BSP (Blatant Self-Promotion)

Delicious and Suspicious

My upcoming Delicious and Suspicious will be released July 6, 2010, under my pen name Riley Adams. Just in time for the backyard grilling season! Here’s the back cover copy:

Welcome to Aunt Pat’s barbeque restaurant–family run and located in the heart of Memphis, Tennessee. Named in honor of Lulu Taylor’s great aunt, the restaurant is known for its ribs and spicy corn bread, but now the Taylor family will be known for murder–unless Lulu can clear their name…

Rebecca Adrian came to Memphis to suss out the best local BBQ for a prominent Cooking Channel show. Trouble is, Rebecca doesn’t live long enough to mention a bad review. A mystery ingredient has killed her–and now all fingers are pointing to Aunt Pat’s restaurant. Horrified that her family is being accused of murder, Lulu fires up her investigative skills to solve the crime before someone else gets skewered…


I was thrilled yesterday when FedX dropped off my cover copies from Penguin. There’s just something about having a cover connected to your book to make it feel more real! I had a lot of fun writing this book and exploring characters that are different from my Myrtle Clover series. I can’t wait to share it with y’all in July! Oh…last bit of BSP. It is available for preordering from Amazon or your favorite independent bookseller. :)

Elizabeth Spann Craig

View posts by Elizabeth Spann Craig
Elizabeth writes the Memphis Barbeque series (as Riley Adams) and the Southern Quilting mysteries for Penguin and writes the Myrtle Clover series for Midnight Ink and independently. She also has a blog, which was named by Writer’s Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers. There she posts on the writing craft, finding inspiration in everyday life, and fitting writing into a busy schedule.


  1. Mason CanyonFebruary 23, 2010

    Woohoo, congratulations on a wonderful cover. This looks great, very eye catching. And the copy sounds intriguing. Can’t wait to read it. Congratulations again on your upcoming release.

  2. Journaling WomanFebruary 23, 2010

    Oh my gosh!!!!! I am so excited for you. Isn’t the cover beautiful? Congratulations on your new book. I am already standing in line. Can you see me?

    Now I am too excited to go to sleep.


  3. paulgreciFebruary 23, 2010

    Congratulations! The story sounds engaging. A love that mystery ingredient twist. And the cover is awesome. Love all the color:-)

  4. arlee birdFebruary 23, 2010

    I really like the cover. And I really like Bar-b-que. This isn’t going to scare me away from bar-b-que is it?
    Oh well, not much can scare me away from bbq.

  5. Ingrid KingFebruary 23, 2010

    Congratulations! The cover looks wonderful – love the colors. And it makes me think of summer.

    I’m looking forward to reading it!

  6. Margot KinbergFebruary 23, 2010

    Oh, congratulations, Elizabeth!! The cover really is wonderful, and I cannot wait to read the book. This is just terrific! I am really looking forward to meeting LuLu Taylor.

  7. Alan OrloffFebruary 23, 2010

    TERRIFIC cover, Elizabeth! And some enticing, mouth-watering cover copy on the back, too. I can tell you have a winner on your hands already! Congratulations!

  8. Rose PresseyFebruary 23, 2010

    I love it! Can’t wait to read it.

  9. JanelFebruary 23, 2010

    Congratulations! I love the cover. I’m sure it will attract lots of attention on the book store shelves.

    By the way, I have an Aunt Pat. I don’t think she’s very good at BBQ, though :)

  10. Karen WalkerFebruary 23, 2010

    OOh, delicious, Elizabeth. Cover is fabulous. Congratulations.

  11. Julie DaoFebruary 23, 2010

    The book looks GREAT, Elizabeth! Can’t wait to pick up a copy!

  12. Elspeth AntonelliFebruary 23, 2010

    There’s absolutely nothing wrong with blatant self-promotion. What a wonderful cover – I love the colours.

  13. Jan MorrisonFebruary 23, 2010

    What a totally fun cover! It must make it all so real…
    I’m getting out my visa and going shopping right now.

  14. Kathleen A. RyanFebruary 23, 2010

    Congratulations, Elizabeth ~ the cover looks spectacular. How exciting! What a great title.

  15. Crystal Clear ProofingFebruary 23, 2010

    What a GREAT cover! Congratulations on your new book becoming real to you!

    This is something I’ve always wondered: why do authors – why did you – use a pen name for this book/series?

  16. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsFebruary 23, 2010

    Mason–Thanks! I’m hoping it’ll pull some readers in.

    Arlee–Oh, it’s not too scary. You’ll still keep your happy feelings about BBQ through the book. Lots of eating and yummy food going on in that book!

    Teresa–Thanks so much! I was too excited to sleep last night, too!

    Paul–Thank you! :) You never know what you’re going to get, cover-wise, and this was a happy surprise.

    Ingrid–I think that may have been what they were going for in the art department…sort of a warm, summery feel. Thanks!

    Margot–I hope you’ll like her. She’s very different from Myrtle. :)

    Jan–You’re sweet! Thank you.

    Alan–I hope so. Thanks so much!

    Kathleen–Thanks! :) I was excited about it.


    Crystal–Thanks so much! :)

    Penguin asked me to use a pen name; most of their authors have pseudonyms. It’s mainly due to the fact that I write for a competing publisher, I believe. But I’m free to promote under both names.

  17. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsFebruary 23, 2010

    Janel–Thanks! Well, if your Aunt Pat would like to learn, there are some recipes in the back of the book for ribs. :)

  18. Helen GingerFebruary 23, 2010

    What a gorgeous cover! Did you do cartwheels when you held the cover copies? I would have. The back cover copy sounds intriguing. Congratulations!

