Books as Gifts

I’ve always thought that books made the best gifts.

I think I can remember every book I’ve ever gotten as a gift. And I’ve got a lousy memory. But it always struck me that the person giving the book to me had spent time thinking about me and the kinds of things I like to read. And bought me something they thought I’d like.

I remember even the books I got as gifts as a child. I got great books from my grandmothers, like these:
child's garden of versesWizard-Of-Oz-Cover

and my mother and father, like these:

catfish bendNancy Drew

Later on, when I was married, I started to get these kinds of books from my husband and my sister-in-law (they knew I was interested in writing):

writer's marketBird by Bird

This year, I’ve bought quite a few books as gifts. Some of them I haven’t even read myself, but loved the description from different book blogs that I read. Some seemed like the perfect match for family members or good friends.

I even have two family members who live in Africa. It’s hard to get physical gifts to them (unreliable postal service there), but they are getting a gift card to an online book retailer so they can download books to their PCs.

Do you have a favorite book that you received as a gift? Do you have a favorite book that you like to give as a gift?

Elizabeth Spann Craig

View posts by Elizabeth Spann Craig
Elizabeth writes the Memphis Barbeque series (as Riley Adams) and the Southern Quilting mysteries for Penguin and writes the Myrtle Clover series for Midnight Ink and independently. She also has a blog, which was named by Writer’s Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers. There she posts on the writing craft, finding inspiration in everyday life, and fitting writing into a busy schedule.


  1. Mason CanyonDecember 20, 2010

    My best friend and I have exchanged audio books at Christmas for several years now. She lives in Houston and has a long drive to work so she gets to ‘read’ while she drives and I enjoy listening to them on my way to work as well. I don’t have any favorite book that I’m sharing with her, but there are a number that I have enjoyed listening to and reading that I think she will also enjoy. I always enjoy receiving her package each year because I know it’s going to be filled with lots of great books.

    Thoughts in Progress

  2. HeatherDecember 20, 2010

    I have many favorite books that I’ve received as gifts. Whenever I receive a book as a gift I know that person really gets me and that they put a lot of thought into the gift. I love that!

  3. Margot KinbergDecember 20, 2010

    Elizabeth – Oh, those are great books! The Clue of the Dancing Puppet brought back a lot of happy memories for me. I think one of the best books-as-gifts memories I have goes back (waaaay back) to my fifteenth birthday when I got two Agatha Christie novels as gifts. I still have them…

  4. Hilary Melton-ButcherDecember 20, 2010

    Hi Elizabeth .. I remember getting special books – even then some reference oriented! I’ve been given some good reads too .. what I like is giving a book/s and find another family member reading it before Christmas is out!

    I have a list as long as your arm, and one pile probably longer than your arm to read! The idea of online gift vouchers to your African friends will please them no end … cheers Hilary

  5. Teresa aka JWDecember 20, 2010

    I love books for Christmas, giving and receiving.

    I have loved all my books equally (wink) but one of my favorites is an old book of poetry by Tennyson. I love looking at it and rereading it.


  6. Enid WilsonDecember 20, 2010

    Not book, but someone gave me a collection of French love songs once. She knew I was learning French and took the time to compile it for me. Really nice.

    Fire and Cross

  7. Terry OdellDecember 20, 2010

    I give gift cards because if a book is ‘perfect’ for someone, I’m afraid they’ll already have it.

    Terry’s Place
    Romance with a Twist–of Mystery

  8. Maryann MillerDecember 20, 2010

    Last year I received several books as gifts. One was “The Black Horse” by Craig Johnson. Wonderful book.

    My all-time favorite book from childhood was “Bunny Blue” I kept that book for a long time and it finally fell apart when I was reading it to my kids. I found a new copy and gave it to my first grandchildren. Then my granddaughter drew a bunny and colored it blue for an art project for school – I think she was in second or third grade – and the art teacher told her bunnies were not blue and she should redo the picture. Did that art teacher not have a bit of creativity?

  9. DevonDecember 20, 2010

    My favorite gifts, to give or receive, are books. I remember, as a kid, unwrapping the books, stacking them, and spending the rest of my Christmas vacation reading.

    I still do that!

