Cover Designers, Freelance Editors, Ebook Formatters

blog15 (2)Saturday, I mentioned that it was difficult for writers to locate and sort through the wilderness of editors, designers, and formatters.

I suggested, in fact, that there should be some ebook Sherpas to help give guidance. :)

Since there’s a distinct lack of ebook Sherpas at this point in the game (I’m sure there will soon be some entrepreneurs in this field…maybe even former agents), I thought that at least we could provide a spot for professionals to announce that they offered services for self-publishing writers.

The editor, designer, and formatter should be the ones to leave their contact info, though—I know most of us know some people in this field (I know a handful, too), but maybe they wouldn’t want to be added at this point by a writer (they could be too busy, or wanting pursue another field, etc.) But writers could email or tweet them and ask if they wanted to be added to our list.

This will probably be a list that will grow as we go. :) So I’m leaving the post open.

If you’d like to be added to the list, please either email me at elizabethspanncraig (at) gmail (dot) com or comment on this post. Websites or blogs would be especially wonderful to leave a link to, so we could get a better sense of you or your work.

I’ll sort the different professionals into categories (cover designers, etc.) and will open up a new blog with a page for each category, as a sort of directory. I’ll link to it on my sidebar and tweet it a bit. I can’t be a Sherpa, so this will be an effort such as a writer-with-very-little-time might come up with. :) But I do like the idea of having some sort of Yellow Pages for writers with these kinds of services in one place.

If you know of anyone, please ask them if they’d like to be listed.

Elizabeth Spann Craig

View posts by Elizabeth Spann Craig
Elizabeth writes the Memphis Barbeque series (as Riley Adams) and the Southern Quilting mysteries for Penguin and writes the Myrtle Clover series for Midnight Ink and independently. She also has a blog, which was named by Writer’s Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers. There she posts on the writing craft, finding inspiration in everyday life, and fitting writing into a busy schedule.


  1. Mason CanyonAugust 9, 2011

    I’ve branched out to the freelance editing field. Information about my services can be found at Freelance Editing by Mason.

    Thoughts in Progress
    Freelance Editing By Mason

  2. Guido HenkelAugust 9, 2011

    I would love to get added to your list. I’m offering e-book formatting as a service and have been working with a number of publishers, as well as NYT best-selling writers, along with countless indies to get their e-books into ship shape.

    Please feel free to list this link as a reference and service overview.

    Thanks so much!

  3. HeatherAugust 9, 2011

    This is a great idea! I’d love to recommend freelance editor TS Tate:
    Freelance editor, cover designer, & literary intern CA Marshall:

  4. Margot KinbergAugust 9, 2011

    Elizabeth – What a brilliant idea! Thank you for doing this :-).

  5. Jemi FraserAugust 9, 2011

    Terrific idea. I know of a few people who are doing these kinds of things – I’ll email them the post :)

  6. Alex J. CavanaughAugust 9, 2011

    That’s a nice service for you to offer!

  7. ClareAugust 9, 2011

    Awesome. If you could list Woulds & Shoulds Editing and Design, that would be great. It’s run by myself and my partner. We provide editing, ebook formatting/layout, and fabulous cover designs!

  8. Lynnette LabelleAugust 9, 2011

    This is a wonderful idea. I’m a freelance proofreader, copyeditor, and writing coach.

    Visit my site for more information.


    Lynnette Labelle

  9. eBook-Pub.comAugust 9, 2011

    Feel free to check out our eBook services, sample work also available – just follow @ebookpubco on Twitter. :)

  10. Terry OdellAugust 9, 2011

    Thanks – I’ve forwarded the link to my freelance editor and cover artists.

    Terry’s Place
    Romance with a Twist–of Mystery

  11. Elspeth AntonelliAugust 9, 2011

    Thanks for stepping up and becoming an ebook Sherpa. You’re a gem.

  12. Journaling WomanAugust 9, 2011

    Great idea! I would recommend Mason, but she’s already recommended.

  13. Hart JohnsonAugust 9, 2011

    This is great to provide a resource! I’ve posted on FB tagging the couple people I know who may want to be listed. Thank you so much for all these resources you’re putting together for writers!

  14. Kristen WeberAugust 9, 2011

    This is a great idea!

    I am a freelance editor specializing in commercial fiction (mainly mysteries, thrillers, young adult, and women’s fiction) after over a decade of experience as an editor at several publishing companies in NY. My services range from full developmental edits to manuscript and query letter critiques, and you can learn more about what I offer here:

  15. Susan Flett SwiderskiAugust 9, 2011

    What a great idea! Thank you so much.

