Choose Your Own Mystery—by Enid Wilson


Thanks Elizabeth for hosting me. I met Elizabeth at a Blog Book Tour Yahoo Group last year. That’s when I first learned about the term cosy mystery from her blog. I read romance my whole life. My experience with the genre of mystery and murder comes mainly from television series such as Poirot, Miss Marple, Mid Summer Murder, CSI, Law and Order and so on.

There is sometimes too much blood and gore in modern crime series to my taste. I also tend to refrain from writing murder myself. But in my latest novel Fire and Cross, Pride and Prejudice with a mystery twist, I stumbled upon the murder plot rather unexpectedly.

At the beginning, the story was intended to be a short one of 3,000 words. I set up a what-if scenario: Mr. Darcy was engaged to a mysterious lady since his youth, with a beautiful garnet cross as the promised gift. Suddenly out of the blue, Miss Caroline Bingley came bearing the exquisite jewelry. Was Mr. Darcy really engaged to her?

The short story resolved the true identity of the mysterious lady very quickly. But when I posted it online, readers demanded to know more. How did Miss Bingley get hold the garnet cross? Who was helping her? Why did she do it?

So I wrote on a bit longer and published it again in serialized format. Readers had more and more questions and I weaved the plots thicker and thicker. With the disappearance of one of the main characters, the suspected murder attempt on another, the speculated link to a French spy, Fire and Cross grew to a novel of over 70,000 words. It has somewhat become a “chose your own” interactive mystery.

Below is an adapted excerpt from the novel. Charles Bingley was interviewing his sister’s driver. I’ve hidden the name of the other possible culprit as “the other woman”.


“The Mistress met the other woman a few times.”

“Where? And how many times?”

“Hmm, I think in Cusworth Hall, at the Friars Inn at Doncaster and at the Charing Cross Inn.”

“Just those three times?”

Harold scratched his head. “As far as I can remember.”

“Were there any other people with them, during their meetings?”

“Well, at Cusworth Hall Miss Bingley was visiting the Barrymore sisters. There were many other people there too. I’m not sure.”

“And at Charing Cross? Was the Mistress acting strangely?”

“Hmm, I’m not allowed to say.”

“Tell me at once!” Bingley said angrily. “This woman could be a danger to my family. I need to know.”

“The Mistress dressed as a gentleman, then.”

Bingley’s lip tightened. “And did they meet up with anyone?”

“I think he was a Frenchman.”

Bingley’s face lost colour. “Who was he?”

“I heard the Mistress called him Pierre.”

He sighed with relief. Caroline met up with the jeweller to make a duplicate of the garnet cross. “How did the Mistress get injured?”

“I don’t know. We moved to a new townhouse a few days ago. I was sleeping. I heard some screams and then I followed Marie into the Mistress’s room. The Mistress was unconscious, with blood on her head. We didn’t know any doctor in Stoke Newington so we brought her back here, as fast as we could.”

“And did you do any errands for Miss Bingley or the other woman yesterday?” Darcy asked, taking over the interrogation as Bingley seemed to have run out of questions. Darcy needed to establish if Harold was the one who had delivered the macaroons who poisoned one of the Miss Bennets.

“Errands? Hmm, I took them to the river.”

“Did they say why they wished to go there?”

“They wouldn’t say anything to me. I’m just a servant. The Mistress dressed as a … as a gentleman, as usual, when she went out.”

“But did you overhear their conversation?”

“I was not close enough to hear anything, but they did seem to be arguing …”

“About what?”

“… about you, Sir, Mr. Darcy.”

“Tell me exactly what you did hear.”

“I didn’t hear clearly. Just something like she had not been helpful enough for the Mistress … um … to become your wife. And she was blaming the Mistress for losing her temper by getting drunk. She blamed her for ruining her own scheme.”

“I am not sure I understand your meaning. Who blamed whom?”

“The other woman blamed the Mistress.”

“Did the other woman say what the scheme was?”

“Hmm …” Harold thought for a moment. “I don’t remember. But she said something in another language.”

“What language?”

“I don’t know no other language.”

“French? Italian?”

“Could be anything. Ah, but the other woman greeted the Frenchman at Charing Cross in his language. She must have spoken French.”

Darcy and Bingley gasped. The French spy possibility was looming again.

“Did you remember the French words the other woman said?”

Harold scratched his head. “I don’t know, ruler … erm … fur … I can’t say it correctly.”


I once read that a successful mystery writer should map out every detail of his plot before he begins the writing. I failed on that account miserably as I added and changed subplots all the time, depending on readers’ speculation.

However the writing experience was fun. I tried my best to surprise the readers. Some of them had guessed correctly who the culprit was at some stage but they did not suspect the true reason behind the murderous attempt. In the end, there was a death in the novel but without a murder.

Well, what do you think of cosy mystery over blood and gore crime? Share them here.

enidgift3Thanks again Elizabeth for hosting me today. I’m delighted to give out an ebook of Fire and Cross in pdf format and a lovely souvenir to one lucky reader. Please head over to and register for news and leave a comment here. Warning: The novel and my site contain explicit adult content.

Contest ends Saturday, December 18th and is open to worldwide readers.

Big hugs from hot and sunny Sydney, Enid.

    Fire and Cross Details:
    Paperback: 224 pages
    Publisher: Steamy D Publishing (December 1, 2010)
    Language: English
    ISBN-10: 0980610575
    ISBN-13: 978-0980610574
    Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.6 inches
    Shipping Weight: 12.5 ounces
    Available on Amazon

Thanks for coming by today, Enid and best wishes for your new release. Hope y’all will leave a question or comment for Enid and your thoughts on gorier thrillers vs. puzzle-type mysteries.

