t know enough about correct writing (fiction) to help you. I just muddle writing by desire through reading about writing and writing my academic and job related technical stuff. Maybe some day.

    Drink lots of fluids (coffee doesn’t count), my nurse friends say, and vitamin C. It will help hurry the flu along. Good luck.

  2. Margot KinbergOctober 24, 2009

    Elizabeth – Thanks for those tips on author websites. Very useful as I ponder what to do for my own online stuff.

    I’m really sorry to hear that swine flu has caught up with your family. I agree with you about that mom, too! I mean, COME ON!!

    I’ll be happy to guest-blog, too, for you. Please just Facebook message me or Tweet me and let me know what day you’d like me to step in. Take care of all of you!

  3. JanelOctober 24, 2009

    You really wonder about the way some people rationalize things. Hmmm … a “free” night without my daughter or spreading a nasty virus?

    Hang in there. Find some tasty tea and maybe eat some yogurt. The good bacteria is supposed to help fight off the bad stuff.

  4. Dorte HOctober 24, 2009

    Very useful links. When I began posting some of my flash fiction on my blog, I didn´t realize anyone would consider them ´published´.

    And I agree with everybody else: kill off that mom (and perhaps her silly daughter as well) the sooner the better! But hopefully you will escape the flu altogether – if not, I am certainly going to miss your blog.

  5. Jemi FraserOctober 24, 2009

    We’ve got folks getting closer with H1N1 here as well. It sure spreads quickly. I hear upping Vitamin D is supposed to help ward it off as well. But there are so many rumours… I hope your son feels better soon!

    Thanks for the great links :)

  6. Glen AllisonOctober 24, 2009

    Very helpful, this blog post. I’m going to retweet it. And I’ll guest blog for you, if you need it. Tweet DM me at glen_allison.

  7. Rayna M. IyerOctober 24, 2009

    Good grief, Elizabeth. What was that mother thinking? Being the victim in your next murder mystery is too good for her – make her the murderer and write how she is terminated on the electric chair (I am against the death penalty, though you would not guess reading this).

    Take care. Lots of fluids and rest should hopefully help you get over it faster.

  8. Michele EmrathOctober 24, 2009

    As a mother and repeat victim of child-born diseases, my empathy is with you! I hope it’s not H1N1 (I refuse to call it swine flu on the chance it hits my house, in which case I will definitely NOT say I or mine have “swine” flu), and merely the flu. Flu is “merely” this year.

    You and I have different writing styles, and I am an un-published author, but I would be happy and honored to guest blog. Do you have any topics you’d like covered or is it up to the guest?

    (Oh, and this is a re-post b/c of multiple grammar errors. so sorry.)

  9. L. Diane WolfeOctober 24, 2009

    That mom wasn’t thinking! Kill her off in your next book, and you’ll feel better…

    Thanks for the tips on those sites – will check them out now.

  10. Helen GingerOctober 24, 2009

    Get prepared for the Hini Flu to hit you (the first time I saw a British news release on the H1N1, it looked like Hini, so that’s what I’m calling it). My son brought it home from college and I, of course, got it. I’m now getting better. Still have a residual cough.

    Water is best, but coffee still fills my cup in the mornings.


    Straight From Hel

  11. Elspeth AntonelliOctober 24, 2009

    Keep your cool, Elizabeth and push the liquids. My youngest is stoic as well, my other two get “crashy” which means they just lay about like quiet lumps. It looks as if your week is covered, but if you need a spare post, let me know.

    I’ve another internet friend in Raleigh; she caight it about 2 weeks ago.

    Pelt that Mom with some banana peels. Sheesh.


  12. The Old SillyOctober 24, 2009

    Thanks for the sites links. Sheesh, swine flu? You know, the LOA can make it a reality if you focus too much on it. Try and keep your mind on good health. We get what we “ask” for with our focus. I may have a guest post you could use – I’ll email you.

    Oh, and if you DO ( but I don’t believe you will, not gonna go there) get sick, here’s a little joke to help your mood:

    Why did the pig jump off the tall building?

    Because he heard that swine flu!

