My Favorite Points of View–Guest Post by Bill Hopkins

by Bill Hopkins, @JudgeHopkins

Favorite Points of View:  


  • First person: This is a story that
    is usually narrated by the protagonist. If you use this, then your first
    sentence–or certainly your first paragraph–should make it clear.
    “Sally whirled around and slapped me in the face.” You know that
    someone (the narrator) has incurred Sally’s wrath and he’s going to tell the
    reader about it.

  • Advantages: First person allows the
    narrator to develop a distinctive voice that no one else in the story has
    (or should have). The reader will learn to like or at least understand why
    the narrator acts the way he does. He can ramble on about relevant points
    inside his own head without anyone else but the reader knowing what he’s
    thinking. The reader also witnesses the stress placed on the narrator and
    how that causes him to act in a certain way. The reader learns about the
    world of the narrator quickly.

  • Disadvantages: The narrator must
    be in every scene or he and the reader will be subjected to a lot of
    retelling by other characters what happened off-stage. But even that may
    be skillfully handled so that the narrator doesn’t appear to be just a
    listening post where different folks come to tell their tales. Also, other
    characters and not the narrator must describe him or the narrator must
    slip in hints at his appearance. “Sally slapped me so hard that I
    thought my scrawny mustache had been knocked off my face.” And,
    please, avoid the cliché of having the narrator look in a mirror and
    telling the reader what he sees. Finally, avoid as many “I’s” as
    you can. “I went to the store. I bought some eggs. I took the eggs to
    Sally.” That soon becomes boring.


  • Third Person: An unknown narrator
    is telling the story. Generally, the narrator is never identified. Writers
    and readers have an unspoken agreement that this is one of those
    “willing suspension of disbelief” that someone witnessed and is
    able to tell the story. There are different kinds of third person. What
    makes my favorite version of third person “close” (other people
    have different terms for it) is that the narrator is in only one
    character’s head at a time. “Sally slapped him.” That would be
    the first line of a book written in third person (close or otherwise). Further
    on in the story, the reader realizes that the narrator can see into only
    one person’s mind. “He felt the stinging blow and didn’t like the
    look on Sally’s face.” In fact, third person close is almost a first
    person viewpoint using different pronouns.

  • Advantages: You can describe your
    character in the narration. As a reader of fiction, I rarely remember what
    a person looks like while reading the story. As a writer, my descriptions
    of people tend to emphasize oddities of their appearance or perhaps one or
    two nods to a physical description. Another advantage that draws me to
    this point of view is that you can still show the direct thoughts of the
    person. “Sally slapped him. That’s
    the second time she’s done that to me!
    ” or “Sally slapped
    him. That’s the second time, he thought, that she’s done that to me.”

  • Disadvantages: You must be
    especially careful not to get into anyone else’s head. You must show us
    what the other person is doing to determine his reaction to what is going
    on or, of course, have the other person say something that presents his
    state of mind. This sounds easy, but it’s tricky. In one story, I had
    written about the protagonist and two companions doing something like
    “trudging dispiritedly” (it wasn’t really that bad). My most
    heartless editor (my wife, Sharon Woods Hopkins) pointed out that I was
    expressing the thoughts of the other two people as well as the
    protagonist. Which, of course, I was.

Play around with different points of view. See
what fits your protagonist the best. You’d be amazed how a character changes
when you change that character’s point of view!

