Talking to Book Clubs

uwharrie I’m looking forward to meeting with a book club tonight at Uwharrie Books in Locust, North Carolina.

Book clubs are usually a lot more fun for me than signings. At most signings, the folks who come into the bookstore have no idea who you are (unless they’ve come out specifically to see you) and may not be interested in the types of books you write.

At a book club, you’ve got a group of people who’ve chosen your book to read. And the sales pressure is off, which is always a real relief. They’ve (usually) read your book and are eager to talk to you about it.

Usually book clubs fall into two different groups—the kind that takes a more casual approach where you participate as a book club member—by sitting as part of the group, listening to the discussion, and answering any questions the readers have about why you chose to send the plot in a particular direction or what inspired a particular character.

The other kind wants you to talk a little about your book—the inspiration for it, the challenges and fun of writing it, and things like cover selection, etc. and then open it up to questions.

I usually come prepared for either one. :)

I hear sometimes from authors who are interested in reaching out to book clubs and aren’t sure how to find them. Good places to check are usually libraries (my local branch has a book club that focuses on mysteries), bookstores (which frequently have book clubs meet in their cafes—and Borders has recently made a public drive to attract book clubs to its stores), churches, and clubhouses for different subdivisions.

Things I’ve discovered from talking at book clubs:

Find out if you should bring anything. I’ve been to book clubs where everyone brought food. They probably would tell me not to bring food, but I feel funny not bringing anything with me when everyone else is.

Bring bookmarks, postcards, and other small giveaways. Individually-wrapped chocolates and mints are always popular. :)

Consider doing a door prize giveaway for one book club member to win.

Bring a sign up sheet for your email newsletter, if you have one.

Consider bringing a cheat sheet with your book’s characters on it. I hate to admit it, but sometimes when I’m on the spot, I’ve been known to forget a minor character’s name. It doesn’t look good for someone else to know your book better than you do.

Be prepared that someone might not like your book and will talk about why they didn’t. It’s tough, but learn to accept it and not get defensive.

Be prepared for the book club to find deeper meaning in your book than you intended. :) It’s happened to me a couple of times and I loved their ideas about my book,although symbolism wasn’t my intention. A lot of book clubs are used to reading literary fiction.

Be prepared to talk succinctly about what you’re working on next.

Have you ever spoken to a book club or belonged to one where authors spoke? How did it go?

Elizabeth Spann Craig

View posts by Elizabeth Spann Craig
Elizabeth writes the Memphis Barbeque series (as Riley Adams) and the Southern Quilting mysteries for Penguin and writes the Myrtle Clover series for Midnight Ink and independently. She also has a blog, which was named by Writer’s Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers. There she posts on the writing craft, finding inspiration in everyday life, and fitting writing into a busy schedule.


  1. Michele EmrathAugust 31, 2010

    How exciting to talk with people who have already chosen your book! You’re not really selling anything, but parsing apart the work they have enjoyed reading. Have fun, and I hope you learn a lot!


  2. Margot KinbergAugust 31, 2010

    Elizabeth – Thanks for your insights about book clubs! I’ve got to find out what book clubs there are in this area and explore them – what a great marketing opportunity, and what a great source of feedback about one’s writing. As you say, not everyone may like a book or a character, and people do have different perspectives. But it sounds really intriguing!

  3. Jemi FraserAugust 31, 2010

    Great tips Elizabeth – meeting with a book club sounds like fun – especailly if you’re prepared.

  4. Terry OdellAugust 31, 2010

    I went to a library meeting where it was part book club, part ‘general public’ and although I hadn’t read the author’s books, I’d heard her speak before. I was amazed at how much the book club members knew about her books, characters — and the diversity of books they’d all been reading. Frankly, I’ve steered away from book clubs (as a member–I’d LOVE to talk to one!) because it seems too much like a homework assignment. So many of the books they’d read were just not my type.