    Straight From Hel

  19. Carol KilgoreFebruary 23, 2010

    Really cool cover. Looking forward to reading it. Congrats!

  20. KarenFebruary 23, 2010

    Great cover! How exciting. You must have been squealing. :)

  21. Marybeth PoppinsFebruary 23, 2010

    How exciting! I love your titles :) If you need anyone to do a book review on it you know who to come to!

    Can’t wait to read it!

  22. Stacy PostFebruary 23, 2010

    Another great cover, Elizabeth! I can’t wait to read it! I love the blurb…you must be very proud. Congrats! Congrats!

  23. Alex J. CavanaughFebruary 23, 2010

    Congratulations, Elizabeth!

  24. Simon C. LarterFebruary 23, 2010

    And just what is your blog for, if not blatant self-promotion? Congrats, good lady! Or should I say “ladies,” since apparently you’re schizophrenic… :)

  25. L. Diane WolfeFebruary 23, 2010

    That’s cool cover!!!

  26. Watery TartFebruary 23, 2010

    What a fabulous cover! (and I love the quote on the front–very nice) Congrats to you, Elizabeth!

  27. Patricia StolteyFebruary 23, 2010

    Nice cover art, Elizabeth. I’m looking forward to a good read from Riley Adams!

  28. KarenGFebruary 23, 2010

    Oh, this sounds so good! I’m putting it on my to-read list! The cover’s great, and your back cover blurb is brilliant!

  29. Tamika:February 23, 2010

    Yay Elizabeth! Sounds spicy! You must be thrilled- good for you my friend!

    Question: Why the pen name? Just curious.


  30. Jane Kennedy SuttonFebruary 23, 2010

    Congratulations! I can certainly understand your excitement. I think the cover is great and the book sounds terrific. I can’t wait to read it.

  31. StephTheBookwormFebruary 23, 2010

    What a fun cover! Looks great!

  32. Ann Elle AltmanFebruary 23, 2010

    Again, I love the cover. Let us know when it comes out so that I can purchase it and do a review.


  33. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsFebruary 23, 2010

    Helen–You know, I’ve never been able to turn cartwheels! I would have, though, if I could. :)

    Karen–Thanks! :)

    Julie–Thanks so much!

    Karen–I was kind of wondering what the package from them was–I wasn’t expecting anything. Nice surprise!

    Marybeth–I’ll do that! No gnomes this time, though.

    Thanks, Alex!

    Simon–Thanks! At least I have only 2 personalities now. I know a couple of people who have 3 and I don’t see how they do it. Just 2 is confusing!

    Thanks Diane!

    Hart–Thanks! Laura Childs was really generous with her blurb.

    Elspeth–Thanks! I do, too. Makes me want to hang out on the porch…

    Karen–Thanks so much!

    Jane–It makes finishing the 2nd one easier now!

    Thanks, Steph!

    Ann–Thanks! :) I’ll do it.

  34. Jemi FraserFebruary 24, 2010

    Awesome cover!!

    I loved Pretty is as Pretty Dies – can’t wait to meet Lulu & her gang :)

  35. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsFebruary 23, 2010

    Carol–Thanks! :)

    Stacy–Thanks! I was really excited about the cover and the blurb. It’s so great when everything seems to fall into place!

  36. Martin EdwardsFebruary 23, 2010

    I agree – lovely cover!

  37. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsFebruary 23, 2010

    Patricia–And Riley is excited about her big debut! :)

    Tamika–Thank you! As for the pseudonym, Penguin requested it. :) It’s seems pretty standard if you write series for other publishers. But I get to promote it under both names…and I picked the name, which was a family name. :)

    Martin–Thanks so much! I like it, too.

  38. KitFebruary 24, 2010

    What a fabulous cover. Did they match the restaurant to your description in the book? I hope so, because it looks great. I’m often amazed at how inaccurate the cover can be, especially on mysteries where they seem to think the victim has to be young and beautiful even if she isn’t…

  39. Kathy McIntoshFebruary 24, 2010

    Congratulations! That is a lovely, enticing cover. Plus, the title of your book is perfect!
    I’m looking forward to reading it.
    (Which proves that having a wonderful blog works, because otherwise I’d not have learned of you and your books…in re yesterday’s post.)

  40. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsFebruary 24, 2010

    Kit–Well…I’ll admit it’s inaccurate in a sense. You’re a careful reader to notice that it happens that much! The restaurant is on Beale Street, so that part is different. The porch is the same as described and so is the restaurant…but place it on Beale instead of its current setting.

    Kathy–Thanks…and good point. And you definitely wouldn’t have heard about it over 4 months before its release!
    Jemi–Thanks! :) Hope you’ll enjoy Lulu as much as Myrtle.

  41. Rayna M. IyerFebruary 24, 2010

    Awesome cover. And congratulations.

  42. Mary AalgaardFebruary 24, 2010

    Sounds like a delicious mystery. How fun! Yay!!

  43. Dorte HFebruary 24, 2010

    Oh, that cover is absolutely wonderful!


  44. Kathy McIntoshFebruary 24, 2010

    Me, again. Last night I went to a book group at a local independent book store. I asked about your books, under both names. When the book store employee saw your new one, Delicious & Suspicious, he said, “Great cover. That’s a cover I can sell, and believe me, covers do sell books.”
    Thought you’d want to hear this preview of good things to come! Congratulations.

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