Book Marketing Is Also Murder

 by Phyllis Zimbler Miller, @ZimblerMiller
Yes, as self-published and traditionally
published authors learn sooner or later, writing a mystery is only part of the
journey.  Marketing that mystery can be a
much more difficult and time-consuming part of a published author’s existence.
And that marketing can be murder – on
your psyche, your time and your wallet.
Because there are so many online promotional opportunities today that
enable authors to stay in front of their computers and promote their
books.  But where to invest one’s efforts
and money (leaving some time to write mysteries, of course!) to get the most
bang for your buck?
The answer is probably different for each
author depending on a book’s genre, theme, etc. 
For example, if you love Twitter and do not love Facebook (me), then you
may not want to devote tons of your limited promotional time to Facebook.  Another author who loves Facebook and does
not love Twitter would not want to spend tons of time on Twitter.
What I find most perplexing is the
opportunities missed by authors on the elephant in the room – Amazon.  On many book pages on Amazon the cover and
title do not convey what the book is about. 
Nor do the cover and title appeal to the target audience.
Recently I realized that I was somewhat
guilty of this error myself.   I have
been adding or revising subtitles of my fiction books to better “signal” the
We all know that people glance very
quickly at information online before deciding whether they are interested in
learning more.  If your book cover says
“for adults” and your story is “for children,” then you have a major disconnect
in what you are portraying.
Authors need to evaluate all their book
covers from their audience’s perspective. 
This realization led to my changing the
cover of my spy thriller CIA FALL GUY. 
As someone who many years ago had a security clearance, I thought the
manila envelope on the cover would have meaning to readers.  That is, until I realized that this was
“insider knowledge” and I needed a cover that immediately portrayed
A subtitle can go a long way towards
correcting this issue of confusing potential readers.  For example, my novel CAST THE FIRST STONE
has the subtitle A REBECCA STONE MYSTERY to immediately signal the story is a
mystery about a protagonist named Rebecca Stone. 
(I actually wanted to use A REBECCA STONE
COZY MYSTERY but decided that made for too long of a title and subtitle.  But who knows?  I may still add the word “cozy” because,
thanks to the ease of changing a subtitle on Kindle, I can change the subtitle
at any time.)
Then there is the question of what author
name you are using.  An author writing a
Middle Grade novel told me she used her first and middle initials rather than a
first name because her book had a male protagonist.  Someone had told her that this might help her
book appeal to boys.
From many years ago I do remember this
theory (and, yes, J.K. Rowling uses initials). 
But today, with your author photo on your Amazon book page, I think
using your own first name if you are a woman makes more sense as this is a more
personal statement.
And online promotion is all about
personal connections.
(This author also used a somewhat sexy
author photo on her Amazon book page.  I
suggested that this type of personal was not ideal for her target
audience.  A straight-up head shot would
be better.)
The most important thing to remember in
book marketing is the expression “Rome wasn’t built in a day.”
Thanks to the Internet, your book doesn’t
disappear after a couple of months on a bookstore shelf.  Your book can be around indefinitely.  This means that you can plan your marketing
strategy for the long run and not overwhelm yourself trying to do everything
In conclusion, it is important to support
other authors online.  We are not in
competition with each other even if we write in the same genre.  We are collaborators encouraging readers to
buy our books.
Phyllis Zimbler Miller is the author of
fiction and nonfiction books, including TOP TIPS FOR HOW TO PUBLISH AND MARKETYOUR BOOK IN THE AGE OF AMAZON.  Her cozy
mystery CAST THE FIRST STONE will be free on Kindle May 2-4 at
She blogs on book-related topics at and
her Amazon Author Central profile is at

Elizabeth Spann Craig

View posts by Elizabeth Spann Craig
Elizabeth writes the Memphis Barbeque series (as Riley Adams) and the Southern Quilting mysteries for Penguin and writes the Myrtle Clover series for Midnight Ink and independently. She also has a blog, which was named by Writer’s Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers. There she posts on the writing craft, finding inspiration in everyday life, and fitting writing into a busy schedule.


  1. Margot KinbergApril 29, 2013

    Elizabeth – Thanks for hosting Phyllis

    Phyllis – Thanks for your insights on marketing. Authors really do need to have a sense of what the audience wants – no doubt at all about that! And you’re right that things such as covers, author ‘photos and so on can make a big difference. I think one of your most important points though is that authors really do need to support each other. We’re all in this together.

  2. Paul Anthony ShorttApril 29, 2013

    “We are not in competition with each other even if we write in the same genre. We are collaborators encouraging readers to buy our books.”

    This is so important, and not said nearly enough. The greater success one author received, the more likely it is their fans will branch out to other authors, particularly those recommended by the author they’ve come to love.

    People often forget that your book cover is your front line in marketing and promotion. It’s the first impression of the book and people do judge those covers. If it looks sloppy and amateur, it’ll turn off readers. If it has scantily-clad women and bare-chested men, people will expect an element of romance or erotica. It’s not enough to just slap a quick Photoshop job together and call it a day.

  3. Hilary Melton-ButcherApril 29, 2013

    Hi Elizabeth and Phyllis .. this is a great post to have as a reference point .. and the combination of Murder Marketing makes sense for book marketing – great thoughts here for many authors.

    Paul makes a good point too – the more of us around the better …

    Cheers Hilary

  4. Teresa ColtrinApril 29, 2013

    I bet that is the killer question, not that I know first hand, yet — “where to invest one’s efforts and money (leaving some time to write mysteries, of course!) to get the most bang for your buck”.

    Great advice.

  5. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsApril 29, 2013

    Thanks for posting today, Phyllis. I agree with you about Amazon covers…so important to know what will appeal to your intended reader. And to know who your intended reader *is*, too.

    I like the idea of using our full first name on our books…regardless of our target audience. Branding is so important these days.

  6. L. Diane WolfeApril 29, 2013

    All of my books have subtitles, both fiction and non-fiction. L. Diane is on just about every one of my legal documents, so it pretty much is my full name.

  7. Alex J. CavanaughApril 29, 2013

    I second that it’s all about connections. And I’ve witnessed firsthand with my own books how they can spring to life online many months after the release.

  8. Hart JohnsonApril 29, 2013

    Man, great reminder not to forget all those OTHER venues! I have a book release in 8 days and other than scheduling my blog tour, have done little else…

  9. Aileen StewartApril 29, 2013

    Excellent post. I find it truly amazing when I run into authors that act like their journey as an author is a state secret, or who ask for and accept encouragement and help from fellow authors but share none in return. We must learn to think of writing as a co-op adventure. The little guys joining forces to compete with the larger entities :0)

  10. Annette MackeyApril 29, 2013

    Great article! Thanks for sharing.

  11. Phyllis Zimbler MillerApril 30, 2013

    I love all these comments — thanks, everyone, for responding to my post.

  12. JoelApril 30, 2013

    Indeed, we are NOT competing, and we do NOT have to build our empire in a day.

    Publishing is in a violent state of flux. Our job, right now, is to keep the ship headed into the storm, and make whatever progress we can.

    Then, when the sun shines again, we’ll be that much closer to the far shore.

  13. Phyllis Zimbler MillerApril 30, 2013

    Joel — I like your image of keeping “the ship headed into the storm.” The point is we can’t give up because of uncharted seas but must weather the storms.

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