Launching a Book


I got an early copy of Finger Lickin’ Dead via UPS on Tuesday (the book releases June 7).

Since I’m now at less than a month until the launch, I’m getting in gear for promotion. I’ve been more active with appearances lately, and am starting to set up stops for a blog tour.

For me, the best approach has been a combination of making appearances after the book’s release and gently promoting the book via social media before the release and on the launch day.

I’ve tried different marketing approaches, and have found a lot of great resources online. On the Writer’s Knowledge Base, you can find 234 posts on promoting your release. Here are some particularly useful posts:

How to write a press release:

Authors: How to write a press release for your book—by Alexis Grant (Always good to take press release advice from a journalist.)

Book trailers:

How To Use Book Trailers Effectively—Joanna Penn’s interview with Darcy Pattison

Play nice:

Ten Commandments for Book Launch Day—by Randy Susan Meyers

5 Launch Day Lessons—by M.K. Hobson

Press kits for your website/blog:

Book Marketing Part III: More on press kits—by Lavinia Thompson

Launch party:

How to Throw an Awesome Book Launch: by Moonrat

How to Plan a Successful Debut Book Party—by Jody Hedlund

How to build an author page on Amazon and Goodreads:

How to build an Amazon author page and other information—by Cassander Carr

Using social media to launch your book:

HOW TO: Launch Any Product Using Social Media—by Guy Kawasaki

Promoting your book even before the sale:

27 things you can do to promote your book—Before you write it, before you launch it, and after you’ve published it—by Sue Collier

If you’ve released a book, what worked for you?


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Elizabeth Spann Craig

View posts by Elizabeth Spann Craig
Elizabeth writes the Memphis Barbeque series (as Riley Adams) and the Southern Quilting mysteries for Penguin and writes the Myrtle Clover series for Midnight Ink and independently. She also has a blog, which was named by Writer’s Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers. There she posts on the writing craft, finding inspiration in everyday life, and fitting writing into a busy schedule.


  1. Teresa aka JWMay 12, 2011

    Elizabeth, Your book is beautiful!!! I will keep this information for my day. :) It will come.

  2. Margot KinbergMay 12, 2011

    Elizabeth – Oh, how exciting that you got your early copy :-). I can’t wait to read Finger Lickin’ Dead when it comes out.

    As for launching a book? I think you’ve got such terrific ideas, and thanks for those great links. Sometimes I think it’s hard for an author to get out there and “shout from the rooftops” about her or his new book. Most authors aren’t marketers by nature, and have to learn to do that kind of thing…

  3. Karen WalkerMay 12, 2011

    Elizabeth, congratulations on what I am sure will be another successful book launch for you. These are wonderful tips that I hope I get to use some day. I’d be happy to do something on my blog for your tour, if you think it would help.

  4. Alan OrloffMay 12, 2011

    Congrats on the upcoming release! I’m hoping you’ll come visit my blog on your tour!

  5. Terry OdellMay 12, 2011

    Those advance copies are fantastic, aren’t they? I left mine in the (open) box in the living room so I could see them every time I walked through the house.

    As for all the marketing stuff–great advice if your publisher actually distributes to bookstores. Mine only pushes library sales.

    Terry’s Place
    Romance with a Twist–of Mystery

  6. Alex J. CavanaughMay 12, 2011

    I still need a Goodreads profile…
    And I’d be happy to host you on your tour!

  7. K.M. WeilandMay 12, 2011

    Great list of links. I’d already read several of them, and I clicked through to read several more. My next book is scheduled for release next year, and I’m already gearing up for the launch. Congrats on your new book! Love the title.

  8. K.B. OwenMay 12, 2011

    I’m bookmarking your post, Elizabeth, just in case I ever need it ;)

    Congrats! I sent you a couple of twitter DMs w/ideas about your blog tour.

  9. L. Diane WolfeMay 12, 2011

    Excellent tips and links!

  10. Elspeth AntonelliMay 12, 2011

    I’m bookmarking this post with hope in my heart. Thanks, Elizabeth.

  11. AnnaMay 12, 2011

    Congratulations! Thanks for the helpful links!

  12. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsMay 12, 2011

    Teresa–Thanks! And…your day will definitely come. :)

    Margot–It’s really tough to market, isn’t it? We’re definitely not naturals at it, but I think we get better the more promo we do.

    Alex–I’ll take you up on that. :)

    K.B.–Thanks so much! I’m sure you’ll be needing it before you know it. :)


    Karen–Thanks so much! Let me know what you’d like me to write about–elizabethspanncraig (at) gmail(dot) com.

    Alan–Of course I will! I need to shoot you an email.

    Anna–Thanks so much! Hope these help.

    Terry–It sure does make it harder not to have either bookstore distribution or digital distribution. But doesn’t 5 Star have digital now?

  13. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsMay 12, 2011

    Katie–I hope you’ll consider guest posting for me when your next book releases. :)

    Elspeth–No hope needed! I’m very confident you’ll be using the links before long (or writing your own posts about book launching so I can add to my list.) :)

  14. Helen GingerMay 12, 2011

    Congratulations on the new book. The cover is beautiful!

    And thanks for all the links.

  15. Linda GartzMay 13, 2011

    Thanks, Elisabeth. Every bit of information to help promote our books is critical. The world of publishing is changing so rapidly — and marketing through social media, thinking of ebook publication as a viable option — all makes this kind of information invaluable.

  16. Margot KinbergMay 13, 2011

    Elizabeth – What a helpful set of ideas! I think for me, what helped the most when I launched B-Very Flat was the online blogging community of which I’m glad you’rea part.

  17. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsMay 15, 2011

    Thanks so much, y’all! Hope it helps. :)

  18. Julie MusilMay 20, 2011

    Wow, I’m bookmarking this page for when the time comes! Congratulations on the book :D

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