Calendars for Organizing Writing and Life

by Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraig

imagesI’m always interested in finding new ways to get organized and take more control over my day.

Although I’ve been busier than ever with my writing and family life, my productivity has improved in all the different areas I’m juggling—home, as well as writing.

I’m pretty sure it’s because of my calendar.

The last time (April 2011) I wrote on this topic, I was still using a variety of different calendars—a wall calendar, a day-planner style calendar, and an online calendar.

A few months ago, I started using Google Calendar for almost everything. Lists of things to do, grocery lists, remembering the dog’s heart-worm pill…and now blog post ideas (as a sort of informal editorial calendar.) I’ve even put my supper plan on my calendar for each day–it reminds me to take whatever the meat is out of the freezer the night before to defrost in the fridge overnight.

I’ve also tried to go, if not paper-free, then paper-reduced. When the children bring home flyers from school or their activities, I transcribe the important bits into my Google calendar and then recycle the paper.

There are tons of calendar apps out there, but the point is to have something that you can easily change, update, and carry with you. It doesn’t have to be Google. When someone asks me now if I can drive children home from play practice/driver’s ed/elementary school, I take a look at my phone. Because Lord knows I can’t remember what I’m doing from one day to the next.

I also took this a step farther with my writing…with some excellent results so far. I’ve mentioned that I hate outlines, but I do love knowing what I’m planning on writing the next day. With my schedule, I need to hop right into the book when I find 15 free minutes. If I use those 15 minutes trying to figure out what scene I need to pick up with, and what I’m trying to accomplish, the writing time is quickly over without my doing any actual writing. So now I jot a line or two on my calendar to remind myself where I want to go with my story the next time I pick it up. If that 10 minutes of time happens to be while I’m waiting for my son to walk out of his high school, then I have my plan for the writing day with me on my phone…and I start right in.

Another nice thing is that this calendar is on a cloud. I can access it from anywhere. If I lose my phone or drop my phone in the sink or something, I can still recover my calendar. If I’m traveling, my calendar is accessible and able to be updated.

One other note–I’m trying an experiment with my calendar….working on more than 1 project at a time. I have two books due at nearly the same time this year, and I’ve never before been able to work on more than one book at a time. But if I’m being this organized and if I plan the next day’s writing for both books, I’m curious to see if it will work better. I’ll report back on the experiment later.

How are you staying organized and juggling all the things you need to do? Are you a calendar-user, too? What other tools do you use?

Elizabeth Spann Craig

View posts by Elizabeth Spann Craig
Elizabeth writes the Memphis Barbeque series (as Riley Adams) and the Southern Quilting mysteries for Penguin and writes the Myrtle Clover series for Midnight Ink and independently. She also has a blog, which was named by Writer’s Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers. There she posts on the writing craft, finding inspiration in everyday life, and fitting writing into a busy schedule.


  1. NIcole BasarabaJanuary 18, 2012

    I’ve also been thinking about what type of calendar to use to stay organized. While I prefer a journal (hard copy) type calendar, I am using Google calendar so that I can access it anywhere and its not so heavy ot carry in my purse.

  2. Shah WhartonJanuary 18, 2012

    I have a google calendar on my calendar page on my blog so that everyone can see what posts are planned in advance. IT also enables guest bloggers/authors a chance to see when they can post on my blog. I’m generally an unorganised person, but with three blogs and a writing schedule I need to be. X

  3. Margot KinbergJanuary 18, 2012

    Elizabeth – Thanks for sharing how well Google Calendar works for you. I think the idea I like the most is using it to keep track of scenes one’s planning to write. That’s the thing that always takes more time than I like: finding out where I left off, so to speak, and getting “back into the story.” Thanks for the good idea!

  4. Journaling WomanJanuary 18, 2012

    I use the Outlook calendar at work to remind me of things I need to do–such as to go home–to stop working. :) At home, I use a regular calendar for my writing goals.


