Spring Cleaning for Writers


For the past month, I’ve been dying to spring clean. But my schedule has been so busy that I haven’t had time to do more than just basic maintenance around the house.

The house definitely needs it. But I also try to fit in some writing-specific spring cleaning this time of year, too. It’s not hard to remember to do it—my desk is always crazy in April from having done taxes, and it reminds me to clear some space for my writing!

Are your financial and other documents encroaching on your writing space? I’ve finished my taxes, so I’m packing up 2009’s important receipts and documents in a box. Unimportant docs are being shredded. How long should you keep financial records? This link can help my American readers and my friends from other countries should be able to Google for a similar link.

My work space is usually the sofa in my den. I’m clearing off everything in that area to make it easier for me to think. I may move or give away old knickknacks, put the newspapers and magazines in the recycling bin, and try to look at the space with fresh eyes to make sure it still fits my needs.

As much as I’ve tried to eliminate paper from my creative process, I still have Post-It notes and papers from old WIPs. I’m throwing away papers from WIPs that have been submitted. If there are any for my current WIP, I’m making a new folder for them to keep them in one place until I transcribe them…which should be just a day.

I back up everything.

I clean off my computer desktop for improved organization and computer performance.

I organize my random Word files into folders.

Part of my spring cleaning process for writing is to figure out my direction for the year—what are my writing goals?

Has the spring cleaning bug bitten you yet?

Elizabeth Spann Craig

View posts by Elizabeth Spann Craig
Elizabeth writes the Memphis Barbeque series (as Riley Adams) and the Southern Quilting mysteries for Penguin and writes the Myrtle Clover series for Midnight Ink and independently. She also has a blog, which was named by Writer’s Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers. There she posts on the writing craft, finding inspiration in everyday life, and fitting writing into a busy schedule.


  1. Lorel ClaytonApril 13, 2010

    I love it when I catch the spring clean bug, straighten up the house, open the windows and air out the place, smell the flowers…but it’s autumn in Australia, so now stuff is piling up under the bed, and I’m thinking about building a nest to hibernate in for the winter :)

  2. Margot KinbergApril 13, 2010

    Elizabeth – Oddly enough, the computer spring cleaning bug has bitten, so to speak. Every once in a while, I go through and back up files I want and delete the ones I don’t. I also re-organize my files and so on. I almost always find a ton of files that I forgot I had. I also find programs and files that should be combined in one folder, etc.. Thanks for reminding me that it’s time to do that…

  3. JanelApril 13, 2010

    A few days ago I organized all of my computer files into folders. I also made an editing “kit” with sticky notes, highlighters and colored pens all in one spot. Now if I could just organize the rest of my life so well . . .

  4. Michele EmrathApril 13, 2010

    I’m trying to clean up my ideas–organize what I’m really working on and what is a future (or past!) project. Earlier this year, we set aside a space for my things, but it hasn’t really been put together in a workable way. That is another project–but when?!?!?!


  5. Journaling WomanApril 13, 2010

    One way to force yourself to spring clean your house is to invite visitors for dinner or even to stay the weekend. My house is clean – except for my computer area. That’s next on my list because I can’t find anything.

    One way to force computer cleaning (backups, file dumping) is a pending computer crash. :)

    I love cleaning and organization. If only I could do that with my mind. The cobwebs are thick.

  6. Mason CanyonApril 13, 2010

    The spring cleaning bug has bite, but I’ve kept it at bay for too long. I’ve got to get busy and hopefully with that I’ll be more organized for the coming months.

    Thoughts in Progress

  7. Terry OdellApril 13, 2010

    It’s looking like our move might just happen, so I’m going to deal with all those organizational tasks then. Meanwhile, it’s too easy to say, “why go through all these papers now when they’re only a fraction of the real stuff that’s in storage.”

    (And thanks, Elizabeth, for Tweeting my guest’s post on transformation. I can always tell–my hits from twitter go way up.)