  16. Jenn ReeseAugust 9, 2011

    Great idea! I’m an ebook cover designer:


  17. Jodie Renner EditingAugust 9, 2011

    Thanks for connecting people like this, Elizabeth!

    I’m a freelance fiction editor, specializing in thrillers, mysteries, romantic suspense and other crime fiction, as well as YA. My services range from developmental editing through copyediting to final proofreading, and I also offer manuscript critiques.

    My website is, I’m on Facebook and Twitter, and I participate in four blogs.

    And thanks, Terry Odell, for telling me about this!

    Jodie Renner

  18. Precision Editing GroupAugust 9, 2011

    Thanks for this. I run Precision Editing Group. We offer freelance editing (content and line), source checking, query writing, typesetting, proofreading, etc.

    We will edit 10 pages for free, no further obligation. Between our 6 senior editors (all published authors as well), we handle most genres.

    Precision Editing Group
    Owner: Heather Moore

  19. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsAugust 9, 2011

    Thanks everyone! I’ve gotten some DMs on Twitter and some emails, too. And, as I mentioned, I’ll continue checking back with this post and adding to the list each day. :)

  20. tmycannAugust 9, 2011

    I do freelance editing (and eBook formatting), and have added a page to my site with the details.

  21. L. Diane WolfeAugust 9, 2011

    I format both ebooks and print books – visit
    My husband does book covers and book trailers – visit

  22. Carrie MAugust 9, 2011

    As a writer and an editor, I think this is a fantastic idea! I would love to be added to your list as a freelance editor.

    I’m a freelance writer and editor, and a member of the Editors’ Association of Canada (EAC).

    My website is:

    Thanks so much!


  23. Sessha BattoAugust 9, 2011

    This is a marvelous idea. I design both covers and trailers. Examples can be found at (covers) and (trailers).

  24. Addison GastAugust 10, 2011

    This was a great idea and I’m confident that numerous writers surfing will come here, recommend and use some of your references. I think I have found the person to do my covers. Anyone that has seen my blog would agree I need help on the covers >wink<

  25. JJAugust 10, 2011

    Great idea, Elizabeth. I’m a freelancer who’d love to be added to your list. I do copy and developmental editing. My goal is to teach my writers good craft as we work together so they won’t need me again. Find me at Thanks!

  26. Dorte HAugust 10, 2011

    I just love your systematic approach now that you have decided to go self-publishing :)

    Some posts about the various platforms (Amazon, Smashwords, Scribd etc) and what they offer would also be helpful, I believe.

  27. Maryann MillerAugust 10, 2011

    I am a freelance editor and writing coach. More information about my services can be found on my website,

    There are also a number of freelance editors who blog regularly on The Blood Red Pencil.

  28. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsAugust 12, 2011

    Thanks y’all! I’m compiling my list and organizing the site. Hope it’ll be up within the week!

  29. Jodie Lynn BoduchAugust 15, 2011

    Thank you for opening up this list! I own Much Ado Marketing, a social media, design, and marketing communications agency. We have lots of offerings, including cover designs (we love doing them!). Also, I’m a freelance editor with 11 years of experience and a reader for an agent.

    Please contact me with inquiries for either service: jodie (at)

    Thanks. :-)

  30. Kit FosterNovember 1, 2011

    Hi There,

    I would love to be added to your list. My name is Kit Foster and I’m an Edinburgh based graphic designer, specializing in book cover design. I offer a professional service at a reasonable price. Please do stop by and check out my portfolio if you get a moment!


  31. Baking-n-CakingMarch 6, 2012

    What a brilliant idea.

    My background is as a technical author for various companies software and processes and procedures. I am also an ex-trainer for Microsoft Office.

    In addition to this, I have recently branched into the following eBook areas:

    – rewriting
    – copy editing
    – proofreading
    – ghost writer

    Please feel free to contact me at if you have a project which needs any of the above skills.

  32. Chris MoyerMarch 15, 2012

    Hey there. I’ve been doing this for years myself, and I’d be happy to help anyone who is in need of services. See here for more info:

    Good luck!

  33. J. A. ValentineMay 28, 2012

    Hello, we provide a cheap but professional eBook formatting service.

  34. Tracy DeVoreApril 7, 2013

    I’m a freelance editor specializing in fiction of any length. Please visit my web site for references, testimonials and rates. Thank you! ~Tracy DeVore

  35. J. Thomas BeatonMay 18, 2013

    I offer an ebook formatting service and would love to be added to your list. Thanks! J Thomas Beaton

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