Every Author’s Path to Publication is Different

Breakthrough Blogs

Hi everybody! Today I’m on action and suspense writer Stephen Tremp’s Breakthrough Blogs, talking a little about my own path to publication. If you’re frustrated with your progress finding an agent or editor and think that there’s a certain order of events to the publication process–think again! Sometimes we end up getting published by a series of flukes and accidents… and slush piles. :)

I also wanted to mention that we’re throwing an anniversary party at Mystery Lovers’ Kitchen this week—it’s a cookout! We’re offering a prize to one lucky commenter every day this week…and a grand prize of a Cuisinart ice cream maker. If it’s as hot where you are as it is where I am then an ice cream maker might come in handy. :)

Elizabeth Spann Craig

View posts by Elizabeth Spann Craig
Elizabeth writes the Memphis Barbeque series (as Riley Adams) and the Southern Quilting mysteries for Penguin and writes the Myrtle Clover series for Midnight Ink and independently. She also has a blog, which was named by Writer’s Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers. There she posts on the writing craft, finding inspiration in everyday life, and fitting writing into a busy schedule.


  1. EllieJuly 22, 2010

    Nice to meet you; It was meant to be~
    I live in NC, but I’m a transplant from Maine~ I look forward to reading your work!

  2. Mason CanyonJuly 22, 2010

    Enjoying your blog tour. Very helpful topics you’re covering.

    Thoughts in Progress

  3. Helen GingerJuly 22, 2010

    I love your tour, Elizabeth. You’re doing such a variety of blogs and talking about interesting topics.

  4. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsJuly 23, 2010

    Ellie–Welcome to NC! I’m a transplant, myself–from SC originally. Thanks for coming by!

    Helen–It’s been fun for me, too. :)

    Mason–Thanks so much!

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