Release Day—and Contest Results

Small sized DELICIOUS  SUSPICIOUS cover First of all, I wanted to thank everyone for their encouragement and support in the comments and emails I’ve received. It’s really appreciated!

Delicious and Suspicious releases today and I couldn’t be more excited. :) I think I’m going to drag my family out to the bookstore so they can see it on the shelf.

Berkley Prime Crime ran a short Q&A with me and put it up on their website. Looking in their sidebar, I’m thrilled to see my book alongside such great July releases.

My contest went really well and thanks so much to all of you who entered—I wish everyone could have won. I put all the entries, double and triple entries into a randomizer and the winner is:

Juliette Harrisson from the United Kingdom! Congratulations, Juliette. :)

Thanks so much, everybody!

Elizabeth Spann Craig

View posts by Elizabeth Spann Craig
Elizabeth writes the Memphis Barbeque series (as Riley Adams) and the Southern Quilting mysteries for Penguin and writes the Myrtle Clover series for Midnight Ink and independently. She also has a blog, which was named by Writer’s Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers. There she posts on the writing craft, finding inspiration in everyday life, and fitting writing into a busy schedule.


  1. Stephanie McGeeJuly 6, 2010

    Congrats! Heading to the store soon as I can tomorrow to pick it up.

  2. Miriam S. ForsterJuly 6, 2010

    Hooray!! Happy release day!!

  3. Margot KinbergJuly 6, 2010

    Elizabeth – Congratulations! I am so very happy for you! I can’t wait to get my copy, too. This is great : ). And congratulations to Juliette, too.

  4. Mason CanyonJuly 6, 2010

    Congratulations on your release date. I saw the Q&A with Berkley, that was nice.

    Congratulations to Juliette too.

    Thoughts in Progress

  5. Journaling WomanJuly 6, 2010


    I would do just- that take my family to the bookstore to see it on the shelf.

    Congratulations. What a great thing from your hard work.

  6. Ingrid KingJuly 6, 2010

    Congratulations and much success to you. I can’t wait to read it.

  7. Jemi FraserJuly 6, 2010

    Congrats to Juliette!

    And major congrats to you on the release – such excitement! :)

  8. Simon C. LarterJuly 6, 2010

    Yay you for the release! Congrats! :)

  9. Carol KilgoreJuly 6, 2010

    I know how thrilled you are. Enjoy the ride. You worked hard for the ticket.

  10. Karen WalkerJuly 6, 2010

    Woot!!! So happy for you, Elizabeth. Enjoy every moment and take a deep breath. You deserve it.

  11. Terry OdellJuly 6, 2010

    Congrats on release day, and how wonderful to be able to see your book on the shelf at the bookstore.

  12. Rayna M. IyerJuly 6, 2010

    Congratulations, Elizabeth. I couldn’t be more excited than if I had written the book myself.

    All the best. And you are the BEST.

  13. The Daring NovelistJuly 6, 2010

    Congratulations and good luck on the new series!

  14. Jan MorrisonJuly 6, 2010

    Yay! Release day – (sings) please release me, let me go!
    I am so looking forward to getting both your books in the next week! I decided when I ordered to wait for them to come together! You must be so psyched to see them all shiny and beeeyoootiful on shelves. I’ll see if my independent book store stocks them here!

  15. Elspeth AntonelliJuly 6, 2010

    Have a wonderful release day, Elizabeth – and YES, take your kids to see your book on the shelf! I’d certainly do it.

  16. IkeJuly 6, 2010

    Congratulations, Elizabeth!

  17. Cleo CoyleJuly 6, 2010

    Congrats, Elizabeth (aka Riley). I’m buying my copy of DELICIOUS AND SUSPICIOUS at the bookstore tomorrow. I cannot wait to kick back on my porch with a tall glass of sweet tea and finally meet Lulu and the Graces. Cheers!

  18. Laura MarcellaJuly 6, 2010

    Congrats to Juliette!

    Thanks for having the contest, Elizabeth! Happy release day! Have fun!!!

  19. Mary AalgaardJuly 6, 2010

    Three cheers for you!!!

  20. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsJuly 6, 2010

    Stephanie–Thank you! I hope you’ll enjoy it. :)

    Miriam–I feel like singing the birthday song for some reason. :)


    Rayna–Thanks so much! And I feel like it was a collaborative effort–without the support of my writing friends, I don’t think I could do it.

    Jan–I hope they do. :) I’ve called my stores here and they all seem to have it…a good thing!

    Margot–Thanks so much!


    Journaling Woman–It’s a fun day, for sure.

    Ingrid–Thank you!

    Jemi–I didn’t sleep so hot last night with all the excitement!

    Carol–You’re so sweet! Thanks, I’m enjoying this.


    Karen–Thank you! I think I’m going to try to have a little quiet time after supper tonight. :)

    Terry–And even at Target apparently. Which is sort of freaking me out…but in a good way.

    Cleo–Thank you! Lulu has saved you a spot on the front porch. :)

    Laura–It’s been a fun day so far. :) I just got Riley Adams set up on Facebook and now she’s getting some friends.

    The Daring Novelist–Thanks for the good wishes, Camille!

    Mary–Thanks so much!

    Elspeth–They probably want to play with their friends, instead. :) Too bad! They’re off to the store!

  21. Alex J. CavanaughJuly 6, 2010

    Congratulations, Juliette!

    And Elizabeth – I know you are excited.

  22. Lisa_GibsonJuly 6, 2010

    Congrats and will be on the lookout for my copy at the store. :)

  23. Maryann MillerJuly 6, 2010

    Congrats, Elizabeth. Enjoy the excitement of the day.

    To add to your wonderful day, I have given you an award on my blog. If you have a minute between celebrating and celebrating some more, check it out.

  24. The Old SillyJuly 6, 2010

    Kudos to the winner, and a great big HOORAY for you, Liz! :)

    Marvin D Wilson

  25. Clarissa DraperJuly 6, 2010

    Congrats. Can’t wait to read the book.


  26. Michele EmrathJuly 7, 2010

    Yay! I pre-ordered mine last week…Really excited for it to arrive!

    Congrats, Elizabeth.

    Southern City Mysteries

  27. Jane Kennedy SuttonJuly 7, 2010

    Congratulations and how exciting. This book is at the top of my list for my next bookstore visit, which I hope will be very soon.

  28. Crystal Clear ProofingJuly 7, 2010

    A day late, but CONGRATULATIONS, Elizabeth! That is so exciting! I can only imagine the thrill of seeing your book on the shelves! Shoot, I get excited when I see books of my blogging/FB friends on the shelf!

    Happy Dance! Happy Dance!! :) ♥

  29. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsJuly 7, 2010

    Thanks so much everybody! I really appreciate all the good wishes and congratulations. :) Y’all made my day.

  30. Julie MusilJuly 7, 2010

    Congratulations on your release. That must be sooo exciting!

  31. HeatherJuly 8, 2010

    Happy belated book birthday! Wow, it really snuck up on me. I can’t wait to visit B&N and see it on the shelves!

  32. GlynisJuly 8, 2010

    Congratulations Elizabeth! Have a great day viewing your book on the shelves around town. :)

  33. JulietteJuly 8, 2010

    Congratualtions Elizabeth! And thank you everyone! After an exhausting two days of conference organisation, this was a lovely surprise!

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