Enjoying Spring

by Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraig


Well, technically, spring hasn’t completely decided if it’s sprung in the southern United States.  But my children have spring break from school this week, so I’m going to take a short break from blogging until Sunday. 

Is it spring where you are?  Hope you’re enjoying it!

Elizabeth Spann Craig

View posts by Elizabeth Spann Craig
Elizabeth writes the Memphis Barbeque series (as Riley Adams) and the Southern Quilting mysteries for Penguin and writes the Myrtle Clover series for Midnight Ink and independently. She also has a blog, which was named by Writer’s Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers. There she posts on the writing craft, finding inspiration in everyday life, and fitting writing into a busy schedule.


  1. Teresa ColtrinApril 3, 2013

    We had sleet yesterday. It just won’t stop here. :) And in the meantime, I’m stressed that it must be warm enough for my grass to grow — because it is.

  2. Karen WalkerApril 3, 2013

    Yes, Spring has arrived in Albuquerque, tho’ it could still turn cold. Enjoy your break, Elizabeth

  3. Carol KilgoreApril 3, 2013

    It’s been spring for a few weeks here in San Antonio. And I’m loving it!

    Enjoy your break :)

  4. Jan MorrisonApril 3, 2013

    No, it is bloody cold here today and will be according to the weather person for about three days. Gah! Ah well, you’ll be complaining of the heat in August and we’ll be happy as larks. So it goes. Have a delightful break – you deserve it!
    Jan Morrison

  5. Hilary Melton-ButcherApril 3, 2013

    Hi Elizabeth .. don’t blame you for the break – enjoy.

    It’s not Spring here yet – and I’m going to freeze going to London tomorrow .. miserable! Still interesting exhibitions to see ..

    Enjoy and see you soon .. Hilary

  6. Alex J. CavanaughApril 3, 2013

    It is a little warmer, but I never remember it being this cold in April.
    Enjoy your break!

  7. L. Diane WolfeApril 3, 2013

    It was pretty today! Have fun with the kids.

  8. ~Sia McKye~April 4, 2013

    Its kinda, sorta, possibly spring in THIS southern state. I have bedraggled daffodils and the lilies said, “to heck with blooming” right now and my Robins are searching endlessly for worms and bug things–poor little guys. Good news? Grass is really green, no snow, sunshine and cool 40’s. *shrugs. Better than snow and 20’s any day. Enjoy Spring break with the kids!

  9. Margot KinbergApril 4, 2013

    Enjoy a well-deserved break, Elizabeth!

  10. Carolyn J. RoseApril 4, 2013

    Fruit trees are in bloom here in Vancouver, Washington, and the sunbreaks, when they come, are glorious. When the clouds let loose, I retreat to my office and work on revisions.

  11. JoelApril 4, 2013

    Well, it’s sort of spring, if you measure by northern Wisconsin standards.

    Compared to anywhere else I’ve ever lived, well, you can’t compare it. Snow still 3′ deep, except where the warmth of the pavement melts it. Roofs are finally clear of snow, but that’s because it’s all piled in the yard.

    We’re in brown slush mode.

    But a month from now, it’ll be a gorgeous northern spring.

  12. fOIS In The CityApril 5, 2013

    Yes, it’s spring and it’s wonderful where I am. Have a wonderful time with the changiing seasons :)

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