
Elizabeth Craig--Riley Adamsthumbnail I’m choosing “headshot” and sticking with it, since the phrase is turning into a word, apparently. Don’t you love it when language morphs? :)

I’d decided that I’d get an updated headshot every year and keep things fresh. Then maybe I can animate the pictures and we can watch me age over the years. :)

This particular picture appointment was cursed from the very start. Two days before I’d originally planned on having it done, I had a horrible haircut. Then, a week later, I got a really bad sunburn.

Finally the sunburn subsided (leaving lots of freckles in its wake) and I called myself “good enough.” I went to the portrait studio, feeling well-prepared. I’d brought the change of clothes they’d asked for, and a brush and some makeup (for covering up the darned freckles.)

The photographer took some pictures and helped me lose the deer-in-the-headlights look I usually sport in pictures. Then she asked me to change from the dress and put on one of the other outfits I’d brought.

Except…I’d only brought tops. No slacks. No skirt. :) Yes, I do have this little memory problem and the UPS truck had arrived with a package for me while I was trying to pull the outfit together. That’s my excuse, anyway.

standing thumbnail So I had to put the top over the dress, for decency’s sake. And this was totally hilarious because the top wasn’t meant to go over anything. I felt like the Michelin tire man (left). The photographer swore she couldn’t tell (although she had to tuck in bits of my dress from time to time.)

And…it’s not a headshot. So I’m not really sure what to do with it. Things I’m not sure what to do with usually end up on my website, so that’s the likely destination. :)

Tips for headshots–

Make sure you go to a photographer who will release the copyright for the pictures to you. Otherwise, you can’t use them on your website, blog, Twitter, Facebook, or as an author photo. And then, really, what’s the point?

Ask for a “business photo” for clarity’s sake. Sometimes if you ask about headshots, they think you need photos for a modeling portfolio.

Get high resolution photos on a CD, if possible. It’s much easier to load on a computer and the quality is better.

If the photo is for a book, make sure you know the publisher’s guidelines. Some won’t want you resting your head on your hands, or looking off to the side.

Bring a change of clothes to change things up (and have different looks from the same sitting.) Bring a comb or brush, etc.

And, above all, remember to bring pants. :)

Elizabeth Spann Craig

View posts by Elizabeth Spann Craig
Elizabeth writes the Memphis Barbeque series (as Riley Adams) and the Southern Quilting mysteries for Penguin and writes the Myrtle Clover series for Midnight Ink and independently. She also has a blog, which was named by Writer’s Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers. There she posts on the writing craft, finding inspiration in everyday life, and fitting writing into a busy schedule.


  1. Cassandra JadeJuly 23, 2010

    Sounds like you had a rough day. I absolutely hate photos of myself regardless of whether they are candid, posed, professional or just happy snaps. Not because there is anything wrong with the way I look but because I just find photos of myself slightly creepy.
    Thanks for sharing your advice on how to get the most out of your photoshoot and wishing you better luck with your next round of photos.

  2. Cruella CollettJuly 23, 2010

    Are you kidding me? That top-over-dress outfit looka absolutely gorgeous on you! I couldn’t have told you it wasn’t supposed to be that way if someone had put a gun to my head (I’m not entirely sure why that should have helped anyway, but you know…)

    Great photos, and as always – great tips! And look on the bright side – if you get one each year, you’ll be sure to remember all the details eventually ;)

  3. Ingrid KingJuly 23, 2010

    I love your new headshot – it looks great!

  4. Margot KinbergJuly 23, 2010

    Elizabeth – What an adventure! I like your quick thinking, though; every once in a while, a person just as to use what s/he has on hand. And your headshot really is wonderful. Thanks for sharing those tips; as always, very useful.

  5. Mason CanyonJuly 23, 2010

    Despite all the problems you had, the photos look great. The top does go well with the dress and looks great on you.

    Thoughts in Progress

  6. Journaling WomanJuly 23, 2010

    You are very photogenic. Me? Not so much. In fact my photos really don’t look like me. (I think I’m much prettier.:) And I’m not the only one who thinks so. A friend of mine emailed telling me that the headshots on my blog “didn’t look like me”. She said, “You’re much prettier than your photos”. It disturb her. So I took the ones down she didn’t like. Why? Because I agree. :)

    Still waiting for the perfect photo,

  7. Alex J. CavanaughJuly 23, 2010

    I dread getting my picture taken. Yours looks really nice. Can’t tell you have on a dress.

