Adapting Our Writing Routine…and How to Survive Your Kids’ Summer Vacation

Chloe and I have coffee I have a week and a half until my children’s schools let out for the summer.

This time last year, I was completely horrified at that realization.

This year? Not so much. Because I managed to write the better part of a novel over summer break last year. It had to be done…I was under a deadline. I developed my own routine last summer.

Now I’ve got a routine for every occasion, not just summer break.

Please pop over to the Meanderings and Muses blog where I outline some different writing routines for whatever kind of day you might be facing!

Elizabeth Spann Craig

View posts by Elizabeth Spann Craig
Elizabeth writes the Memphis Barbeque series (as Riley Adams) and the Southern Quilting mysteries for Penguin and writes the Myrtle Clover series for Midnight Ink and independently. She also has a blog, which was named by Writer’s Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers. There she posts on the writing craft, finding inspiration in everyday life, and fitting writing into a busy schedule.


  1. The Old SillyMay 31, 2010

    Are you a Capricorn? Because you are a “planner”, an organized kind of gal, and that (this post) reminds me so much of myself, a Capricorn to the bone “figure it our ahead of time” kind of guy.

    Just wondering … loved the post, as usual.

    Marvin D Wilson

  2. Journaling WomanMay 31, 2010

    I love your Corgi. He/she is sooo cute.

    I looked forward to the time in summer with my kids, but I wasn’t writing a book and I had a school district work schedule. And I didn’t have much trouble with boredom – if they told me they were bored I put them to work. :)Then they would ALWAYS say oh I have a book to read. We always had lots of outings – bike rides, swimming etc.


  3. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsMay 31, 2010

    I’m Aries! A trouble-making sign. :)

  4. Carol KilgoreMay 31, 2010

    That was a great post. Thanks.

  5. Jan MorrisonMay 31, 2010

    Yep, fear and loathing re the summer break! My step-kids are teens – the biggest problem is driving them places constantly – we live half an hour out of town. I will have some more time because my writing day on Tuesday will not be cut short to go meet my grandkids bus! However, I will still want to connect with them so something will have to be worked out. I’m going over to check out your schedules. I posted my own revision one a couple of days ago and it starts TOMORROW! Yikes. I feel like I’m carbo loading today for a marathon.

  6. Helen GingerMay 31, 2010

    Your canine child looks very happy to be in mom’s lap!

    Another good post. If I don’t get organized, I get nothing done.

    Straight From Hel

  7. Elspeth AntonelliMay 31, 2010

    Your organizing skills humble me. My kids are teenagers which bring a new set of challenges, but the plaintive wail of “Mom. I’m bored” never goes away.

  8. Clarissa DraperMay 31, 2010

    This will be so helpful, thank you.


  9. Maryann MillerMay 31, 2010

    I remember dreading summer vacation on some levels when my kids were young, then one year I realized we all needed the vacation from the stress of school and work and everything else in life. So I cut my work days down to half-days, promising the kids that if they gave me the mornings to write, afternoons would be spent at the pool or park or going to a movie. Worked great most of the time.

  10. Watery TartMay 31, 2010

    *giggling at Marvin*
    It IS a very Capricorn thing to do–figure out how to get the work done regardless of obstacles.

    Elizabeth, it’s fabulous you’ve got your system down. For me summers are easier because my kids are so much more ABSENT–see, we’ve made a point of NOT having the fun house, so they escape to more interesting places often…

  11. HeatherMay 31, 2010

    I love the idea of having a routine for every occasion. I think it would keep me writing no matter what. I’m going to try this. Thank you!

  12. Jane Kennedy SuttonMay 31, 2010

    If I could borrow your organizing skills for just one day…I don’t see how you do it, so I guess I’d better go to Meanderings and Muses and find out more.

  13. Cold As HeavenMay 31, 2010

    Yes, kids summer vacation can be a challenge, in particular with teenagers who want to turn the summer vacation into a two-month BBQ party, coming home at 2 am every night >:)

    Cold As Heaven

  14. Michele EmrathMay 31, 2010

    So organized it makes me crazy. When you’re done writing fiction, please write an org. book for writers. Seriously–you’d do well with that! Have you thought of that?

    My son’s preschool ended Friday. He informed me it’s time to “play, play, play.” What have they been teaching him :P?

    Southern City Mysteries

  15. Jemi FraserMay 31, 2010

    Sounds like a good plan. I can’t wait until the summer break – but we still have another month to go. :)

  16. Mary AalgaardMay 31, 2010

    Summer is a different kind of busy. But, I find I can still claim my time for workouts and writing. But, I miss hanging out with other moms. We lose touch with each other.

  17. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsMay 31, 2010

    Jan–Driving…yes. That does cut into time. Usually, I won’t drop them off at a place…I’ll drive them across town to something, then I’ll settle in and write while they’re doing their activity. I’m sure they *love* that! :)

    Helen–Chloe loves me! :) She’s a very sweet dog.


    Journaling Woman–Thanks! Yeah, I use housework as punishment…not sure if I’m warping my children or not! But if they’re bored or have acted particularly wickedly, they’re on cat litter duty or baseboard cleaning duty, etc.

    Hart–You know, I think WE must be the fun house…because the mom is distracted. So if they clear out the pantry, then I just go to the store and buy more and don’t fuss. :) And if they want to run around like wild things, then so be it…

    Carol–Thanks so much!

    Heather–It’s always good to have a Plan B, Plan C, Plan D…


    Cold As Heaven–Not looking forward to that! My son is 13, so I’ve got a little ways to go. I think…

    Elspeth–One of mine is (suddenly) a teenager and he’s the one who gets bored! I keep him in a lot of camps. :)

    Maryann–I think that striking a deal is a great idea! Then the kids know that if they’re good and you can get things done, then everyone can have fun in the afternoon.

    Michele Emrath said…
    I’ve thought* about it..then I think about how little time I have!

    They brainwash the kids at school. :) I’m convinced of it!

    Mary–Summer really ends up being all about the kids, doesn’t it? It’s like that for me, too. When school starts back, I’m always so ready to catch up with my friends!

  18. Teagan OliverJune 1, 2010

    I’m actually looking forward to my kids being out for the summer. They sleep later and that lets me get more writing done in the morning before I go to work. That little bit of peace and quiet is much needed. Also, there is less of the driving to all kinds of sports and activities. I might actually get more accomplished.

    On another note, love your “lap” dog. The smile is fantastic!

  19. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsJune 1, 2010

    Jemi–My kids’ last day is June 10. Ack!

    Teagan–Ohh…I wish my children would sleep late! That would be wonderful! Even the teenager gets up at 6 a.m. Ugh.

    My corgi was so happy! Yeah, she THINKS she’s a lap dog…. :)

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