Embracing the Digital Revolution

By Kristi Belcamino, @hiresBADcover

Writers dream of the day when they walk into a bookstore, see a book they wrote on the shelf, and then hold that book in their own two hands!

But what if a debut author is offered a digital-only book deal? Even if it is with one of the Big Five? No print book. What then? What does she do about that offer?

Well, she takes it!

At least I did.

I was beside myself, thrilled that an editor at one of the “big houses” liked my book. loved it even. At the same time, I had to let go of my dreams— holding my book in my hands, signing a physical book, and going cross-country on a grassroots book tour.

Instead, I had to think pragmatically and long-term, viewing every step I made as another one toward building a career as a writer instead of a flash-in-the-pan moment of ego-gratifying glory. I also realized that mystery readers—my readers—are huge into reading eBooks. All this meant taking the eBook deal.

But I must admit I clung to one tiny glimmer of hope within the fine print of my contract— some authors on the mystery imprint I was with would see a print version of their book. My contract explicitly stated, however, that there were no guarantees of a print version.

However, being the optimist that I am, I read that and thought, as Jim Carrey said in Dumb & Dumber, “So, you’re telling me I got a chance?”

Meanwhile, I wholeheartedly embraced this opportunity to get my book out into the world and began brainstorming ways to market it.

I’d heard of eBook authors giving author talks and then passing around an iPad so people could buy the book since there wouldn’t be a physical book to sell at the event, so I headed straight for the library and bookstores.

My favorite librarian told me that without a physical book, I could not do an author reading.

When I contacted bookstores, I heard the same thing:

No book. No author event.

I wondered if there was anything I could do to increase the chances of my book going to print, but suspected it all had to do with how sales of my book went. I understood that. It made sense. But I also know that I’m terrible at selling anything. At garage sales I usually give half of our things away (much to my husband’s chagrin).

I wondered how could I encourage people to buy my book without being a jerk? I’m still not sure. My answer was to tell people about my book on social media, trying to follow that 80/20 rule (80 percent NOT you or your book and 20 percent blatant self promo).

Meanwhile, as thrilled as I was to be working with one of the big five publishers, I still mourned letting go of my writerly dreams. For instance, when I visited my favorite bookstores, my stomach would sink a little realizing that even though my book was being published, it would not be on those shelves.

There were more discouraging moments:

My brother-in-law said he wouldn’t read my book unless it was in print.

A book editor at a daily newspaper said she only read printed books.

The editor of a mystery magazine said the same.

The resistance was disheartening.

Unlike people who self publish, there wasn’t even an option for me to have a print on demand book. It was up to the publisher whether to print copies of my book. Or not.

There was nothing I could do about it.

One day, I decided to ask once my publisher, once again, what needed to happen for me to see my book come out in print. This time, the answer was “There will be a print run.”

Say what?

How many?

Well, in the business, they call it a SPR, a small print run. I will have a book to hold in my hand. I will have books to sign. I may not be taking that grassroots book tour. I may not see my book in the big box bookstores.

But I will be able to have a book launch party at my favorite mystery bookstore, which has ordered the print book already!

I will be able to hold my book in my hands! I will be able to give author talks at the library! People, like my brother-in-law, will now read my book.

I will be able to—gasp—sign my book!

I had to adjust my dreams a little, but don’t we all. In the long run, I still count the way things worked out as a dream come true.

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Kristi Belcamino is a writer, artist and crime reporter who also bakes a tasty biscotti. Her first novel, “Blessed are the Dead,” (HarperCollins June 2014) is inspired by her dealings with a serial killer during her life as a Bay Area crime reporter. As an award-winning crime reporter at newspapers in California, she flew over Big Sur in an FA-18 jet with the Blue Angels, raced a Dodge Viper at Laguna Seca, and watched autopsies. Find out more at www.kristibelcamino.com or on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/kristibelcaminowriter.





