Links for Writers

Terry3 I’ve gotten to the crazy point in my association with Twitter that I think everybody is on Twitter. It’s amazing how quickly the application messes with your mind.

I thought I’d post some writing links that I’ve come across lately that I thought were helpful or interesting. I’ve posted all of these on Twitter, so my apologies to my Twitter followers for the repost:

10 mistakes writers don’t see (but can easily fix when they do):

5 guaranteed ways to hate your own writing:

Chapter endings–when your cliffhanging moment comes too soon:

Continuity in our writing:

10 ways to become a better #writer (w/ links to resources):

9 tips to help you through writing burnout:

Sidekicks…who is Robin to your character’s Batman?

What *not* to say during an author interview (Huff Post):

The 3 Vs of distinctive voice in dialogue:

5 ways to tell your story needs hijacking: @glen_allison

Demystifying contracts–what every writer should know:

9 ways to improve your author website:

Tips for naming characters:

Tax deductions for writers:

Too many characters in a scene? Mix and match:

On writing beginnings:

All about ISBNs:

Time and your protagonist:

Tips for developing character voice:

Settling for a bad book deal:

An agent on ‘how to title your book’ :

What’s at stake in your story?

5 tips on writing story connections to engage your readers:

On writing endings:

An editor on how multiple book deal advances are divided:

Why do I find it so hard to summarize my novel?:

5 types of emails you should automatically be filtering:

Top 10 newbie writer mistakes:

Tips for synopsis writing:

10 writing rules you can’t break–and how to break them:

Sentence structure mistakes:

8 reasons your blog isn’t getting comments:

How writing your own review can help your novel:

The curse of the fast writer:

6 time management tips for writers:

How to start a novel:

Can’t make a deadline? Don’t cover it up–tell your editor:

Writing a query letter with voice:

Why editors use form rejection letters:

Establish goals when setting up a writing critique group:

Why a writer needs confidence:

Hope everyone can find an interesting article to read for their Sunday. :)

Elizabeth Spann Craig

View posts by Elizabeth Spann Craig
Elizabeth writes the Memphis Barbeque series (as Riley Adams) and the Southern Quilting mysteries for Penguin and writes the Myrtle Clover series for Midnight Ink and independently. She also has a blog, which was named by Writer’s Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers. There she posts on the writing craft, finding inspiration in everyday life, and fitting writing into a busy schedule.


  1. KarenGMarch 7, 2010

    From my 18 year old son who is on facebook, as well as everyone he knows: ‘what’s twitter? No one I know is on twitter. They’ve never even heard of it.’ Making me think twitter is for the next up generation, not the teenagers. At least not yet. They’re all too busy texting and facebooking.

  2. Ingrid KingMarch 7, 2010

    Really? There are still people who are not on Twitter? :-)

    I love your “Links for Writers” posts – you always find the best resources!

  3. Mason CanyonMarch 7, 2010

    Great links for the writer and non-writer alike. Thanks.

  4. Margot KinbergMarch 7, 2010

    Elizabeth – Thanks for these links. They really are useful : ).

  5. Wendy (aka quillfeather).March 7, 2010

    Great post! Definitely worthy of a gold star in Google Reader.

    Thanks so much for the links :)

  6. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsMarch 7, 2010

    Karen–My cousin is the only person I know who isn’t a writer on Twitter! You’re right…the kids don’t use it at all. My son is all about the texting. :)

    Wendy–Hope they help!

  7. Jemi FraserMarch 7, 2010

    Wow – that’s a lot of links! I caught a few of them this week, but not all. Thanks for the links :)

  8. The Old SillyMarch 7, 2010

    Good Lord Elizabeth – that’s a looooooooooooooong list – Where do I start? lol. Bet there’s LOTS of good stuff here, so I got it bookmarked for a leisurely non-blog-hopping time of day when I can peruse. Thanks!

    Marvin D Wilson

  9. Ann Elle AltmanMarch 7, 2010

    Thanks for all the links I will put this blog link on my blog today so I can always have access to the links.


  10. Dorte HMarch 7, 2010

    One article? I have spent most of my Sunday afternoon reading (well, exaggerating a bit). Thank you for sharing these with non-twitters.

  11. Carolina Valdez MillerMarch 7, 2010

    Holy catfish, this is a whopper of a list!! Awesome! Thanks, E!

  12. sarahjayne smytheMarch 7, 2010

    Wow. That is some list. :) Great post. And yes, Twitter isn’t currently of interest to most college or high school kids. They have Facebook and MySpace and texting and IMing to keep them happy.

  13. Jan MorrisonMarch 7, 2010

    Thanks Elizabeth – I just copied out that first one and put it in my ‘writers’ help’ file. Now I’m going to get at my wip with renewed vigour.
    A sunny sunday sure satisfies.

  14. L. Diane WolfeMarch 7, 2010

    Holy cow! Well, I know what I’m doing this afternoon…

  15. Alex J. CavanaughMarch 7, 2010

    These are all new to me as I’ve not set up a Twitter yet.

  16. HeatherMarch 7, 2010

    These are great links thanks! I’m off to check some of them out now…

  17. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsMarch 7, 2010

    Ingrid–It’s my crazy number of blog subscriptions. :) But they’re all so helpful!


    Marvin–There is some good stuff there, when you have some reading time.

    Ann-I think some of your links are on there! :)

    Sarah–I can definitely see the appeal for texting…I love texting. I use Twitter for links and less for dialogue…I get confused at the fractured conversations on Twitter!

    Jan–Go get that WIP! And hope you enjoyed your sunny Sunday!

    Margot–You’re so welcome!

    Diane–Crazy, isn’t it? I thought they were really helpful.

    Jemi–Have fun!

    Alex–I’ll keep trying to remember to share them here. I forget and then they build up…and these are all from the last few weeks!

    Heather–Hope they help!

    Dorte–You’re so welcome! :) Glad they were helpful.

    Carolina–This is what comes of having 700+ blogs in one’s Google Reader! :)

  18. Conda V. DouglasMarch 8, 2010

    Yes, twitter drives me nuts too–I can never find that article link that I wanted to…thanks for posting them.

  19. Conda V. DouglasMarch 8, 2010

    Yes, twitter drives me nuts too–I can never find that article link that I wanted to…thanks for posting them.

  20. Clare2eMarch 8, 2010

    I think most media folks are all a-Twitter, of whatever age.

    I read 3 of these links, before deciding I’ll have to do one a night, like yummy mints on a pillow. You’ve done a month of posts in a day, Elizabeth. Too productive! I protest!

  21. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsMarch 8, 2010

    Conda and Clarese–You’re so welcome! Hope they help. :)

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