Starting Out

The Farm Pond--Henry Herbert La Thangue  1833--1929 On Friday evening, a friend of mine asked me some questions about mystery writing while I was at the Brownie Scout sleepover. Naturally, since this is my favorite thing to talk about, I was happily prattling off all kinds of info when it occurred to me that my non-writing friends aren’t ordinarily that interested in the process of writing. They’re incredibly supportive, but not usually asking the kinds of questions that my friend was asking.

I’m slow on the uptake, I’ll admit it. Especially in conversations. “Oh! You’re interested in writing.” Which was wonderful. Because if I could convert everyone into becoming a writer, I’d do it. The world would be a happier, if odder, place.

My friend wanted some ‘starting out’ information about writing. My mind really boggled. There’s such an incredible amount of information out there. Where do you start? What’s useful?

I think it’s good to do some research ahead of time. Some. Not enough to stifle the creativity. Not enough to feel like the process is too daunting. But enough so your first attempt isn’t way off course.

What genre do you want to write? What do you read? What do you like to read? Is it different from what you feel like you should be reading? You might even want to focus in on a particular subgenre—a paranormal mystery. An apocalyptic sci-fi. It would definitely make it easier to query later on because agents and editors want to know what kind of book you’ve got.

In that genre, what is the usual word count range? For a ballpark idea on what you should think about shooting for, try this article. Why is this useful? You need to think about whether your idea is sustainable for 75,000—95,000 words (which is likely the range of most adult books.) And you want to stop yourself before you write too much material. More usually isn’t better, as far as agents and editors are concerned.

Where do I start? At the beginning….or not. There’s no rule that you have to start at the beginning if that’s the part that’s tripping you up. Skip the beginning and move on to the next scene. You could even write the ending first.

Set a small, attainable goal. Otherwise, it’s like a New Year’s Resolution that ends up getting ditched. Even 10 minutes a day is good, as long as you’re looking at your manuscript and writing.

Don’t worry about agents and editors until your book is doneunless you’re writing nonfiction and want to send out a proposal for your project before writing it.

Aspiring mystery writers—and other genre-writers (since some of the info isn’t genre-specific)—here are some links I’ve thought were helpful in the past. Most of them I would only use if you get stuck. If you try to read a whole bunch of information before writing, it can really mess with your mind (at least, it does with mine.) Obviously, take what you need and ignore the rest. There is a formulaic aspect to writing mysteries, but we all infuse the process with our own personalities on paper.’s Classic 12-Chapter Mystery Formula This can give you an idea of what plotting a mystery is like if you’re not really sure where different elements come in. It’s by no means a Bible…and the word count is usually higher than 60,000 words.

Write That Novel , which has useful, printable sheets for characterization, plotting, storyboards, etc.

Book Crossroads , which has links to online mystery writing groups, hardboiled slang dictionaries, forensic information, and legal overviews.

Twenty Mystery Writing Rules

Writing Clues: Help for mystery writers

Don’t Drop Clues: Plant them Carefully! by Stephen Rogers does a great job covering the types of clues, how to misdirect your reader, and mistakes to avoid.

Suite 101 covers planting clues in different ways: tucking them in a paragraph, heightening the drama, clues of omission, missing weapons, and clues from real life.

Author Sandra Parshall’s website explains how “Clues Drive the Mystery Plot.”

The Christie Mystery website demonstrates how Agatha Christie used clues and other plot devices.

Stephen Rogers writes a different article on red herrings and how to use them effectively.

Thanks so much to everyone who is helping me out this week! I’m really excited about the interesting group of bloggers who are guest posting for me as I take care of my son (and spray Lysol disinfectant everywhere!) First up, tomorrow morning, will be the fabulous Marvin Wilson, better known as The Old Silly.

Elizabeth Spann Craig

View posts by Elizabeth Spann Craig
Elizabeth writes the Memphis Barbeque series (as Riley Adams) and the Southern Quilting mysteries for Penguin and writes the Myrtle Clover series for Midnight Ink and independently. She also has a blog, which was named by Writer’s Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers. There she posts on the writing craft, finding inspiration in everyday life, and fitting writing into a busy schedule.