  5. IzzybazJanuary 18, 2012

    I have found that any calendar I choose, unfortunately, is only good if I actually LOOK at it. I find it easier to write in paper calendars, but love the accessibility of my mobile. Ah well, one thing I have discovered? There is no perfect solution. :-)

  6. Karen WalkerJanuary 18, 2012

    This sounds like a wonderful tool. I am still old-fashioned and have a paper book calendar I carry with me. I gave up my Droid phone for a regular one, so I couldn’t access a calendar anymore if I were out of the house. So gal to hear your time management has gotten a bit easier, Elizabeth.

  7. Terry OdellJanuary 18, 2012

    I have a Google calendar and an Outlook calendar that are supposed to sync with each other. But my standby is still the calendar hanging above the phone in the kitchen as far as appointments go. Somehow, having to open a computer program, or hope that Hubster has put his appointments on the shared calendar in Google doesn’t work as well as the kitchen “communication center” system.

    For writing stuff, I have a whiteboard and another paper calendar in my office.

    Not having kids at home helps. A LOT.

    Terry’s Place
    Romance with a Twist–of Mystery

  8. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsJanuary 18, 2012

    Nicole– I’m like you–I *lived* by that big planner/organizer. My favorite kind was the sort that has at least one entire page for each day (if not 2). So it was bulky and thick and had a bunch of papers stuck into it. Now I take all the papers and type the important parts into my Google calendar (on my laptop, which makes it easier than typing on my phone). I have it all with me and without lugging the paper or the big planner.

    Shah–Now *that’s* an organized blog! I’m a little scared to do that on mine because my editorial calendar isn’t set in stone (sometimes I want to change topics, etc.), but that’s really cool–especially for your guest bloggers.

  9. Jen ChandlerJanuary 18, 2012

    Wonderful post! Thank you. I have Google Calendar on my phone BUT I don’t use it. Yet! Now that I’ve read this AND realize I’ve got to be more organized to be productive, I’m off to check it out and put it to work for me.

    Have a wonderful day (and thanks for mentioning that you put your dinner plans on your calendar. It reminded me I had to take some chicken out to thaw!! LOL!)


    1. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsJanuary 19, 2012

      Hope you’ll enjoy using it, Jen! Glad you remembered that chicken. :)

  10. Elspeth AntonelliJanuary 18, 2012

    Your organizational skills astound me, Elizabeth. No wonder you’ve achieved as much as you have. I’m a huge list-maker; but still on paper.

    1. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsJanuary 19, 2012

      I decided to finally make the leap! I kept forgetting my paper lists, so I had to do something….

  11. Laura PaulingJanuary 18, 2012

    I’ve just started to use the icalendar on my Mac to keep track of anything/everything – but esp. guest posts so I don’t forget. I love sticky notes app so my to do list is on the computer!

    I’ve heard a couple authors say they’re working on two things at once and trying to figure out with a calendar!

  12. Alex J. CavanaughJanuary 18, 2012

    I’m not that detailed, but I do use the calendar on my iPad. It will even send me reminders!

  13. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsJanuary 18, 2012

    Laura–So far, it’s going pretty well…only because I know what I’m writing that day! We’ll see how long I can keep it up. Right now I don’t seem to be getting confused going from one book to the other.

    Alex–Getting reminders would really be nice!

    Margot–It really does help me to jump right in.

    Journaling Woman–Outlook keeps bombing on me for some reason! Glad it’s working for you, though. :)

    Izzybaz–I really don’t like updating my calendar on the road, so I update it mostly at home on the laptop. Makes it easier (I think my fingers weren’t designed for those tiny keyboards on phones!)

    Karen–Thanks! I’m glad, too. :)

    Terry–Oh, right, the husbands! No, mine doesn’t add things to the shared calendar but I’m in charge of *his* calendar (and the kids’ calendars), so I’m just trying to juggle them all. :)

    Not having kids at home would REALLY free up my calendar! Ha!

  14. LD MastersonJanuary 18, 2012

    Great idea, small problem. I still use one of those cell phones that is just a phone. (How terribly un-techie of me.)

    1. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsJanuary 19, 2012

      You know, up until about 1 1/2 years ago, I was the same way. As I’ve gotten more forgetful (I guess because I’m busier), I found I needed more tools to help me out.