  8. KarenGJuly 23, 2010

    I like your updated headshot. What a good idea to do it every year. This new one makes you look a bit more warm and approachable than the previous. I like it! You look great and the freckles are adorable.

  9. Marybeth PoppinsJuly 23, 2010

    Love the new pics :) I just had mine updated this past week too.

  10. Marisa BirnsJuly 23, 2010

    You look lovely in both photos. And just think, you’ve become a fashion designer!

    Great tips, great photos, great post. :)

  11. J.L. StrattonJuly 23, 2010

    The pictures you posted looked great! I’m hoping that someday I’ll be in the position to have headshots done.

    But, when that time comes, do you think it would be wrong of me to just have someone draw me an avatar so I don’t have to show my scarred mug to the world?

  12. Hart JohnsonJuly 23, 2010

    You KNOW how I feel about pants… Pesky things will ALWAYS cause you problems.

    Copyright release?! Eek gad! The things that never occurred to me! I was just thinking I’d put make-up on and do my hair and then have my daughter take some pictures… I can’t do that?

    Anyway, your pics look great!

  13. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsJuly 23, 2010

    Cassandra–Oh, me too. I just freeze up ordinarily. Ugh.

    Cruella–I think you’re right! Repetition is the key. :) And I was soooo proud of myself for pulling everything together for the session…

    Alex–That’s good.:) The photographer thought I’d lost my mind, I think.

    KarenG–Thanks! I figure I might as well keep it current. And my package cost $70, so it’s not cost-prohibitive to have it done each year.

    Ingrid–Thanks so much!

    Margot–It was either that or drive back home! I wonder where my brain goes some days.

    Mason–Thank you!

    Marybeth–It must be in the air! I’ll pop over to see it. :)

    J.L. Stratton–I like your avatar now! It looks fine to me.

    Journaling Woman–You should see all the pictures I didn’t choose! :) So maybe I got 2 decent shots out of 50. And…I like your pictures!

    Hart–You could do that, too. Krista Davis did it with great effects–and no copyright problems! As far as I’m aware, most major chain studios–Walmart, JC Penney, Portrait Innovations, etc, DO release copyright, or at least some of the photos from the session will be copyright free.

  14. Laura MarcellaJuly 23, 2010

    That photo may not be a headshot, but it’s a beautiful picture of you! I like the top over the dress, even though it wasn’t supposed to be like that. You’re super at improvising!

    Thanks for the headshot tips! I’m tucking them away in my memory for the future. :)

  15. Terry OdellJuly 23, 2010

    Or, you have a son who is an expert at digital photo manipulation using fancy software (he’s written 3 books on using the Nikon software, and I can’t pretend to understand it) but he can make even me look decent. Now that he’s an hour away instead of an all day trip, I figure I can get them updated as needed. I just tell him I need to look 35 when he’s done, so I figure I’ll never age in the pictures.

  16. Elspeth AntonelliJuly 23, 2010

    I HATE having my picture taken. Hate it, hate it, hate it. Out of all the headshots I’ve had, there’s been one that I could look at and not squirm.

    Your new shots are lovely. I’m jealous.

  17. Helen GingerJuly 23, 2010

    And if you take that photo to a print shop to, say, put on a mailer or a card, bring the permission slip the photographer gave you saying you had the right to make copies.

  18. Cricket McRaeJuly 23, 2010

    Bring pants — good advice. ; – )

    Seriously, you look great in the dress and the headshot both.
    Hearth Cricket

  19. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsJuly 23, 2010

    Laura–Thanks! And hope the tips help.

    Helen–Very good point! The CD that the photographer gave me has a folder on it that relinquishes copyright. Very good thing to have because most drug store photo shops, etc, want some proof that you’re allowed to print the pictures.

    Marisa–Thanks so much! But we’re all in a lot of trouble if I’m going to be a fashion designer. :)

    Cricket–Thanks! :) I appreciate it. And, yes, “bring pants” are words to live by!

    Terry–I’m thinking I’ll take them up on the photo shop option very, very soon. Almost did it this year.

    Elspeth–I hate it too! When I was having the headshot done last year, the photographer told me I was more difficult to deal with than the toddlers she had before me.

  20. Dorte HJuly 24, 2010

    A great headshot! I am not sure I like the English language changing as I am always behind already. Foreigners tend to speak or write a rather conservative language. Google is a great help, though, as it is much easier to check what people actually do write these days.

    What is wrong with freckles, by the way? If I have to hide those also, there is not much left to photograph as no photographer has ever shown much interest in *my* legs :D

  21. Rose PresseyJuly 24, 2010

    Your photos look great. I hate having photos taken.

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