Good Points and Downsides to Rapid Series Releasing and Studying Algorithms

by Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraig
In my post
on Monday
, I took a look at the phenomenon of binge-viewing or marathon consumption in entertainment.  As I mentioned in the post, Netflix is
enjoying some success with its experiment with its original series, House of Cards, in which it released the
entire season of thirteen episodes on the same day for viewers to watch at
their own pace.
I think there are some real possibilities
and perhaps a glimpse at how reader consumption might operate in the
future.  I’ve noticed that readers will
frequently email me or ask me via Facebook when my next traditionally-published
book will release (often asking me why I can’t write faster.) :)  Production for traditionally-published books
takes a year.  They don’t ask me that question for
my Myrtle Clover series, which is now self-published.   

I think there are both pros and cons to rapid book release (and, also, studying data to help us plan books or series…I touched a bit on algorithms in my Monday post). 


New life
to old series.
, which developed a cult following, was canceled by the
Fox network and picked up by Netflix. This delighted fans, who’d missed the
show.  Netflix, again, is providing the
entire new season at once.
For us, this could mean that an old
series, rejected sequels, or our backlist could enjoy new life and attract new readers with its
instant, in-full, availability. 
Naturally, we can also write new books in a discontinued series (even without
this rapid release method)…I’ve done that with my Myrtle Clover series which
Midnight Ink pulled the plug on in 2010.
It’s not
as necessary to artificially insert cliffhangers: writers can integrate a more
natural storyline:
reliant on cliffhangers at the end of each episode to compel the viewer to
return the following week, these episodes end when the internal logic of the
narrative dictates they do, rather than through traditional patterns of
serialized storytelling that hark back to Charles Dickens. Shocking moments are
scattered throughout individual episodes, rather than being reliant on a
build-up of tension in the final minutes.
Or…alternatively, in publishing…we can stick in huge cliffhangers at the end of
our books without worry about reader irritation…because the next book is
already available for purchase.  Common
knowledge has previously been that writers run the risk of upsetting readers by
putting cliffhangers at the ends of books, knowing that they’ll have to wait
upwards of a year for the next installment of a continuing-storyline series.
In some
ways, books are better-suited to marathon consumption than television
is…because of the manner in which books are shared with friends.
 In a Gwen
for PBS Newshour, Ifill brings up the fact that television used to be more of a
shared/water cooler-type experience for viewers.  She asks Brian Grazer, chairman of Imagine
Entertainment (which produces Arrested
):  When you’re binge-watching, Brian, you don’t have a
chance to say, did you see what happened last night? Is isn’t that a risk for
the way we communicate as a people at the water cooler the next day
?”  His answer: “…I
think excitement, curiosity and the explosive nature of how conversations work
can still be applied, because you can say, I just saw five episodes of

Arrested Development. You might not be doing it
on the water cooler the next day. You’re going to be doing it on all your
social media.
Books, obviously, aren’t shared with our
friends the same way…not as frequently in real time (although, who knows—with
the advent of social media, we could host book clubs inside of digital books in ongoing open forums.)  Yes, we do read books simultaneously with our
friends sometimes—book clubs and some Goodreads boards come to mind.  But I think just as much
excitement/word-of-mouth could be built by telling a friend that you’ve just
finished an entire series in a marathon reading session.
There are some potential downsides to
both quick production/release and studying data to make creative decisions.
“By offering all 13 episodes at the same time,
Netflix risks undermining its own strategy. Few will acknowledge the time
necessary to launch the second season of House of Cards, or another go-around
Arrested Development episodes, and
may instead express the same frustration that plagues weekly serialized dramas,
that plaintive cry of the unfulfilled when faced with the lack of instant
gratification: “Why do I have to wait so long?”
“… But one of Netflix’s greatest assets are its proprietary algorithms—which suggest, based on precise ratings and viewing
history, what else you might want to watch—and that may be just the thing to
tide over the hungry.”
Retailers like Amazon also offer the avid
reader similar alternatives to our books. 
What if
your quickly-released series is a dud?
was a good bet for Netflix. 
It was a show that became a cult hit, but it was canceled by a
network.  Your formerly-successful
backlist might be considered a sure thing. 
But what if the original Netflix series, House
of Cards,
hadn’t been a hit? 
Think of how much time and energy and money was invested in it.  What if you write four or five books, release
them in rapid fire or even simultaneously, and the books don’t resonate with
readers?  Do you tweak what you can (book
description, cover…even title and story) and see what happens?  Do you move on?  It’s a large investment of time. In
publishing your backlist, there’s less of a time investment to lose (although
you’ll still have the investment in covers, formatting, etc…the books had
previously been well-edited with many books that have been
  If you turn off readers
with one book, they’re unlikely to keep buying the next in the series.  Quality control—attention to detail in
editing…but really in all aspects of the book from cover design to interior
formatting—is always important. But it’s even more so if you’re trying to lure
readers to read the other three or four books in your series.
Stress and
working with tough self-imposed deadlines. The need for real discipline.
 Deadlines are tough enough when we get them
from a publisher.  We have to really have
some discipline and focus when we’re meeting our own deadlines and trying to
write a string of books…whether we’re releasing them in rapid succession or
calculating and how completely bottom-line-focused can we be and retain a
creative edge (and enjoyment in our process and writing)? 
Writers, clearly, have got to think
like small business owners in the digital age. 
But at what point are we sacrificing our own need for creative
originality if we’re studying algorithms/data/sales, and writing/producing for
a demanding consumer market?
What are your thoughts on this
marathon-style consumption and what it might mean for books and other forms of
entertainment in the future?  Do you see
it catching on in publishing (traditionally a very slow-paced industry?)

