Some Finger Lickin’ Reviews, a Guest Post, and a Cover

Please join me at Confessions of a Mystery Novelist for my guest post with Margot Kinberg: 8 Ways to Keep Your Series From Going Stale.

I’ve got a guest post this morning at the Book Resort: Nancy, Trixie, Miss Marple, Hercule Poirot…and Me.

I want to thank Mason Canyon at Thoughts in Progress and Diane at The Book Resort and Hart Johnson at Confessions of a Watery Tart for their generous reviews of Finger Lickin’ Dead.

Giveaway: A signed copy of Finger Lickin’ Dead:

And I’ve got a new cover. :)

Publishing is funny…it’s very, very slow. Painfully slow. Then suddenly, everything moves at the speed of light. :) Here’s the cover for my November 1 release, Hickory Smoked Homicide:

Hickory Smoked Homicide

Thanks so much, everyone, for all your support and encouragement! I really do appreciate it. :) What do you think of the cover?

Elizabeth Spann Craig

View posts by Elizabeth Spann Craig
Elizabeth writes the Memphis Barbeque series (as Riley Adams) and the Southern Quilting mysteries for Penguin and writes the Myrtle Clover series for Midnight Ink and independently. She also has a blog, which was named by Writer’s Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers. There she posts on the writing craft, finding inspiration in everyday life, and fitting writing into a busy schedule.


  1. Sarah PearsonJune 8, 2011

    Okay, now I’m hungry!
    Congratulations on the cover.

  2. Margot KinbergJune 8, 2011

    Elizabeth – Oh, that’s a great cover!! And thanks for guesting for me today! Folks, ya gotta come on over and pay us a visit.

  3. Mallory SnowJune 8, 2011

    OMG! I LOVE the cover! It’s amazing! I’m so happy for you!

  4. Teresa aka JWJune 8, 2011

    I love your new cover. Love it!

  5. Rebecca BradleyJune 8, 2011

    Loving the cover!

  6. Terry OdellJune 8, 2011

    Great cover — reminds me of my kitchen!

    Terry’s Place
    Romance with a Twist–of Mystery

  7. Carol KilgoreJune 8, 2011

    Great cover! I’m looking forward to reading this series.

  8. Laura PaulingJune 8, 2011

    I think it fits in perfectly with your other books! Awesome! congrats.

  9. Jan MorrisonJune 8, 2011

    I love it! It is so rich and yummy looking. You are one busy dame!
    Keep truckin’…

  10. JulietteJune 8, 2011

    I love the cover, and that is a fantastic title! (I’ve no idea what it means – what’s a hickory?! – but I love it!)

  11. Laura MarcellaJune 8, 2011

    Love the title for your next book! Clever titles for mystery books always make me pick it up. :)

    Congrats, Elizabeth! Heading on over to check out your guest posts now. :)

  12. Stephen TrempJune 8, 2011

    I think the cover looks great! Good luck with everything. Foodies around the world will rejoice!

  13. BettyZadeJune 8, 2011

    LOVE the cover. I wish I could peek into the room where covers like this come into being, and see the process. Actually I was reminded of the children’s and teen girls’ books I read as a youngster when I saw this. So you’re right on track! Well done and congrats!

  14. Helen GunnarssonJune 8, 2011

    I love all of your covers, not to mention the colorful and catchy titles! The glimpse of the “Finger Lickin’ Dead” cover scene in the background of “Hickory Smoked Homicide’s” cover is a brilliant touch. Do you create the titles, or provide any input on the titles and/or covers, Elizabeth?

  15. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsJune 8, 2011

    Sarah–I’m kind of hungry, myself! Feeling like some Brunswick Stew. :)

    Mallory–I appreciate it! :)


    Laura–Thank you! They’ve had the same artist draw it, which I’m very grateful for.

    Jan–I’ll try to keep it coming!

    Margot–Thanks for hosting me today. :) I’m having fun at Confessions of a Mystery Novelist!

    Teresa–Thanks so much!

    Juliette–Thanks! Hickory wood is a favorite fuel for smoking BBQ in Memphis. :)

    Terry–Mine too! Except for the tiara, right? Ha!

    Laura–I appreciate your popping by to visit!


    Stephen–I do have a few recipes in the back. :)

    Betty–Thanks! I didn’t think of it that way, but it *does* have that retro appeal, doesn’t it? Thanks so much! :)

  16. Karen WalkerJune 8, 2011

    Wow! So happy for you Elizabeth. You epitomize what it looks like to be a successful writer.

  17. Critique SistersJune 8, 2011

    That’s an excellent cover! Nice and creepy and the artist is fantastic.

  18. Julie MusilJune 8, 2011

    Oh my goodness, that cover is GREAT. And the title is awesome!

  19. M.E. SummerJune 8, 2011

    Awesome cover! That giant pot is strangely menacing looking. Makes me think of Fried Green Tomatoes. *shiver* Congrats on your new release!

  20. Alan OrloffJune 8, 2011

    Great cover!

  21. Cold As HeavenJune 8, 2011

    I’ll get the Kindle version. Just downloaded a free Kindle reader for for my PC a few days ago >:)

    Cold As Heaven

  22. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsJune 8, 2011

    Critique Sisters–I think so, too. I really wish I could draw! Must be so nice to be able to…

    Julie–Thank you!

    M.E. Summer–It *is* like that movie, isn’t it? Ha! Yes, the splashes of red really make it look sinister, I think.

    Cold As Heaven–Thanks so much!

    Helen–The cracked door was my favorite part. :) I can’t claim that I wrote the titles…but I think the copywriters did a fantastic job. I let the cover artists do their own thing, since I think that the artists and the marketing department know what sells a lot better than I do! But they do ask my opinion on the cover. :)

  23. Helen GingerJune 8, 2011

    I like the cover. It’s sort of ominous with the red sauce overflowing the pot and the metal handle heating up over the open flame.

  24. Jeffrey BeeslerJune 8, 2011

    Wow. I think my eyes stopped working. They’re in shock from the awesomeness that is that cover!

  25. Alex J. CavanaughJune 8, 2011

    That’s a cool cover!

  26. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsJune 9, 2011

    Karen–You’re too sweet–thank you!

    Helen–I like the shadows in it, too…

    Jeffrey–Ha! It’s blinding awesomeness! :)

    Alan–Me too! :)


  27. Kathi Oram PetersonJune 9, 2011

    Great cover. I wish you much success with your new book!

  28. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsJune 9, 2011

    Kathi–Thanks so much! :)

  29. Patricia StolteyJune 12, 2011

    That cover is wonderful, Elizabeth. Consider doing a guest post on my blog in November. I’m scheduling guests now for the rest of the year.

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