Setting Writing Goals—Step Two

100_5048Once I decided that I wanted to write for a larger audience than just myself, I made a goal to improve my writing skills.

The nice thing is that now there are so many ways of learning the writing craft.

Writing Blogs

Reading writing blogs are fantastic ways to get tips on handling problem areas like sagging middles, POV issues, and transitioning between scenes. If you look in my blog roll and underneath my daily posts, there are fantastic writers/bloggers who share their challenges and insights. I have way too many favorites to list them all here, but I consider each of these writers my friends. Each blogger has his or her own blog roll—so you can find even more great writers to connect with and learn from.

Some blogs focus on craft nearly every day. Here are some blogs to get you started: The Other Side of the Story, Fiction Groupie, Write it Sideways, Adventures in Children’s Publishing (not just for children’s lit writers), Magical Words, and Plot to Punctuation.

Critique Groups

If your town has a local writers’ group, check and see if they have critique groups. Or, join an online one, like Critique Circle. For tips on starting your own critique group, see this post on Kirby’s Lane.

Independent Editors
If you’ve gone as far with your revisions and edits that you feel you can, consider contacting an independent editor. Not only can they point out things you might not see yourself, but you can learn a lot from them. There are several that visit my blog, including Helen Ginger, Marvin Wilson, and Crystal Clear Proofing.

Classes and Workshops

Here are some links to online organizations and sites that sponsor online classes and their calendar of upcoming workshops. The classes range from $15 to $50. Many of the classes are taught by working writers.


Conferences can be another way (a bit more expensive, but many conferences are starting to go online) to learn more about the writing craft—and, of course, network.

I found this list of 2011 writing conferences on Jodie Renner’s blog.

Books about Writing

Everyone has their favorites. :) There are many that are specific to particular genres, too. As far as general books on writing, I like On Writing by Stephen King, and Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott.

Magazines about Writing

There are also subscriptions that can help you get information on writing. I’ve subscribed to Writer’s Digest, Poets and Writers, and The Writer.

And then there’s….writing. Practicing each day, or as often as you can. And I’ll cover that in the post tomorrow. :)

Do you have any favorite writing resources for writers trying to learn more about the craft?

Elizabeth Spann Craig

View posts by Elizabeth Spann Craig
Elizabeth writes the Memphis Barbeque series (as Riley Adams) and the Southern Quilting mysteries for Penguin and writes the Myrtle Clover series for Midnight Ink and independently. She also has a blog, which was named by Writer’s Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers. There she posts on the writing craft, finding inspiration in everyday life, and fitting writing into a busy schedule.


  1. HeatherDecember 22, 2010

    Thanks for these, they’re all excellent! Especially the one on 2011 conferences! What a great list!

  2. Margot KinbergDecember 22, 2010

    Elizabeth – I’m so glad you brought up how important it is to have some resources for learning writing. We can all improve our writing skills, but it’s sometimes hard to know what’s working well and what isn’t without some outside help. I think workshops and conferences can be very useful, and there are several online conferences and workshops out there, too, so one doesn’t even have to travel.

  3. Teresa aka JWDecember 22, 2010

    Thanks for the lists. I agree too, that writing is the best way to learn.

    Have a Merry Christmas, Elizabeth, with your wonderful family!

  4. Enid WilsonDecember 22, 2010

    I think reading about books of the same genre you want to write will help. I’ve read romance for over twenty years. I think I pick up at least one or two tricks about writing from reading them.

    Fire and Cross

  5. MadeleineDecember 22, 2010

    Great links, thanks and HAPPY CHRISTMAS :O)

  6. Stephen TrempDecember 22, 2010

    I read Writers Digest at the library. Lot of inspiring and practical articles in that one. I do need to hit conferences in 2011 as I have yet to go to my first one. Have a safe and warm holiday season!

  7. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsDecember 22, 2010

    Heather–I was really impressed with that list, too. :)

    Enid–Very good point! Sorry I missed that one…*reading* the genre we write helps so much.

    Madeleine–To you, too!

    Margot–I’m no fan of traveling, so I love the online conferences. Although I am going to Cape Fear Crime Festival in February. :)

    Teresa–Practice makes perfect! :) Merry Christmas to you!

    Stephen–You too! I do like “Writer’s Digest”–great mag.

  8. Dorte HDecember 22, 2010

    When I went from writing in secret to do it more publicly, I joined some groups & blogs, swallowed articles about writing etc, but these days I try not to spend too much time reading about it. My main obstacle is that I invent too many excuses which keep me from writing so I do my best to remember your very best advice: write a little every day.

  9. Enid WilsonDecember 22, 2010

    Me again, Elizabeth. Drop by to wish you a Merry Christmas and more delicious mysteries in 2011!

    Fire and Cross

  10. Jemi FraserDecember 23, 2010

    Great organized list, Elizabeth!! Thanks :)

    I hope you have a wonderful Christmas season with your family! Take care and Merry Christmas :)

  11. Alex J. CavanaughDecember 22, 2010

    Wish I’d known more of those when I first started – but I do now!

  12. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsDecember 22, 2010

    Enid–And the same to you! Have a very Merry Christmas. :)

    Dorte–It can all be a big time suck, can’t it? Practice is always the best!

    Alex–Good stuff to know, isn’t it?

  13. Hart JohnsonDecember 23, 2010

    Great list of resources, Elizabeth–reminds me that I sort of figured out what to do by following you around–a decision I will never regret!

  14. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsDecember 23, 2010

    Jemi–Thanks! Merry Christmas to you, too!

    Hart–I’m so glad you did! I’ve learned a lot from you, too. :)

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