Historical Research—a Guest Post by Charlotte Bowen

Fictionette--Where Your Writing Takes Flight

First of all, thanks to my guest blogger, Charlotte Bowen today! Charlotte blogs at http://www.fictionette.org/, is revising her first novel and writing her second. She’s on Twitter at @acbowen.


Historical Research.

Those two simple words can strike fear into the heart of any writer, be she ever so mettlesome otherwise. For those without much knowledge of a piece’s era, research often seems an insurmountable task.

The notions that research is difficult or intimidating and that historical fiction requires 100% authenticity (or else don’t bother) is perpetuated by academics, historical researchers, and — to be frank — novelists who can’t be bothered or are too frightened themselves to do research. These people have a lot invested in maintaining that untenable attitude. The academics and researchers are looking to put their profession (a noble one, admittedly) on a pedestal, and the novelists want to justify their laziness or pass on the fear others have instilled in them.

Don’t let them dissuade you from research.

The truth is that there is really only one reason to include authentic detail in your pieces: To strengthen and clarify the mental image your prose calls forth in your readers. Any advice you take and any detail you include in your pieces should be directed toward that end.

“Enough” Authenticity?

Writers perpetuating historical myths make knowledgeable people cry. If I ever again read that people in the Middle Ages bathed only once a year, for example, I might go postal.

Bad history throws your readers out of the text. If you call your Renaissance Venetian character Jennifer instead of the more authentic Ginevra, for example, many readers will shudder every time they read the name. Eventually these infelicities compound upon themselves to totally frustrate readers, leaving them less able to engage with your story and characters.

Take the time to get the basics right. Names, dates, and places should be nailed down first, as should titles if your book concerns the military, nobility, or holy orders. Branch out from there as far as your taste or plot calls for. Details of dress, occupations, and language are good places to go once the basics are in place.

How Authentic is Too Authentic?

Don’t respond by going the other way, however. While obsessive authenticity might allow you to pack a lot of interesting facts into your novel, facts without a purpose actually detract from your story by bogging readers down in endless descriptive window-dressing.

While it’s interesting that Constantinople’s cisterns were constructed with columns taken from ancient temples, turned upside down so that the Medusa’s heads lie submerged in feet of black water — for example — 10 pages of detail with the exact genus and species details of the mosses growing in the cistern is not.

This goes for details of language, as well. While a few sprinkled “good morrows” lend a pleasant historical air to your writing, having your hero cry “Thou dost me sle!” when his lady spurns him for another is simply overwrought — even if that is authentic straight-outta-Chaucer Middle English.

Historical facts are like movie special effects. They can really spice up the visuals when done well, but are too often used as whiz-bang puffery to showcase the director’s technical capabilities or (worse) to hide gaping plot holes. Don’t do that to yourself, your readers, or your characters.

Drawing the Line

The “sweet spot” between rampant anachronism and pedantry is different for every piece. The best advice (as with any other piece, historical or not) is to focus on your characters, your plot, and your storytelling. If the interesting tidbits you’ve found will advance one of these three things, use them. If not, don’t. Let the work tell you what it needs.

This attitude also makes it much easier to compile a list of things to begin researching. Create a basic plot outline and work from there. If the denouement of your novel involves a sword fight in a chapel, for example, you should research the date and layout of possible chapels, swords from the era, and sword fighting technique. These are still broad categories, but it’s easier to work with these than something even broader, like “Scotland, 1543.”

Breaking the research down into manageable parts reduces overwhelm and leaves you with a better finished product.

Where To Start

Art – This is one of the easiest ways to get a feel for an era. Not only do paintings, drawings, and photographs give you an idea of what people wore and how they lived, but each era has a certain spirit that comes alive in the artwork.

Period literature – Even in translation, period literature can provide a wealth of information on social customs and mores, clothing, decor, and — of course — language. Look for poetry, novels, and (especially) letters from your era at the local library or online. Since most period literature (and the Victorian-era translations thereof) is in the public domain, you should have little trouble finding something that suits your purpose.

Other historical novels – Some authors include a selected bibliography at the back of their books, or on their website. Other authors — Dorothy Dunnett, for example — have spawned reference books of their own. If there is a living author you particularly admire, seek him out. He might be able to point you in the right direction. Novelists with extreme attention to authenticity and detail (like Dunnett and Patrick O’Brien) are also your best models for how to incorporate into a compelling narrative all the facts you do find.