  15. Jemi FraserJanuary 19, 2012

    I’m nowhere near that organized – but I’ve considered trying it out. I’d have to remember to open the darn thing :)

    1. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsJanuary 19, 2012

      That’s the big thing! We have to *look* at our calendar! Maybe if we set alarms up to go off when especially important things are on the calendar…

  16. MSBjaneBJanuary 19, 2012

    I use the calender but I also like Shah’s suggestion of posting it on my blog. That should make it easier to let readers know what blog hop I am participating in, progress of my projects and highlight any quest posters I may line up in the future.

    1. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsJanuary 19, 2012

      I like that idea, too. :)

  17. Authors Promoting AuthorsJanuary 19, 2012

    Love the Google Calendar…but I am still living by the old-fashioned day-planner :o)

    1. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsJanuary 19, 2012

      I loved my day planner! Except the year I lost it. Ugh.

  18. L. Diane WolfeJanuary 19, 2012

    LOL – I write it down on a notepad by my desk and the big dates on a tiny little calendar that I carry everywhere. And by tiny calendar, I mean one of those little ones you get with a bigger, standard calendar.

    1. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsJanuary 19, 2012

      Sounds like you’ve got a system that works, though!

  19. genelemppJanuary 19, 2012

    I use Google calendar as my primary, love the early reminder feature that lets me know a day or two ahead to be ready for things (bit lost in my head at times). I also use an actual binder with hole-punched goal sheets based on one my Jane Friedman. Writing down the goals/tasks each Sunday locks them in my memory and works (for me at least) as a strong motivator to complete them.

    1. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsJanuary 19, 2012

      I liked that post Jane did on goal-setting. I should try that.

  20. Carol KilgoreJanuary 19, 2012

    I really need to check out Google Calendar. I have a desk calendar now, my daily lists, and a writing calendar. It’s crazy – gotta do something. Thanks.

    1. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsJanuary 19, 2012

      That was the point where I was when I finally made the shift! Hope it works for you. :)

  21. Cold As HeavenJanuary 19, 2012

    For many years, I didn’t use a calendar, tried to keep my mind awake and remember everything. After missing a couple of important appointments (very embarrassing), I’ve given up. Now I use Microsoft Outlook calendar at work, and also put in my private schedules, since these things often interfere.

    Cold As Heaven

    1. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsJanuary 19, 2012

      If there ever *was* a time when my mind was awake and alert and remembered things…well, I can’t remember it. My only comfort is that I’ve *always* been that way (otherwise I’d be concerned!)

      I like the *idea* of using Outlook and I do have Outlook…but it bombs on me all the time. I think it’s got some random add-on that I need to eliminate.

  22. Helen GingerJanuary 19, 2012

    For years I used my Palm. Then last year my computer crashed and my new computer software i not compatible with Palm. In other words, I can still input on the Palm but it won’t sync with my computer. And, like you, I need a mobile calendar and contact list. So one by one, I’m typing each and every thing into Outlook. You make me wonder if I should look into Google+. Is there an app for the iPhone and does it sync to your computer?

    1. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsJanuary 19, 2012

      Google calendar will sync with iPhones or Droids: and the computer. That’s the only way it was going to work for me…if it was all in sync and I didn’t have to keep up with different parts!

  23. AnonymousJanuary 20, 2012

    I am full time working mom of 4 trying to squeeze writing in. I usegoogle calendar…I color code it and we can all access the same calendar from each of our phones. It’s a life saver! I also keep dinner and writing reminders! Don’t Know what I would do without it. Check out the everyone free download and application. Helps keep me aane. ;-)

  24. AnonymousJanuary 20, 2012

    Sorry! It’s. The Evernote. Download/application. And it keeps me ‘sane!

  25. BrianJanuary 20, 2012

    I too am a Google Calendar enthusiast – been using it for a couple years and love it.

  26. kellielarsenmurphyJanuary 20, 2012

    I was also thinking of abandoning the day planner but wasn’t sure how it would work. Still, I don’t know if I can jettison the wall calendar. It’s helpful for the kids to glance up and see what’s planned for the day/week/month. Congrats on inspiring me to check out a calendar app and get more organized!

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