  8. Karen WalkerApril 13, 2010

    Yup, caught the bug. I did the inside of all our windows yesterday. Felt great. Hubby will do the outside this weekend. As far as writing, I keep my space pretty clear and organized on a daily basis, so no spring cleaning needed there. Just some darn words on the paper.

  9. Tamika:April 13, 2010

    I caught the bug a few weeks ago. I went as far as wiping down drawers. It felt refreshing to see a sparkling home.

    My writing is entering this phase now. I’m in the rewrite stage and I’m trying to keep everything in its place. Hard.

  10. SG RedlingApril 13, 2010

    My writing table is smack dab in the middle of my house, right off the door to the porch so this time of year it is literal cleaning. Potting soil, plant cuttings, seed packets – all the remnants of my OTHER favorite activity start to creep over my writing space. Every year I tell myself I’ll be prepared for this and every year I find myself drifting from my WIP to the Burpee catalog. Will I ever learn? Doubt it but those new Shasta Daisies are very inspiring!

  11. Elspeth AntonelliApril 13, 2010

    I’ve started my spring cleaning – but I’m not finished by any means. I’ve cleaned out my kitchen cupboards and come across a few things that have made me scratch my head. Why do we keep things we never, ever use? A file box of assorted stuff will be making its way to the thrift store soon.

  12. GlynisApril 13, 2010

    DH is going to paint our lounge, so I have no choice but to pack up my papers and move out. It is my chance to de-clutter and am looking forward to it.
    I love spring cleaning, enjoy yours Elizabeth.

  13. Ann Elle AltmanApril 13, 2010

    I have been going through spring cleaning mode as well. I set my writing goals at the beginning of the year and I’ve stuck by them so far but I do have to continue uncluttering my house.


  14. Watery TartApril 13, 2010

    Don’t you mean you’ve been KILLING to get to spring cleaning? *ducks* Sorry, couldn’t resist the little murder mystery pun…

    All things tax for me go in an accordian folder than only comes out FOR the process, then I put when I need to keep in a manilla and file… then again, I’ve never had that ‘self employment’ income before, so things may change.

    I tend to tidy when I finish something big… I feel it coming. The trilogy is almost done, and ideally, I will then be headed into cozy mystery-land for a couple months (if not I’m headed into editing land)–both of which deserve a thinned stack of other stuff… I have a new desk, but have to find a time my husband isn’t crabby to get it downstairs so I can organize, and I haven’t seemed to catch him uncrabby for a good month or so…

  15. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsApril 13, 2010

    Lorel–I KIND of feel the same way in fall, too–the air is a little crisper and I want to clean! But in autumn I rarely get a chance. Hibernating sounds like a good idea!

    Margot–Usually I tend to spread files all over the place, so it was good to get them all put together!

    SG Redling–I’m going to the nursery today! I’m hoping if I get impatiens that they won’t freeze up too much during these chilly nights. The front porch needs a little color.

    Janel–I like the idea of an editing kit! I’d have to hide mine so the children wouldn’t find it and take it off…

    Michele–I’m thinking the middle of the night? :) I totally understand…the kids don’t allow for much project time! I’ve got to get things done before mine are out of school for the summer.

    Teresa–We did have a guest, but it was my college roommate (who has seen me at my youthful worst), so the cleaning wasn’t very vigorous. :)

    Glynis–I think getting a room painted would be a powerful motivator! Good luck with it.

    Mason–I was thinking that I’ve *got* to get organized by the summer–before the kids are home from school!

    Ann–I’m thinking that I will free up more time towrite…eventually…after I get this cleaning out of the way! I may be just kidding myself. :)

    Terry–Glad everything is moving along (no pun intended…ouch.) It’s hard not to focus on just taking small steps when you’ve got so much to go through! I get overwhelmed, too.

    You’re welcome for the tweet! :) Good post.

  16. The Daring NovelistApril 13, 2010

    I had to get all of the notes related to my WIP out of the way too quickly when relatives came to visit, and it ended up mixed with a lot of other paper junk. Bleh.