Historical research societies – Find these through Google or the phone book. These research societies tend to focus on one place, time, or thing. For example, the Association for Renaissance Martial Arts is a fantastic resource on swords and sword fighting in the Middle Ages and Renaissance. The Academy of St. Gabriel helps historical re-enactors to choose authentic Medieval names. Even if your topic is obscure, it probably has some enthusiasts or associations dedicated to its study.

Colleges/Universities – See if your local college will let you audit a class on your era of interest. Not only will you learn a lot but you’ll also get access to the college library, which will have a greater number and quality of research resources than any public library, and to other professors who, by and large, will be thrilled to go on with you at length about their favorite subjects.

Online mailing lists – Google Groups and Yahoo Groups host many historical research mailing lists aimed at re-enactors. Re-enactors are a fantastic resource for writers. Not only do they have a good overview of the available research literature — they’ve actually done and eaten and worn some of the things you’ll be writing about. Don’t be afraid to approach a mailing list with some of your questions or search the archived messages for relevant material.

eBay and Etsy – There’s nothing quite like holding a piece of history in your hand. If your piece falls somewhere after the 1810s, there’s a good chance that you’ll be able to find old photos, clothing, and household items on these websites. Even if you don’t purchase anything, the auction pictures and descriptions will give you a feel for what real people saw and wore every day.


Thanks so much for such an informative post on researching, Charlotte! I have a historical saga in my head for “someday,” (when I don’t have kids at home, probably!) and will definitely cut and file your tips for researching.

Elizabeth Spann Craig

View posts by Elizabeth Spann Craig
Elizabeth writes the Memphis Barbeque series (as Riley Adams) and the Southern Quilting mysteries for Penguin and writes the Myrtle Clover series for Midnight Ink and independently. She also has a blog, which was named by Writer’s Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers. There she posts on the writing craft, finding inspiration in everyday life, and fitting writing into a busy schedule.


  1. Mason CanyonFebruary 5, 2010

    I like the idea of “holding a piece of history in your hand.” I think that would give the author an added bonus to be able to write about a time period. If you were writing about clothing, this would especially be true to feel the texture. Very interesting and informative post.

  2. Margot KinbergFebruary 5, 2010

    Elizabeth – Thanks for opening your blog up to guest bloggers. Charlotte – thanks for your very informative and helpful post. You’re absolutely right that there is a fine and important line between adding to a novel with some important historical accuracy, and overburdening a novel. I like your “yardstick” about characters, plot and storyteeling. Good advice and very useful!

  3. CharlotteFebruary 5, 2010

    @Mason and @Margot – Thanks very much for your kind comments! I’m so glad you found the post helpful and informative.

    Additional ideas for where to start that I cut for brevity’s sake:

    iTunes podcasts (Either historical ‘casts like Twelve Byzantine Rulers, for example, or iTunes U classes.)

    Google (Pretty obvious. Try university websites as you can often get reading lists for university classes taught by specialists.)

    Databases like LexisNexis and Jstor (Probably only available through university libraries or public libraries in big cities like New York.)

    I’m sure others who write historical fiction can think of more!

  4. Faith PrayFebruary 5, 2010

    Thank you so much for the great research and writing advice. Incredibly helpful.

  5. Terry OdellFebruary 5, 2010

    Excellent advice. I’m a total dweeb about history, so I trust that authors are getting it “right” — in part because I feel obligated to get the facts right in my contemporaries.

    Despite the rigors of research, at least if your writing about history, it’s not going to change. I go nuts trying to keep up with technology, and hope it’s “accurate” when the book hits the shelf!

  6. Valerie NorrisFebruary 5, 2010

    Thank you for these research tips. I started a pioneer historical novel last summer, then set it aside to work on something else. When I get back to the historical, I’ll use your research tips!

  7. Tamika:February 5, 2010

    It’s difficult to write what you don’t know. Doing the research is about making your writing publishable. We are writing for the reader, and historical fiction with historical facts is not publishable.

    Great post!

  8. Kristen Torres-ToroFebruary 5, 2010

    This is great! Authenticity is so important.

  9. Julie DaoFebruary 5, 2010

    What fantastic pointers! Historical writing is definitely something that requires a lot of commitment. It’s too easy for a reader to tell when the author has been slacking on research. Thanks for sharing!

  10. Jan MorrisonFebruary 5, 2010

    Thanks Charlotte – I do harbour a desire to write historical fiction and your suggestions are very helpful. I’ve been really enjoying Hilary Mantel’s Wolf Hall, Booker winner this year. It is set in Tudor England and I love how she creates the world there without being pendantic. Her characters use modern language but she seems to get the heart of how people spoke then – like a very good translation. It is quite the art.
    I look forward to reading your books as they come out and thank you for being so generous with your knowledge.