Elizabeth Spann Craig

View posts by Elizabeth Spann Craig
Elizabeth writes the Memphis Barbeque series (as Riley Adams) and the Southern Quilting mysteries for Penguin and writes the Myrtle Clover series for Midnight Ink and independently. She also has a blog, which was named by Writer’s Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers. There she posts on the writing craft, finding inspiration in everyday life, and fitting writing into a busy schedule.


  1. Claude NougatJune 18, 2014

    Great experience, well done Kristi, and a story to inspire others…Your decision to accept a digital only offer from a Big Publisher was spot on! It is also interesting as it shows how the Big Houses are tip toeing back into the ebook market.

  2. Alex J. CavanaughJune 18, 2014

    Can’t believe your brother-in-law would say that.
    My publisher does both print and eBook, but I’ve never done much promotion with the physical books. Online it’s easier. So if they switched to all eBook, I don’t think I’d mind.
    Every author should have at least one book in print though. Glad you’re getting yours!

  3. Elizabeth Spann CraigJune 18, 2014

    Thanks so much for guest posting today, Kristi, and sharing your experience with us. When I self-pubbed one of my series, I decided to have it be completely digital. When I ran into some issues about a year in (mainly reader complaints) , I backtracked quickly and decided that I also needed them available in print…one of the best decisions I’ve made so far. I’m glad you’re going to be able to see your book in print!

  4. Sarah FosterJune 18, 2014

    That’s a tough position to be in. I’m glad you got a print book in the end. Thanks for sharing your story!

  5. L. Diane WolfeJune 18, 2014

    Happy you will finally have a copy to hold. That’s tough, even with a big publisher, since most big reviewers only take print copies. I think ebook-only is going to be the norm for many though.

  6. Margot KinbergJune 18, 2014

    Elizabeth – Thanks for hosting Kristi.

    Kristi – I’m very glad your book will be available in print. There are a lot of people who prefer things that way and I have to admit, I love print. But that said, I think today’s writers have to also be open to sharing their work where readers are. And readers are going digital. The more savvy authors are about digital books and marketing, whether self-published or not, the better chance they have of reaching those readers.

  7. SabrinaJune 18, 2014

    Thanks for this post. I’m still at the beg of all of this, and enjoying it immensely.
    There are so many new ways of getting our work out there, but I guess it’s not always the traditional route that gets us there.

  8. Joel D CanfieldJune 18, 2014

    Glad you’ll get to hold your very own book in your hands. It’s an amazing feeling.

    Your experience demonstrates one of the drawbacks of surrendering control of our art. Digital-only reduces the risk for the publisher, but it ignores folks like me who do not, will not buy digital books.

    What are your plans for future books? Same path?

  9. Mason CanyonJune 18, 2014

    As a reader who prefers print over digital, I glad you’re getting print books. There is something special about holding a book in your hand, thumbing through the pages and dogearing a special page to go back to. However, having said that I just finished a digital copy of your book and WOW! I think your book will do great in whatever format it’s offered.

    Thoughts in Progress

  10. DruJune 18, 2014

    I’m so glad that you’re book will be available in print for you to hold.

    Dru Ann

  11. Kristi BelcaminoJune 18, 2014

    Claude, thank you! I know in my heart it is the right thing to do and I think I’m lucky that I do also get a print book to hold. I also love the royalty structure that the publisher has in place – monthly, which shows that publishing companies are really getting onboard with how to do it right.
    Alex, Thanks! I love my brother-in-law. He’s just honest and blunt that way!
    Elizabeth, thanks so very much for having me. Your website is the best of the best and required daily reading for me. I’m honored to be here!
    Sarah, thanks and thanks for reading!
    L. Diane, thanks so much. BTW, luckily, my publicist has been outstanding. She sent bound galleys for people who said they wouldn’t read digitally, in some cases, overnighting them to make sure the reviewers got them in time. I’ve been thrilled with the team I’m working with – they are outstanding, which makes me certain I made the right move.
    Margot, I think you are exactly right. Elizabeth has been a great resource in showing writers how there are many ways to get books into a reader’s hands and all are valid and important!
    Sabrina, yes, I think it helps to be open to other ways and in my case I did get that ego gratification – on a small scale — but right now in the second week of my book coming out, reading reviews and making contact with readers has exceeded my expectations. My book is in readers hands and that is what counts!
    Joel, thanks so much! It’s a dream come true. I have a second book in the series that will be published July 29th — that’s the strategy behind digital, when someone loves your book, they immediately want to read the next one and this is where digital has the advantage — we can shorten that wait period for a new book to a month, or three months or six. I think my third and fourth books will be spaced six months apart, which is a lot different than two years or at the minimum one year for a print book. So that’s one big advantage for publishing digital when you write a series.
    Mason, thanks! Thanks for your kind words on goodreads this morning as well! So glad to see you over here and I am beyond thrilled you liked my book! Like I said, you made my day!!!!1