    Thanks for reminding me. (Not sarcastic – I will need to get that sorted out before I can take up the book again in May….)

  17. Jane Kennedy SuttonApril 13, 2010

    I’ve been bitten but the itch has healed! A glance at my desk or opening my closet door makes me think of a million other things I’d really rather do. However, I do like your idea of including the computer in the spring cleaning process. Maybe I’ll be bitten again:)

  18. Cleo CoyleApril 13, 2010

    E – Your tip to back up everything is well taken. I have not done this in some time. Outstanding reminder. Thank you!


  19. Helen GingerApril 13, 2010

    The cleaning fever hasn’t sprung, but it’s creeping. I’ve cleaned windows and, wow, we have a view again. I don’t clean my office daily, but I will be doing it this week since this weekend I give up my office so my little sister who’s coming to visit will have a room to sleep in. I’ll move my office to a folding table in my bedroom.

    Straight From Hel

  20. Laura MarcellaApril 13, 2010

    I love spring cleaning! I do a big fall cleaning, too. It’s amazing how much stuff (mostly junk!) we accumulate every couple of seasons.

    Good luck with you house spring cleaning, Elizabeth!

  21. CynApril 13, 2010

    I have become a FlyBaby with the http://www.flylady.net She helps keep me on track with my cleaning, and not just Spring Cleaning.

    Have a question for all the Mystery Writers – do you have a murder mystery party game that involves a cat/dog which helps solve a murder? I am looking for one to use as a fundraiser. Let me know if you have anything and where I can purchase/get it.

  22. Carol KilgoreApril 13, 2010

    Ha! I’ve been working on that today.

  23. Mary AalgaardApril 13, 2010

    I’m feeling the bit clamping down. I need to get a handle on the paper and organizing. I also feel a need to purge a few things. Thanks for the encouragement!

  24. B. MillerApril 13, 2010

    I’m so overwhelmed with work and writing right now. I know I need to go on a spring cleaning binge but all I can do is stare at the mess and sigh.

    Thanks for posting about cleaning up your writing space – I’ll have to apply these tips!

  25. Alex J. CavanaughApril 13, 2010

    My desk can become a bit unorganized, but it drives me nuts, so I straighten once a month. I love my shredder, too.
    My plans? A sequel to CassStar.

  26. Jemi FraserApril 14, 2010

    I changed up my blog template (not nearly as easy as it should have been!) during my first bout of spring fever. I’ve also attacked some bits and pieces of the house.

  27. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsApril 14, 2010

    Karen–It sounds like you’ve really got a handle on it! I need to adopt your method.

    Jane–I figured since the computer is where I spend most of my time…I should include it!

    Tamika–I think it’s hardest during editing!

    Cleo–Good luck with it! It’s a chore, but it’s sooo great when it’s done.

    Helen–Hope you have a great visit with your sister! Happy cleaning!

    Laura–I need to do this in the fall, too! Y’all remind me..

    Elspeth–Why DO we do that? I’ve got a ton of plastic containers I don’t need. Sigh.

    Mary–Purging is good!

    B.–It can be really overwhelming…I try to focus on ONE thing each day.

    The Daring Novelist–I have ONE emergency place that I stuff my papers if people come in. :) Then I can find them. Because we all need a Plan B if suddenly the doorbell rings!

    Alex–That sounds like a plan!

    Cyn–Shine that sink! I’m a Flybaby too…well, a lapsed one. It’s a great program. And..Elspeth writes mystery games–I’ll send her an email for you.

    Carol–You’re ahead of the curve!

  28. L. Diane WolfeApril 14, 2010

    I think it will get me this summer. Right now way too busy!
    But I do keep my office very organized and do my monthly bookkeeping.

  29. Kathi Oram PetersonApril 14, 2010

    Spring cleaning has been on my mind, too. Not only around the house, but my email sites. Seems there’s always something that needs to be done. Can’t wait to dive in. :)

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