    Terry’s Place
    Romance with a Twist–of Mystery

  5. Alex J. CavanaughAugust 31, 2010

    If I meet with any book clubs, I’ll know what to do now!

  6. Karen WalkerAugust 31, 2010

    I’ve never spoken at a book club, but now that you’re talking about it, it sounds much less stressful than a book signing. I’ll check into it. Thanks, Elizabeth.

  7. Rayna M. IyerAugust 31, 2010

    I particularly liked the bit about people finding meanings you never intended- always wondered if it happened- you have confirmed that it does.

  8. Linda LeszczukAugust 31, 2010

    I belong to a mystery book club and always enjoy getting to talk with an author about his/her book.

  9. Elspeth AntonelliAugust 31, 2010

    I’m always amazed what people can read into my stories – they seem to think I’m far more clever than I am! Have fun tonight; you’re certainly well prepared.

  10. Laura MarcellaAugust 31, 2010

    I haven’t been to one when authors spoke. That sounds really neat!

    I think it’s funny people look for symbolism in every bit of writing. I remember in high school and college teachers would get a little peeved with me because I’d always bring up the point, “Well, what if the poet just meant she appreciates a beautiful tree?” And they’re like, “No, no, she meant for it to mean how slowly time goes by” or whatever. LOL! Some authors use symbolism, but some just write what they see and how they see it!

  11. Clarissa DraperAugust 31, 2010

    I haven’t done one of these and I think I would be absolutely freaked out to do one but you give wonderful tips. THanks.


  12. Jane Kennedy SuttonAugust 31, 2010

    This is an area I would like to get involved in so thanks for the tips. I’ve printed them off for future reference.

  13. The Old SillyAugust 31, 2010

    Great tips, and have fun tonight!

  14. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsAugust 31, 2010

    Alex–I have a feeling that you’ll be able to write your own post on this after your release!

    Rayna–It does. And I’m sure I always look bemused. :) I’m not as smart as these folks in the book club!

    Linda–I would love to be part of a mystery book club. There’s one that meets at my library, but it meets at the same time the school bus pulls up to the house.

    Michele–And what a relief not to be selling something!

    Margot–It’s REALLY nice. Women’s clubs are particularly responsive to mysteries, I’ve found. And there’s no selling! (I know, I keep saying that…) :)

    Laura–I am definitely not going for symbolism! I’m calling a spade a spade in my books. Now the spade might be a *murder weapon*, but it’s still a spade. :) I always feel smarter when I leave book clubs than I was when I went in! They attribute such bright ideas to me…

    Jemi–It’s good to be prepared. Once I was a little less prepared and I felt like my lunch was eaten…

    Terry–I belong to a book club, too. They read a lot of lit fic. Our book for the month is on the plague. :) Not my usual type of read, I’ll admit.

    Clarissa–It’s a little freaky. Depends on how lively the book club is. Sometimes they kind of argue over points and look to you for the answers to particular plot points. It’s a good idea to either know the plot points (and I’m writing several books ahead, so I have to have a refresher course) or else to have a really well-bookmarked and post-it-noted copy of your book in hand as a reference.

    Jane–Good luck with it!

    Karen–It really is a LOT less stressful than a signing. And it’s just such a relief not to be selling something.

    The Old Silly–Thanks, Marvin!

    Elspeth–I think we MUST BE more clever than we realize! Especially since our books are deeper than we knew. :)

  15. L. Diane WolfeAugust 31, 2010

    I’ve visited a few book clubs, but they are difficult to locate, even with the library or bookstore’s help! And I’ve found not many are geared toward YA.

  16. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsSeptember 1, 2010

    Diane–I think you’re right. The YA book clubs that I know about are all through the library…and there aren’t that many.

  17. Mary AalgaardSeptember 1, 2010

    That would be a dream come true. And, I’d feel like I should bring something, too, when they do potluck. Hey, I make good brownies. Then, they could say, “Wow, I ate that author’s brownies.” A memorable experience!

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