  11. Dorte HFebruary 5, 2010

    I have no plans about writing historical fiction, but this post seems to me to be very useful to anyone who has to research for a novel. Because the same applies to environment: readers like a sense of environment, but they don´t want to be lectured.

  12. L. Diane WolfeFebruary 5, 2010

    Good tips! I know a historical piece would make me nervous.
    Language is what usually throws me when reading. As you said, it’s easy to go overboard and it’s easy to place too much 21st century words in the work. The first is hard to read and the second unbelievable. The author who stirkes a balance will have a winner though!

  13. Ann Elle AltmanFebruary 5, 2010

    Great pointers… I try to get my history right when writing but ‘ve never considered ebay as a source before. good idea.


  14. Elspeth AntonelliFebruary 5, 2010

    This is a wonderful post which I identify with completely since I write historical mysteries.

    We seem to follow a very similar process.

  15. Helen GingerFebruary 5, 2010

    Thank you for all the resources you listed! I used to find research intimidating…then I signed on to write nonfiction books that are all facts and information. Now, it doesn’t make me twitch at all.

    Straight From Hel

  16. Marvin D WilsonFebruary 5, 2010

    Wow what a comprehensive and useful article. Thanks, Charlotte and Elizabeth!

    The Old Silly

  17. Jane Kennedy SuttonFebruary 5, 2010

    Though I have a period novel rolling around in my head, I haven’t pursued it yet because I do find the idea of historical research daunting. Thanks for breaking it down and giving resources I would have never thought about. I’ll keep your tips handy as I may try my hand at writing it in the future.

  18. Alex J. CavanaughFebruary 5, 2010

    Now I know why I write science fiction!

  19. Galen Kindley--AuthorFebruary 5, 2010

    This post was well written and very helpful. Thank you so much for a “feet planted in reality” essay AND, the terrific sources. Nicely done. I’ll tweet this baby.

    Best Wishes Galen.
    Imagineering Fiction Blog

  20. Carolina Valdez MillerFebruary 6, 2010

    Oh my, such a delicious wealth of information. Thank you for this post, Charlotte! And thank you, Elizabeth, for having her guest post. Loved all the valuable info. This will come in handy. How nice to learn, too, that people in the middle ages bathed more often than we’re told ;)

  21. Jemi FraserFebruary 6, 2010

    Great advice – I hadn’t thought of a few of your suggestions but I know I will use them from now on!

  22. CharlotteFebruary 5, 2010

    Thanks everyone for such wonderful comments! I’m so glad the post was helpful to you. :)

  23. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsFebruary 5, 2010

    Charlotte–Thanks so much for coming by again! Historical research is not usually something that gets covered on this blog and it’s definitely a hot topic. Thanks.

  24. schultpeFebruary 7, 2010

    Thank you for an excellent article. As an author of HF, I agree with your comments. Authenticity is vital, but one must avoid “wallowing” in the period at the expense of the story. Still, accuracy remains essential, since it is a certainty that someone will (rightfully) seize on the tiniest anachronism and put it out there for all the world to see. Your suggestions on how/where to conduct research are great!

    There is a “flip side” to this issue, as well. When (probably- well-meaning) individuals post comments on blogs, reviews, etc. identifying what they THINK are errors the author has made, but are themselves mistaken, it can be somewhat irritating. Still another complication can arise when new research or discoveries alter long-held beliefs about events, individuals, etc. Is it fair to then criticize a writer whose work was published before such discoveries, and was based on earlier assumptions?

    All part of the fun of the genre!

    My new novel is entitled THE FUHRER VIRUS. It is a WWII spy/conspiracy/thriller for adult readers and can be found at http://www.eloquentbooks.com/TheFuhrerVirus.html, http://www.amazon.com, http://www.barnesandnoble.com, and on Google Review. Read a recent review on PODBRAM.


    Paul Schultz

  25. kitdunsmoreFebruary 8, 2010

    I actually enjoy doing any kind of research for my writing (some of which qualifies as historical fiction). Not only is it an excuse to learn something, but I often find the details that I uncover will help to shape the story. More than once, something I learned from my research solved a problem or introduced an interesting twist to what I was writing. So I think research helps with making the story more interesting as well as accurate.

  26. Mary AalgaardFebruary 9, 2010

    Thanks for this interview. I know it took me a few days to come over here and read it, and comment, but I knew it would be good, and did not forget! I’m working on historical fiction. It can be overwhelming, but I like the advice of breaking it down. Also, I can pat myself on the back a bit for already doing some of the suggested things.

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