For more information, read these two articles:

Fiction: Point of View (Writer’s Digest)


Point of View in Fiction (Fiction Writers’ Mentor)

Courting Murder by Bill Hopkins

A Judge Rosswell Carew Mystery

Available October 2012

ISBN 978-0-9830504-38

Southeast Missouri University

When Judge Rosswell Carew makes the gruesome discovery of
two corpses on a riverbank in the Missouri Ozarks, he’s plunged into a storm of
deadly secrets that threaten both him and his fiancée, Tina Parkmore.
Unsatisfied with the way the authorities are conducting the investigation,
Rosswell, who’s always nurtured a secret desire to be a detective, teams up
with an ex-con, Ollie Groton, to solve the case before the killer can murder
again. Rosswell uncovers a maze of crimes so tangled that he must fight his way
to a solution or die trying.
Bill Hopkins is retired after beginning his legal career in
1971 and serving as a private attorney, prosecuting attorney, an administrative
law judge, and a trial court judge, all in Missouri. His poems, short stories,
and non-fiction have appeared in many different publications. He’s had several
short plays produced. A book of collected poetry, Moving Into Forever, is available on Amazon. Bill is a member of
Mystery Writers of America, Dramatists Guild, Horror Writers Association,
Missouri Writers Guild, and Sisters In Crime. Bill is also a photographer who
has sold work in the United States, Canada, and Europe. He and his wife, Sharon
(a mortgage banker who is also a published writer), live in Marble Hill,
Missouri, with their dogs and cat. Besides writing, Bill and Sharon are
involved in collecting and restoring Camaros. Courting Murder is his first mystery novel.


Elizabeth Spann Craig

View posts by Elizabeth Spann Craig
Elizabeth writes the Memphis Barbeque series (as Riley Adams) and the Southern Quilting mysteries for Penguin and writes the Myrtle Clover series for Midnight Ink and independently. She also has a blog, which was named by Writer’s Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers. There she posts on the writing craft, finding inspiration in everyday life, and fitting writing into a busy schedule.


  1. Jemi FraserOctober 30, 2012

    I generally prefer 3rd – both for reading and writing. I’ve read a few 1sts in the last few years that have made me reconsider though – some people do it really well!

    1. Bill HopkinsOctober 30, 2012

      Jemi, I like close 3rd because you’re still close to the main character but you can also surprise the protagonist!

  2. I have to read this book if the setting is in MO.

    My favorite POV is first person- “I” think.

    1. Bill HopkinsOctober 30, 2012

      Teresa, this is the first in a series and all of them are set in Missouri!

  3. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsOctober 30, 2012

    Thanks so much for being on the blog today, Bill! Congratulations on your new release–I’m looking forward to reading it.

    As a reader, I’m drawn to a 1st person POV…but I haven’t written in that POV. Thanks for your take on these two points of view.

    1. Bill HopkinsOctober 30, 2012

      Thank you for having me. I enjoy hearing what readers and writers like!

  4. Alex J. CavanaughOctober 30, 2012

    I prefer third person. I don’t want to be THAT much in my character’s head!

    1. Bill HopkinsOctober 30, 2012

      Alex, that’s an interesting slant on 3rd person!

  5. Marilyn SlagelOctober 30, 2012

    My book is in first person and was easiest for me. Before I switch to anything else, I’ll have to get a lot more experience. Great explanations, Bill!

  6. Bill HopkinsOctober 30, 2012

    Thanks, Marilyn!

  7. CarradeeOctober 30, 2012

    I often prefer first person, present tense, but some stories better suit third person, past tense. From there, I’m picky—I’ll take first person, past tense, or third person, present tense, but there needs to be a reason for the pairing.

    I often find myself using first person, present tense for novels and third person, past tense for shorts. There are exceptions, though.

    1. Bill HopkinsOctober 30, 2012

      Carradee, thanks for your viewpoint on … well … viewpoint!

  8. Margot KinbergOctober 31, 2012

    Bill – Thanks for these insights. There really are advantages to both ways of writing and I agree completely that the best thing to do is find the voice that suits you. That’s going to produce the most authentic story.

  9. Linda GrayOctober 31, 2012

    I never lose interest in this topic. It’s always fun to roll around the narrator’s pov in your mind as you approach a project. I’ve written both first and third person close, and like them both. I think close third is the best, though, because you can develop the intimacy of first but have the advantage of not being limited by what only the protagonist can see/feel etc.

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