Preparing for a Panel

By Elizabeth S. Craig @elizabethscraig

By Elizabeth S. Craig @elizabethscraig

Tomorrow, November 14, I’m on a panel for the Get Read online conference—a conference that’s all about helping writers learn more about effective marketing.

My panel is “Publishing Your Way To Success.” The description:
The core thing that connects writers to readers is the stories you craft – be it fiction, nonfiction, memoir, poetry or any form of writing. In this session, we explore how releasing new work can grow and more deeply engage your audience.

It panel runs for about 40 minutes and starts at 1:45 p.m. ET.

I tend to really enjoy panels, although as a rule, I’m not fond of public speaking.  Panels are easier for me and I get a lot from listening to the other speakers…occasionally to the point where I forget what the original question was and have to ask for it to be repeated when it’s my turn (oops).

A good panel is also the result of good moderation.  I’ve been on panels before where the moderator really lost control of the panel—we went wildly off-subject, ran out of time for questions, and didn’t have a chance for everyone on the panel to talk.

I remember one panel I was on, years ago.  I felt really good about it.  I sold my books at the end of the panel and one of the audience members came up to me and said confidentially, “I felt so, so sorry for you.”

I gaped at her in horror.  Had I had some sort of horrid wardrobe malfunction?  Why on earth did no one let me know?  Then she said, “You know.  Because that one person went on and on and you didn’t get a chance to really speak.”

Oh.  Well, even though I assured her that the panel hog hadn’t bothered me at all and I never really mind if I don’t get as much of an opportunity to speak…it had certainly bothered her.  And since then I’ve noticed that folks in the audience do look uncomfortable when one person is speaking at the expense of the other panelists.  A good moderator can really rein in a chatty speaker.

I’ve done online interviews before, but this online panel will be a first for me.  Dan Blank, the conference organizer, is using an application called BigMarker to run the conference. I tried it out both last week and this week and found it very easy to use the interface.  You can listen in as an audience member without video or audio, or turn it on as a panelist.   There’s even a button you can press to ‘raise your hand’ to indicate to the moderator that you have a question.  And a chat box on the side of the screen.

I did warn Dan that I likely wouldn’t be able to chat, listen to the other panelists, and know when it was my turn to talk. :)  My multi-tasking has limits.

Here are my tips for being on in-person panels:

Are we allowed to sell our books at the event, after the panel?  Is the conference buying the books through a bookseller or are we responsible for bringing our own books?

Be conscious of over-promoting while on panels.  It tends to stand out if we bring up our book title every time we answer a question or have all of our titles on the table in front of us during the panel.  I usually have one or two books, tops, on the table (if the conference even allows it).

Find out how they handle book selling after the panels.  Sometimes you sell books right after your panel in the same room, sometimes you go to a commons area outside of the room, sometimes you have a special area to report to at a specific time.

It’s also important to know if someone else handles the purchases while you sign, or if you’re signing and ringing up customers.  Which is a nightmare for me…I tend to get flustered.  If you’re not sure, best to come with a calculator and with extra dollars to make change with.

I’ve watched panels, as an audience member, where panelists were thinking so hard about how they were going to answer the question that they didn’t appear to be listening to the other panelists as they spoke.  Definitely doesn’t look good.

Sometimes, the conference forgets to supply water. I like to have a small water bottle with me, just in case.

Online conferences/panels:

Well, your guess is as good as mine.  But I do have general tips for doing Skype and other interviews, and you can find the post here.  Mainly, I make sure the lighting is good (artificial lighting is usually better than sunlight), that the audio and the camera are working,  that I put the animals away so they won’t jump into view of the camera or bark, and find/wear my makeup.  Which is, as I recall, in the children’s bathroom since it was last used to help with special effects for their Halloween costumes.

Any tips for panels?  Things I missed?


Elizabeth Spann Craig

View posts by Elizabeth Spann Craig
Elizabeth writes the Memphis Barbeque series (as Riley Adams) and the Southern Quilting mysteries for Penguin and writes the Myrtle Clover series for Midnight Ink and independently. She also has a blog, which was named by Writer’s Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers. There she posts on the writing craft, finding inspiration in everyday life, and fitting writing into a busy schedule.


  1. Margot KinbergNovember 13, 2013

    Elizabeth – Panels really can be terrific ways to interact with readers without having to have the whole burden of the event oneself. Panels are also (in my opinion) a great way to connect with other authors and learn from them. You’ve got some terrific ideas too for preparing for a panel. I’ve also found that it helps to practice my part in a panel. I don’t mean rehearsing every word of a speech (how monotone!!). But I do mean being thoroughly familiar with the main points I want to make, so that I only have to glance down at notes once or twice if at all.

  2. Paul Anthony ShorttNovember 13, 2013

    I love being on panels! I’ve gotten to be on a number of them at Octocon, Ireland’s annual sci-fi and fantasy convention, and I’ve loved every bit.

    I hear you on the conversation-hog. Thankfully this year all my fellow panelists were amazing and we got some great discussions going and good audience interaction. But once or twice there was a particular audience member who kept talking over others, and I could see people becoming irritated. Unfortunately, I wasn’t the moderator so I’m not sure protocol would have allowed me to cut across.

  3. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsNovember 13, 2013

    Paul–Sounds like a great convention!

    I’ve actually seen panelists take over from bad moderators before, but that’s almost more uncomfortable than the out-of-control panel. There’s definitely an art to moderating.

  4. Julie MusilNovember 15, 2013

    Love the tip about putting the dogs away and “finding” the make up!

  5. Barry KnisterNovember 15, 2013

    I want to leave a comment, but am having trouble. I’ll try later.

  6. Barry KnisterNovember 15, 2013

    You are so right about the importance of moderators. A good one, someone who is both firm and tactful, can rescue a panel that would otherwise be a study in either autism or egomania or both.

  7. Hilary Melton-ButcherNovember 16, 2013

    Hi Elizabeth .. I’ve only been to one or two panel held discussions and they’ve been professionally handled – impressively so .. I’ve been lucky – but can see it’d be very irritating .. as it is on tv sometimes, when the interviewer wants to say more than the interviewee – especially when they are extremely knowledgeable in their subject ..

    Cheers Hilary

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