Help for Writers—in Case You Missed It

Is it just me, or did this week go by in a blur?

In case you missed it (and I think a lot slipped by me this week), here are three different helps for writers:

Clarissa CritiqueCritique sites.  Clarissa Draper focused on critique groups this week on her blog, Listening to the Voices.  She talks about what it means to be a critique partner/beta reader, launched a critique partner match-up feature for her blog, and linked to six other sites that match writers with crit partners.


Alex J. CavanaughAlex J. Cavanaugh is launching the Insecure Writers Support Group.  As he explains in this post :

I’ve noticed a lot of posts lately about doubts, concerns, and a lack of confidence. Insecure is a term most writers use to describe themselves….

I thought it would be cool if one day a month, everyone involved in the Insecure Writers Support group posted either:

  • A situation where they need some encouragement
  • Words of encouragement for others about to face a situation

Alex is working out the logistics of this project and was looking for feedback in his post on Friday.

I applaud Alex for setting this up because I think if a writer is confident (and maybe even stubborn), they’re going to go far with their writing and stick with it.

directoryAnd, this week, I opened up a free directory for writers looking for cover designers, ebook formatters/converters, freelance editors, etc.  It’s not pretty (my spreadsheets always look clumsy), but all the information is there to get you started if you’re in the process of looking for a pro to help you with your ebook.


Progressive-Dinner-Deadly-Cover_PubItI also released an ebook this week. :)  Progressive Dinner Deadly is a Myrtle Clover mystery and is available for $2.99 on Kindle and Nook.

Anyone else got anything to announce or promote for the week?

Elizabeth Spann Craig

View posts by Elizabeth Spann Craig
Elizabeth writes the Memphis Barbeque series (as Riley Adams) and the Southern Quilting mysteries for Penguin and writes the Myrtle Clover series for Midnight Ink and independently. She also has a blog, which was named by Writer’s Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers. There she posts on the writing craft, finding inspiration in everyday life, and fitting writing into a busy schedule.


  1. Margot KinbergAugust 20, 2011

    Elizabeth – Thanks so much for those reminders! And congratulations again on the release of Progressive Dinner Deadly! I have missed Myrtle…

  2. Clarissa DraperAugust 20, 2011

    Congrats on your release! I’ve purchased a copy and can’t wait to read it.

    Thanks for mentioning my site and my posts. I have been keeping up with Alex’s post and I want to add a link to your directory to my site.

  3. Clarissa DraperAugust 20, 2011

    I made changes to one of your icons to put it on my blog, hope you don’t mind.

  4. Laura MarcellaAugust 20, 2011

    Thanks for these links! It was a good week in the blogosphere.

    I don’t have any personal news, but I did create a page on my blog called Must-Read Books by My Blog Buddies. It’s where you can find books just-released and upcoming releases of our blog friends (like you!). I like having it all in one place so I remember who has a book coming up soon, and I figured others might like knowing the info too!

  5. HeatherAugust 20, 2011

    It definitely went by in a blur! SO fast, it was hard to catch my breath. Thank you for the links and congrats on your eBook release!

  6. Alex J. CavanaughAugust 20, 2011

    Wow, thanks for mentioning my project! The feedback has been great – really thought I’d come up with something dumb. I intend to announce and launch this group next Wednesday and see if we can’t inflate some egos around here.

  7. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsAugust 20, 2011


    Clarissa–I *did* like it. :) I took it and put it on my blog, actually. Thank you! I’m design-challenged.

    Laura–Awesome! Thanks so much, Laura…that’s a wonderful way to find out what’s being released in the blogosphere…all in one spot!

    Heather–Thanks! Congrats on your release, too! I’m looking forward to reading “The Secret of Spruce Knoll!”

    Alex–Sounds like a great idea to me!

  8. Hilary Melton-ButcherAugust 21, 2011

    Hi Elizabeth .. these are great resources for everyone .. and congratulations on your book release.

    Cheers – Hilary

  9. Dorte HAugust 21, 2011

    Such a good idea to offer critique groups.

    No, I haven´t published anything *this* week, but I saw a review of “The Cosy Knave” this afternoon which really made me happy! Thanks a lot.

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