Conference Pictures

Pictures from the 2010 Malice Domestic conference held last weekend in Washington, DC. I had a fantastic time, met many online friends in person, spoke with some wonderful mystery readers, attended and sat on panels, ran my mouth a lot more than I usually do…and came home exhausted, but happy!


Here I am hanging out with my Mystery Lovers’ Kitchen friends, Avery Aames and Krista Davis right before the Agatha banquet. Avery writes the Cheese Shop mysteries and Krista writes the Diva series for Berkley Prime Crime.

No, we didn’t plan on wearing the same color. :)


These are all Midnight Ink authors (left to right): Vicki Doudera, G.M. Malliet, C.S. Challinor, Elizabeth Kane Buzzelli, Lisa Bork, me..hidden:) , Beth Groundwater , Deborah Sharp, Alan Orloff, Sue Ann Jaffarian, and Kathleen Ernst.

This picture was taken right before our Saturday panel: Senior Sleuths vs Middle-Aged Meddlers and Crime-Cracking Kids: How Age Impacts the Story. Bottom Row–Sarah Masters Buckey, me
Top Row–Maya Corrigan, JL Wilson, Nancy Glass West

imageSarah Masters Buckey with me, before our panel. Sarah writes the American Girl series. My daughter thought that was really cool.

025Alan Orloff, Sue Ann Jaffarian, Vicki Doudera, and me—on our way to grab a little lunch.

imageAuthors Cheryl Solimini and Elizabeth Zelvin and me



Cozy mystery writers Lorna Barrett, Krista Davis, Ellery Adams, Sheila Connolly, Leann Sweeney, Wendy Lyn Watson, Heather Webber, Mary Jane Maffini, Avery Aames, and I had buttons made up for a button game where readers hunted down all our buttons at the conference. Whoever got all the buttons first, won. Our winner, Shirley, with our button collection!


Berkley Prime Crime treated its authors to dinner at Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse on Friday evening. The staff at the restaurant really bent over backwards to make sure everything went well. :)


Natalee Rosenstein,Vice President and Senior Executive Editor with Penguin Group, with Berkley author Casey Daniels. It’s not often you can hang out with Penguin editors (much less a VP), so this evening was a treat.


The Malice banquet.


Kathleen Ernst and Alan Orloff speak during their panel, Culture Clash: Race and Ethnicity in Mysteries.


An aerial shot of the area where the authors signed books after panels.


Goofing off time. :) With Beth Groundwater, Elizabeth Kane Buzzelli, Deb Sharp, Alan Orloff, and Lisa Bork

To everyone that I met and hung out with last weekend—it was wonderful meeting you all!

Elizabeth Spann Craig

View posts by Elizabeth Spann Craig
Elizabeth writes the Memphis Barbeque series (as Riley Adams) and the Southern Quilting mysteries for Penguin and writes the Myrtle Clover series for Midnight Ink and independently. She also has a blog, which was named by Writer’s Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers. There she posts on the writing craft, finding inspiration in everyday life, and fitting writing into a busy schedule.


  1. Mason CanyonMay 8, 2010

    Great photos. It’s fate that all the ladies of Mystery Lover’s Kitchen wore the same color (and kind of cute). Thanks for sharing for those of us who couldn’t be there.

    Thoughts in Progress

  2. Margot KinbergMay 8, 2010

    Elizabeth – Thank you so much for sharing those ‘photos! It looks as though you had a wonderful time, and I’m very happy for you : ).

  3. JanelMay 8, 2010

    It looks like you all had a blast! I can’t wait until next weekend. I get to attend a workshop presented by Elizabeth Kane Buzzelli. I’m getting excited just seeing her in your pictures. :)

  4. The Daring NovelistMay 8, 2010

    Still jealous.

  5. Journaling WomanMay 8, 2010

    Wow, it looks like you had fun. Oh and I love the black/white dress much.


  6. Karen WalkerMay 8, 2010

    Looks like it was a blast, Elizabeth. Those blue dresses are beautiful.

  7. Alan OrloffMay 8, 2010

    I concur completely! It was a wonderful conference–great panels, witty speeches, lots of fun. But the best part was meeting so many online friends in person. And, without an exception, they were even nicer in person. (And, of course, that includes you, Elizabeth!) Thanks for posting your photos!

  8. AltmanMay 8, 2010

    Those are some amazing photos. I think it would be wonderful to attend writing conferences such as that one.


  9. Alex J. CavanaughMay 8, 2010

    Looks like you had an awesome time.

  10. Charmaine ClancyMay 8, 2010

    Looks like everyone had a ball, I’m very jealous. :-)

  11. Jemi FraserMay 8, 2010

    Awesome photos! Looks like you had a great time.

    Your outfits look fantastic – great job with the packing!

  12. Stephen TrempMay 8, 2010

    Its great that you were able to meet online friends. Did they look and sound different than you imagined? This is usually the case, at least for me. Although you may see a pciture of them on FB, they usually are different than what you expect.

    Stephen Tremp

  13. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsMay 8, 2010

    Mason–Wasn’t that funny? We couldn’t believe it when we saw each other. :)

    Ann–Thanks! It was a lot of fun meeting everyone.

    Alex–I did. Great friends there.

    Charmaine–It was fun, I’ll admit. I don’t do many (any?) of these, so this was really nice.

    Margot–Thanks! I did have a good time.

    Janel–She was really nice. I think you’re going to have an awesome time at your workshop.

    The Daring Novelist–:) It *was* really fun. But then I was so tired afterward. It’s taken me a week and I *still* think I’m recovering.

    Journaling Woman–Thanks! :) I’d rolled that dress up into my carry-on and it’d had nary a wrinkle so now it’s my favorite dress.

    Karen–Thanks! It was a blast…but then I was so exhausted! It was more socializing than I’d done in forever.

    Stephen–Sometimes they did and sometimes they were almost exactly the same as I’d imagined!

  14. Dorte HMay 8, 2010

    Great post, and I love your buttons.

    (I want to be a writer so I can give away cute buttons and pretty bookmarks!!!)

  15. Laura MarcellaMay 8, 2010

    Elizabeth, your blue dress is gorgeous and you looked fabulous! I’m glad you had a wonderful time! I think it’s so cool, too, that you were sitting with an American Girl series author. I still treasure my Molly doll!

  16. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsMay 8, 2010

    Alan–And you were even nicer, too! I was amazed how *many* people you knew there. You must have introduced me to 5 or 6. Thanks for that!

    Laura–We’ve got the Kit and Elizabeth doll here. :)

    Jemi–It all went in the carry-on and all rolled up well…even the blue dress! I was just amazed. I may never check luggage again. :)

  17. IndigoMay 8, 2010

    The conference looked like amazing fun. Glad to have you back with us! (Hugs)Indigo

  18. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsMay 9, 2010

    Dorte–For all my agonizing over my promo efforts…it ends up being pretty cool in the end. :)

    Indigo–Thanks! I’m glad to be back. It’s like eating chocolate cheesecake–delicious, but rich! Good to get back to boring reality.

  19. Helen GingerMay 9, 2010

    Fabulous pictures. And you look gorgeous in all of them!

    Straight From Hel

  20. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsMay 9, 2010

    Thanks Helen! :)

  21. HeatherMay 9, 2010

    Thanks for the pictures, they’re fantastic! I love that you all wore the same color on accident. It proves great minds think alike! Looks like it was an excellent conference and you had a great time.

  22. Mary AalgaardMay 9, 2010

    Thanks for sharing this. You look terrific, and it looks like you had a blast!!

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