Elizabeth Spann Craig

View posts by Elizabeth Spann Craig
Elizabeth writes the Memphis Barbeque series (as Riley Adams) and the Southern Quilting mysteries for Penguin and writes the Myrtle Clover series for Midnight Ink and independently. She also has a blog, which was named by Writer’s Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers. There she posts on the writing craft, finding inspiration in everyday life, and fitting writing into a busy schedule.


  1. Margot KinbergDecember 16, 2010

    Elizabeth – Thanks for hosting Enid.

    Enid – First, I give you so much credit for responding to your readers and adapting what you thought as you went. I love it!! And your story’s intriguing, too. I very much enjoy historical mysteries and this certainly is one. Thanks for sharing it.

  2. Enid WilsonDecember 16, 2010

    Thanks again Elizabeth, for having me here. Did you know that I’ve a great respect for any one named Elizabeth? After all, you share the same name as Mr. Darcy’s love of his life, Elizabeth Bennet.

  3. Terry OdellDecember 16, 2010

    I never really know the details of the mystery threads in my books. I drop in lots of “in case I need it” stuff, and am always pleasantly surprised when things fall into place.

    Terry’s Place
    Romance with a Twist–of Mystery

  4. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsDecember 16, 2010

    Thanks so much for coming by today, Enid! Y’all, Enid reminded me that today marks Jane Austen’s 235th birthday. :) A nice way to mark it!

  5. Patricia StolteyDecember 16, 2010

    Hi Enid, glad to see you here. And thanks to Elizabeth for hosting you today.

    Cosy mysteries versus blood and guts…well, I usually opt to read the cosy. I’ve read quite a few more graphic mysteries and thrillers that I liked, but find I can no longer deal with crimes against young children, serial rapists, or bands of evil vampires.

  6. Enid WilsonDecember 16, 2010

    Oh yes. I was reading from another blog. Jane Austen’s star signs are Sagittarus and Year of the Horse. Hehe.

  7. N. R. WilliamsDecember 16, 2010

    Happy Birthday Jane. Thanks for hosting Enid, Elizabeth.

    I’m intrigued, the interviewer learning about gossip concerning himself through an eavesdropping servant.
    N. R. Williams, fantasy author

  8. Alex J. CavanaughDecember 16, 2010

    Interesting that your fans egged you on to make a longer story.

  9. Mary VaughnDecember 16, 2010

    Wonderful concept, having that sort of reader input.
    Sounds like a fascinating story.
    Elizabeth, thanks for having Enid This was a fun post.

  10. Cold As HeavenDecember 16, 2010

    I agree that blood and gore crime is not very interesting. It’s more like the web of the mystery, the intrigues and the intellectual challenge of a good plot that makes it interesting. If I want blood and gore, I rather watch a zombie movie, which can be cool because it’s so outrageous >:)

    Cold As Heaven

  11. Maryann MillerDecember 16, 2010

    What a fascinating journey your story took, Enid. Isn’t it great when the story just keep evolving? Thanks for sharing it all with us.

  12. L. Diane WolfeDecember 16, 2010

    Now that’s a unique way to write a book!

  13. Enid WilsonDecember 16, 2010

    I woke up from my beauty sleep and got so much feedbacks already. Many thanks Nancy, Margot, Alex, Terry, Patricia, C, Diane.

    @Nancy, one thing I found it difficult when writing interrogation is I got confused from time to time too, especially there were 2 women involved as possible suspects. @Margot it’s a fun way to write like the magna artists publishing their stories in magazine in serial format.

    @Terry, it’s good to put in more detail to distract the readers. We’re all evil writers, hehe. @Pat and C, I agree, zombie movies could be better than bloody crime storiees.

  14. Mason CanyonDecember 17, 2010

    I tend to read more cozy mysteries over blood and gore. However, I do know the blood and gore from time to time. Your story sounds intriguing. I’m learning more and more about the influence of Jane Austen. Wish you much success Enid.

    Elizabeth thanks for hosting Enid.

    Thoughts in Progress

  15. Jane Kennedy SuttonDecember 16, 2010

    I enjoyed the excerpt. I prefer more story and less blood and gore, which is why I like to read cozies.

  16. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsDecember 17, 2010

    Enid, thanks so much again for coming by today and for being such a great guest! Best wishes for success with your book!

  17. Enid WilsonDecember 17, 2010

    Thanks Jane, Maryann, Mason. It seems we have a concensus, cozy mystery over blood and gore.

  18. Hilary Melton-ButcherDecember 18, 2010

    Hi Elizabeth and Enid – congratulations on the book coming out .. and your process certainly sounds engaging.

    For me – cozy mysteries .. I don’t want to be woken with a nightmare of blood and gore – enough in our normal world.

    Lucky you in the warmth of Sydney – if it’s stopped raining .. you can come here for a snowball fight if you’d like?!

    Cheers enjoy the coming festive week .. Hilary

  19. Enid WilsonDecember 18, 2010

    Thanks Hilary for the invitation of snow fighter. I’ll have to decline, haha. It’s way too cold for me. How about come on over for a beach party?

    Another cozy mystery lover. We’ve a trend here.

  20. Hilary Melton-ButcherDecember 19, 2010

    Hi Enid .. beach party sounds great! Unfortunately will have to decline – the airports aren’t open .. I’ll take a ‘rain check’ .. so what with planes stuck on the tarmac, train services practically immobilised .. gridlock around .. I am so grateful I don’t have to travel far, or do much shopping .. So I’ll rest up – enjoy your beach party ..sounds fun – I know from my South Africa days .. Christmas in the sun! Cheers – Hilary

  21. Enid WilsonDecember 20, 2010

    I saw news about airports closure in Europe. Poor. But you can snuggle up by the fire with a copy of cozy mystery. Thanks Hilary.

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