  12. EmilyJune 18, 2014

    I’d love to know more about the tactics you used to promote your digital book so effectively prior to earning the print run — sounds like that is something the publisher does for books that are proving they sell well?

  13. Kristi BelcaminoJune 18, 2014

    Thanks for reading. I did some social media promotion and some guest spots, ie. on Writer’s Digest, Chuck Wendig, and Elizabeth! But most of the promotion was done by the publisher. They had a really fantastic blog campaign that involved publishing excerpts from the book , as well as seeking reviews. The publicist I was assigned is honestly one of the best in the publishing business, so I think that was another huge benefit of working with this particular publisher. They told me right off the bat that they consider eBooks just the same as print books and would give full attention to promotion efforts. I have never been disappointed. In addition, I also tried to generate excitement through a newsletter and blog posts. Does that help? Email me at kristibelcamino@gmail.com if you have specific questions and I’d be happy to talk more about it.

  14. Julie MusilJune 18, 2014

    I’m so happy for you! Yay for print books!

    I indie published my book, and I have to say, doing a print version was the BEST thing I could’ve done. My print sales are pretty close to the Kindle sales. So many of my friends and family don’t own e-readers.

    That moment when you’re holding your print book in your hands?? You’ll probably shed tears. Enjoy your moment!

    1. Kristi BelcaminoJune 18, 2014

      Your comment made me so excited! I will probably cry. A lot.
      I was recently interviewed by a book editor and she showed me a sneak peek of the bound galley my publicist had sent her and I just wanted to steal it from her! Lol. She probably will recycle it after my interview runs and here I am wanting to bronze it. Iol.

  15. Loni TownsendJune 18, 2014

    Yay for dreams coming true! So glad you’ll be able to hold your book.

    Thanks for sharing your experiences.

  16. Kristi BelcaminoJune 18, 2014

    Thanks, Loni!

  17. CortlandWriterJune 18, 2014

    Kristi, I really enjoyed reading your post regarding your dream of getting that wonderful finished book into your own hands! My second book turned out better than I could have expected, and when I sign copies for the wonderful folks who purchased it, I feel absolutely great. Now, that same spirited feeling keeps me going as I work on the next writing projects. Congrats to you. I’d love to read that book of yours. All the best. :-)

  18. Kristi BelcaminoJune 19, 2014

    Thanks, Cortland! I’m already onto book three in the series so hopefully holding my book and signing it in July will give me the boost I need! : )

  19. Jeanne QuigleyJune 19, 2014

    Congratulations, Kristi, and good luck with your book!

  20. Gina GaoJune 20, 2014

    Congrats and good luck!

  21. K.B. OwenJune 21, 2014

    Kristi, congratulations! It was a bold move on your part to take that deal, and I’m so glad it worked out that you got a print run, too! I’m indie published, and I knew right off the bat I was going to do both print and ebook, because many readers of my mystery subgenre – the cozy – still lean toward having a physical book in their hands. (Plus there are all those other gratifying perks that you and other folks in the comments have been pointing out). And now, thanks to Elizabeth’s encouragement and helpful info, I’m getting my first book made into an audiobook! Maybe that will be down the road for you as well? Good luck on the rest of the series. Sounds like you are having an amazing experience with your publisher, which is so refreshing to hear about these days!


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