Elizabeth Spann Craig

View posts by Elizabeth Spann Craig
Elizabeth writes the Memphis Barbeque series (as Riley Adams) and the Southern Quilting mysteries for Penguin and writes the Myrtle Clover series for Midnight Ink and independently. She also has a blog, which was named by Writer’s Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers. There she posts on the writing craft, finding inspiration in everyday life, and fitting writing into a busy schedule.


  1. Margot KinbergJune 7, 2013

    Elizabeth – What a thoughtful discussion! I think one of the things I’m especially concerned about is the point you make about quality control. Production that goes too quickly sometimes does make it harder to ensure that every book is the best one can make it. Of course there is such a thing as going over and over and over a book too long and that has its downside too. But I think that there’s something to be said for taking the time to make sure that what we offer readers is our best. That’s definitely a challenge when you release books quickly.

  2. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsJune 7, 2013

    Margot–You’re absolutely right–putting out a poorly-edited book means frustration for readers (and the risk of potentially turning them off of future books.)

  3. Alex J. CavanaughJune 7, 2013

    Delivering books close together keeps one in view longer, but that’s a heck of a pace to maintain. (And some of us can never get up to speed anyway.) Quality might be sacrificed in the process.

  4. ~Sia McKye~June 7, 2013

    I’m not a big fan of cliff hangers in shows. Most of the time they become unrealistic fodder for shock value. I’ve found a few first of the new season revising the events of the cliffhanger. Meh.

    I’ve discovered some good shows by watching a marathon of episodes. I’m usually there for the current season. With books, I agree that it’s the quality of the story that’s important. I want to read a good story. If I have to wait awhile, that’s okay.

    There are some prolific writers that can do both volume and quality but not all writers can do both and that’s okay.


  5. Jemi FraserJune 7, 2013

    There are so many good points on both sides! I want to put out a few books close together but not so close that it’s overload. So many decisions!

  6. Carol KilgoreJune 7, 2013

    I have too many other demands on my time to produce more than a book a year. I also get burned out on a writer if I read too many of her books too close together.

    For me, books are way different from TV shows.

  7. Jill KemererJune 7, 2013

    What interesting observations! I like the option of having an entire series to read one after the other. But I also love that anticipation of a favorite series continuing in six months. I honestly don’t mind waiting! :)

  8. Gina GaoJune 7, 2013

    This is a very interesting post! I like cliffhangers myself.

  9. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsJune 9, 2013

    Alex–It’s a huge pace. And it would mean a lot of patience, too–it’s tough to just sit on 4 or 5 books and not put them out as they’re completed.

    ~Sia–Yes, it always feels gimmicky to me, too.

    So true that some writers can do volume and quality–others can’t. And then there are some who can do both for a while, then slip.

    Jill–In the “old days,” one of my greatest joys was being in the library and finding a *completed* series, years old, and reading them all one by one in rapid succession. I never dreamed there would be a day when they’d be *released* that way, though!

    Gina–Thanks for coming by!

    Jemi–There’s that, too–to what degree should we saturate the market with these books?

    Carol–Yes, that’s definitely a possibility. And reading them so close together means that if they’re too much alike, we notice. Or, if they’re too *different,* we’d notice (wrong voice, tone, not using the same setting, etc.

  10. JoelJune 10, 2013

    It’s a mistake to assume that “books” is a single entity.

    There will always be a place for the author who, twice a decade, releases a brilliant work.

    There is also a place for the solid writer who releases something we love once a year.

    More and more, there’s another slot for the author who releases 3 or 4 books a year, supplemented by a couple novellas. Yes, they may have less editing finesse, less depth.

    But how many of us NEVER eat food that’s fun instead of primarily healthy? Who of us never watches something completely trivial on TV? And frankly, I’ve watched shows, listened to music, and read books where the production values were, shall we say, diminished, but I loved ’em anyway because they were FUN.

    It comes back to “why.” Know why you’re releasing books quickly, or slowly. Know why your readers want more books, or fewer books, or cliffhangers. Know why, and the rest will fill itself in.

  11. Joanna SlanJune 13, 2013

    Elizabeth, as usual, you’ve raised a lot of thought-provoking questions. For example, if you don’t have several books “in the can,” how can you promote them? You can’t bundle them. You can’t offer one for free (or nearly so) and thus entice readers to try the next one at a full price. Your thoughts?

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