    A family friend always gave me Classics for Christmas. I still re-read them around the holiday season and think of her.

    Devon Ellington
    Ink in My Coffee:

  10. L. Diane WolfeDecember 20, 2010

    We’ve given The Five Love Languages many times as a gift.

  11. Laura MarcellaDecember 20, 2010

    A lot of my books were gifts! And I’m giving a few books as gifts to my niephlings this year, too.

    I always loved getting books for Christmas, and I treasure them dearly. Two of my favorites as a kid was a children’s treasure of stories from Santa, and a treasury of stories about Ariel from The Little Mermaid that my uncle gave me. The year I got all my own copies of the Harry Potter books in hardcover was extra special! Santa gave them to me when I was 21, heehee! ;)

  12. SuzanneDecember 20, 2010

    Over the years, I’ve received numerous cookbooks as gifts. By now, they’re each heavily annotated by Chef Suzanne and spattered with food drips. The good thing about cookbooks as gifts is that they keep giving. :-)

    Suzanne Adair

  13. Alex J. CavanaughDecember 20, 2010

    I’ve received a few odd books over the years. Usually only my wife really knows what I like to read. And gift cards are always winners.

  14. Bob SanchezDecember 20, 2010

    We have few people to give gifts to anymore. We give our son a Barnes & Noble gift certificate that he probably spends at its coffee shop. Ah well. Mainly we share each others’ company at Christmas.

  15. Anne R. AllenDecember 20, 2010

    I remember the magic of getting books for Christmas. After the frenzy of opening gifts and the withdrawal afterward, I could go to my room and open a new book and lose myself in a fantastic new world. The Oz books and the Narnia books were especially magical for me, and when I was in Jr. High, I got the marvelous “Witch of Blackbird Pond” –one of my favorite books of all time.

  16. Hart JohnsonDecember 21, 2010

    I love to get and give books too. As a kid it was sort of lost on me–I wanted toys. But you know… those books I got then, I still HAVE in many cases… I’ve read them to my kids. It’s true that it is easier for me to think about the ‘perfect one’ in the case of books, where other gifts it is much harder to do that.

  17. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsDecember 21, 2010

    Mason–Now that’s practical–and a great thing for you and your friend to share with each other. :)

    Heather–Exactly! :)

    Hilary–Yes! I love to see books being passed on. It’s the best…such a compliment.

    Enid–That must have taken her some time! Very sweet of her.

    Margot–And a lifelong love of Agatha Christie was begun!

    Devon–That’s the best part of all…that we remember the people who gave the books to us, every time we open them.

    Teresa–He was one of my favorites, too. :)

    Diane–That’s one I’ve heard of, but haven’t read. I’ll check it out!

    Terry–That’s a good point! I’ve gotten so I give a gift receipt for practically every purchase. Just to be on the safe side.

    Laura–Santa was being generous, or you’d been especially good!

    Suzanne–Good point! I’ve got some cookbooks that are heavily splattered, too!

    Maryann–Oh, that drives me nutty. I think a blue bunny is *perfect!*

    Alex–Isn’t it funny to get one that ISN’T a match? Makes us wonder what they were thinking. :) Gives me a little insight into what they think of ME!

    Anne–That book sounds VERY familiar…I’m going to have to look it up and see if I can remember it. Like you, I enjoyed escaping from the holiday bustle with my book. :)

    Bob–Sharing our time is good, too!

    Hart–It’s funny how we hold onto them, isn’t it? I know I can find something for just about anyone at the bookstore.

  18. Jane Kennedy SuttonDecember 21, 2010

    Funny, on my blog today I used the quote by Garrison Keillor, “A book is a gift you can open again and again.”

    I’ve received lots of unusual reference books as gifts and I simply love them all. I also like receiving bookstore gift certificates. I don’t have one particular book that I give as a gift (except for my own), but I love it when I’m browsing through a book store and see something that I know would be perfect for someone.

  19. Rayna M. IyerDecember 23, 2010

    Books have always been gifts that I love giving and receiving. The first book gift I remember receiving was an Enid Blyton from my grandparents- I still have it (as I do almost all my books).

    I gave my son How to Catch a Dragon for his 7th Birthday- hope he treasures it.

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