A Writing Exercise to Help Your Story Ring With Authenticity

by Khanh Ho, @LAMysteryWriter

I’ve taken dozens of writing seminars—some good, some bad. Over time, I’ve done hundreds of exercises. And in my capacity as a college level Creative Writing professor, I’ve had the chance to assign writing exercises, too. So, I know: the best exercises get you into the groove. This one—the one I’m about to share with you–is by far my absolute favorite. This one is a keeper.

I did it in my first writing seminar with this really cool writer—let’s call him David—who gave off the aura that every professional writer of high class art fiction should emit: denim shirts; denim jeans; old leather belt with real silver accents; longish unkempt hair, never parted; scuffed, leather attaché case with a discreet imprint from a luxurious maker; cowboy boots; crows feet around the eyes. Kinda cool to a college freshman.

David had us bring in one object and tell two stories about it: one true and one false. We could not reveal the true one. We could not even give clues by creating deliberately crazy stories that would indicate falsehood. We were just supposed to tell two variations of one story. One girl brought in a brick that she supposedly rescued from a lava flow in Hawaii. Me: I brought in a stuffed animal and spun a totally false story of shoplifting at Arnie’s Toyland.

After each story was told, the class voted and discussed why we thought one story was true or false. This made for a fun class. You got to know a lot about your classmates by listening to how their minds work. You also began to realize that certain elements are important to the feeling of truth: detail, character, setting. These are the elements that make a story ring with authenticity, even if it is a bald-faced lie.

To do this exercise at home, without the audience participation element, pick an object and try to write a scene around it. If you’re working on a story, go ahead: use the object in the scene. You don’t have to write two variations. You just have to decide that the object is going to have a life of its own—that it will reveal all sorts of connections about the world it occupies.

This exercise is perfect for the mystery writer, because it is essentially a realist exercise. Mysteries live in the world of realism; they deal with the everyday world. No Hobbits or Space Creatures or Wizards inhabit this world of pulp. No zombies or vampires or barbarian warlords. Mysteries exist in the plausible world of our mind. And all mysteries—all–are locked in the objects that we hold, like flies trapped in the spider web of our own making.

biopicKhanh Ho spent many years living in a small town in rural Iowa, teaching Creative Writing at Grinnell College—a small liberal arts college, nestled in a windswept prairie whose distinguishing feature is the presence of a Super Walmart. But then he had a light bulb epiphany: he’ll never produce writing if he persists in teaching it. So, now he is happily pounding away at the keyboard, knocking out not only his first mystery novel but, also, the first mystery novel featuring the first Vietnamese American detective. Why? Because, yes, he’ll be the first; yes, it’ll be a power trip; and yes, because he can! Follow him on his great adventure at www.losangelesmystery.com

Image: Patuska from MorgueFile

Elizabeth Spann Craig

View posts by Elizabeth Spann Craig
Elizabeth writes the Memphis Barbeque series (as Riley Adams) and the Southern Quilting mysteries for Penguin and writes the Myrtle Clover series for Midnight Ink and independently. She also has a blog, which was named by Writer’s Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers. There she posts on the writing craft, finding inspiration in everyday life, and fitting writing into a busy schedule.


  1. Laura MarcellaJanuary 11, 2013

    I had to do something like this in my college creative writing class except not with an object. We just had to write one truth and one lie. I love the idea of writing a story around an object. Thanks for sharing this fun writing exercise!

  2. Margot KinbergJanuary 11, 2013

    Elizabeth – Thanks for hosting Khanh.

    Khanh – Thanks for the terrific idea to spark some creativity.

  3. Teresa ColtrinJanuary 11, 2013

    This sounds like fun. I have to try it.

    Thank you Khanh for the great post. Thanks Elizabeth for hosting.


  4. Hart JohnsonJanuary 11, 2013

    I think this is a good creative punch, too–writing about something that wouldn’t normally inspire anything, but forcing ourselves to put it into a place of importance and realizing ANYTHING can matter (and we have the skill to pull it off)

  5. Alex J. CavanaughJanuary 11, 2013

    That exercise would still work even for those of us whose stories occupy the far reaches of space.

  6. Jemi FraserJanuary 12, 2013

    That’s really cool! I think I’ll try that with my students later on in the year :)

  7. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsJanuary 11, 2013

    Khanh–Thanks so much for your post today! I love this idea. Looking forward to using it to help me with including details for my story.

  8. Khanh HoJanuary 11, 2013

    Thanks for all your thanks! I’m glad that, in my first attempt at a guest blog, I have found such positive people. It is heartwarming. If you ever have the opportunity to run a workshop or a seminar, I swear: this is a great lead-off exercise; it’s an icebreaker!

  9. LindaJanuary 12, 2013

    Khanh, thanks for the idea–I’m currently “stuck” at a plot point and this will work out great!!! You are a Godsend!

    And Elizabeth, you always have such great bloggers and topics–I may not comment as often as I should, but you are a real inspiration ;-)

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