    Marvin D Wilson

  13. Elizabeth Spann CraigOctober 24, 2009

    Glen–Thanks! And thanks for taking on the Thursday spot.

    Journaling Woman–You do a great job with your muddling! And thanks for the vitamin C tip.

    Rayna–That plotline might become especially appealing if my daughter ends up sick from attending the sleepover! Not to mention the 110 other little girls there.

    Diane–It’s very cathartic, killing people on paper. :)

    Margot–Thanks so much! And thanks for taking on my Wednesday spot.

    Janel–Tea sounds really good right now. :) And I have a lot of yogurt in the fridge (Yoplait coupons last week), so I’ll definitely take your tip and we’ll all start eating some.

    Helen–Oooh..I like that. Hini flu! Too funny! Son’s fever has spiked up like crazy, but at for some reason it doesn’t seem to be making him feel too awful. A good thing.

    Dorte–I’m into taking all kinds of herbal stuff now, to see if I can ward it off. :) I call it voodoo, but we’ll see. I was actually going to do excerpts from my prepubbed stuff. An editor stopped me.

    Jemi–He’s one of those stoic kids, so seems to be okay. But his head is as hot as Hades. 102 and counting now. I’ll check into the Vitamin D. At this point I’m doing anything I can think of!

    Marvin–That sounds good to me! I make come up with an ‘I’m well’ mantra or something. And take all my voodoo herbs, as well!

  14. Watery TartOctober 24, 2009

    Urgh! Elizabeth, I really hope you don’t end up sick! I hope your ill family member recovers quickly (and honestly, I hope it’s your hubby, only because it is supposed to be so much worse for kids)

    Thanks for the helpful info! I’d volunteer, but I feel like your readers are used to actual useful information rather than nudist exhibitions… (you set a high bar)

  15. Elspeth AntonelliOctober 24, 2009

    Saturdayish,Sundayish, whateverish you wish! I’ll get it to you this week.


  16. Elizabeth BradleyOctober 24, 2009

    I wish you and your family well. Hopefully it won’t be a bad case, my son had it and he didn’t suffer too bad, not anymore than the regular flu.

  17. Elizabeth Spann CraigOctober 24, 2009

    Hart–It’s my 7th grader. He’s been in the bed all afternoon with a really high temp, coughing, etc. Sigh. Apparently, they’re sitting on the Tamiflu supply unless it’s a baby, diabetic, or asthmatic. We definitely don’t qualify (thankfully), so we’re just going to wait it out.

    No, it’s Open Mic week! Feel free to write a post if you want (but you’re gearing up for NaNo…I think you’ll have your fill of writing very soon!)

    Michele–Unfortunately, Charlotte is rife with H1N1 right now. They aren’t letting kids under 18 into hospitals as visitors here now…until the epidemic is over. And our pediatrician has a sign on the door that you have to wear a mask when you come in. Bleh. Sounds like Raleigh, NC, isn’t so bad?

    That sounds great! No, totally up to you. It’s interesting to get different perspectives on writing. And link it all up to your blog as a promo thing. We all like to find new places to visit! :)

    Elizabeth–Oh, I’m so glad. That’s what a couple of the moms have told me here, too. He’s one sick boy right now, but maybe in a few days he’ll be better.


  18. Elizabeth Spann CraigOctober 24, 2009

    Elspeth–You have boys, too? My daughter would be a different story, but whenever I ask my son how he is, he says, “Fine.” Even though sweat is pouring out of him! He’s been very, very thirsty so that has helped me with pushing liquids.

    Oh I could use another helper, if you’re up for it! :) I could run it on Saturdayish?

  19. Elizabeth Spann CraigOctober 25, 2009

    Elspeth–Awesome! I may never blog again! :)

  20. Lorel ClaytonOctober 25, 2009

    Hope your son gets better soon and that you and the rest of your household avoids the plague. I’ve got to stop procrastinating and get my H1N1 vaccine. They’re free here in oz so I have no excuse other than poor organization.

  21. ChrisOctober 26, 2009

    Have the swine flu myself for the last two weeks. If you get it, get ready for a long, drawn out battle.

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