  1. Jemi FraserOctober 25, 2009

    Great links, Elizabeth. I hadn’t seen a few of these, and can’t wait to check them out!

    I hope your friend enjoys her journey :)

  2. Margot KinbergOctober 25, 2009

    Thanks, Elizabeth! All of this is so incredibly helpful. I’m definitely going to check some of these links out : ). I wish I’d had this kind of mentoring when I started to write.

    Hope you and your family are weathering the health storm and that you’ll all be feeling well soon.

  3. Karen WalkerOctober 25, 2009

    Elizabeth, I hope your son is recovering quickly and easily. And God willing, the rest of your family remains healthy.

  4. Crystal Clear ProofingOctober 25, 2009

    As usual, another insightful look at “the other side” of the World of Words as I’ve dubbed it..

    On a side note, Elizabeth I hope you and your family are quickly recovering! I hope yours is a mild case and not as bad as I’ve heard it can be!

  5. The Old SillyOctober 25, 2009

    I think that’s an excellent starting our roadmap – nicely done! You should keep this post as a reference for a beginning author’s course you could teach.

    Marvin D Wilson

  6. Elspeth AntonelliOctober 25, 2009

    What a wonderful post full of useful links for the just-starting writer and the writer further along on their journey. Creativity is always important, but so is old-fashioned common sense.

    Hope everyone in your house is healthy soon.


  7. GlynisOctober 25, 2009

    Thanks for the links, Elizabeth. A very useful post.

  8. JanelOctober 25, 2009

    Great links! I see you’ve given me plenty to read this evening. Thank you for all of the wonderful advice.

  9. Elizabeth BradleyOctober 25, 2009

    Awesome links. Hope your son gets better and you don’t come down with the virus.

  10. Jan MorrisonOctober 25, 2009

    Thanks Elizabeth – looks like a real treasure chest. I’ll plunder it tomorrow. Hope all is going well!

  11. Helen GingerOctober 26, 2009

    Wonderful post. I’ve saved it so I can go visit each link.

    Straight From Hel

  12. Elizabeth Spann CraigOctober 26, 2009

    Crystal–Thanks so much! So far I feel just peachy, hubby has been a little iffy but may be fighting it off. Daughter in good shape. Son..icky. Bleh.

    Jemi–Hope they help out!

    Margot–Well, I could be a mentor, or a pest! Now she’ll have me curiously asking how it’s going the next time I see her. I’ll have to try to restrain myself unless she brings it up.

    Marvin–You’re going to talk me into teaching writing, yet!

    Karen–Thanks so much! He’s still pretty bad off but I have hopes he’ll turn the corner soon.


    Elspeth–I think it’s hard because there’s so much info out there on writing–it’s both a blessing and a curse!

    Elizabeth–Thanks! I’m spraying down everything with Lysol. :)


    Jan–Hope the links help you out. :)

    Helen–Thanks for coming by!

  13. Chary JohnsonOctober 26, 2009

    Hi Elizabeth,

    Thanks for the links. I especially love the graphic organizers as I am a visual and logical thinker. I was thinking of having my students write a mystery story over the Christmas break this year. These links and resources will come in very handy. Thanks again.

  14. Elizabeth Spann CraigOctober 26, 2009

    Hi Chary–I’m so glad. Good luck with the assignment…it sounds like fun!

  15. TaraOctober 26, 2009

    Great post. Everyone I know seems to be a writer, and it can be a bit odd. :] Thanks for the links.

  16. Elizabeth Spann CraigOctober 27, 2009

    Tara–You’re so welcome! And yes, we’re an unusual bunch, aren’t we? :)

  17. AnonymousOctober 28, 2009

    You may also want to suggest NaNoWriMo (you can google it; I wasn’t sure if you wanted links in this blog) – I especially suggest the “What is” and FAQ pages. Sometimes just diving in allows a person to explore the idea without needing to feel committed to the long-term effort it will take if she’s seriously invested in a writing career.

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