A Short Break

blog10_thumb52Hi everyone! This is the time of year when I take a short blogcation in order to catch up with family, host guests, etc. I’m also spending some time revising that book that I wrote five years ago. I also have some pass pages to proof and a new book to start (May deadline, but may as well get cracking!)

I’m going to leave you with links to some of my most popular posts on the blog, courtesy of Google Analytics. :) I’ll be back in a week and a half.

Writing Worksheets and Other Tools

Tips for Restless Writers

Choosing Our Story

Making a Transition

Answering a Few Questions about the Search Engine

Promote Yourself, Not Your Book

See you soon!

Elizabeth Spann Craig

View posts by Elizabeth Spann Craig
Elizabeth writes the Memphis Barbeque series (as Riley Adams) and the Southern Quilting mysteries for Penguin and writes the Myrtle Clover series for Midnight Ink and independently. She also has a blog, which was named by Writer’s Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers. There she posts on the writing craft, finding inspiration in everyday life, and fitting writing into a busy schedule.


  1. Karen WalkerJuly 21, 2011

    Elizabeth, enjoy your time away. We’ll be here…

  2. Manon EileenJuly 21, 2011

    Enjoy your break, Elizabeth! I’ll miss your blogs :)

  3. Margot KinbergJuly 21, 2011

    Elizabeth – Have a wonderful and very well-deserved break! See you when you get back!

  4. We will miss you, but YOU go, girl!

    Can’t wait to see what your five-year-old book will say.

    Go now and have some R&R.

  5. JulietteJuly 21, 2011

    Enjoy a well-deserved break!

  6. B.E. SandersonJuly 21, 2011

    Enjoy your break. =o)

  7. Jan MorrisonJuly 21, 2011

    Have a great break, my deario! We’ll all be here when you get back.

  8. L. Diane WolfeJuly 21, 2011

    Enjoy your break – they are very relaxing!

  9. Alex J. CavanaughJuly 21, 2011

    We’ll miss you!

  10. BluestockingJuly 21, 2011

    What will we do without your tweets :) Have a great time away with your family!!

  11. HeatherJuly 21, 2011

    Have a wonderful blogcation! Here’s hoping you many great words. :)

  12. sheilamcperryJuly 22, 2011

    Enjoy your blogcation! You certainly deserve it.

  13. Angela AckermanJuly 22, 2011

    Have a wonderful blogcation! You do so much for all of us and we sure appreciate it! :)

    Angela @ The Bookshelf Muse

  14. Carol KilgoreJuly 22, 2011

    Enjoy your break!

  15. p.m.terrellJuly 22, 2011

    Glad to see you’re taking a break, Elizabeth! Though I’ll miss your daily posts, you definitely deserve some down time!

  16. Jaleh DJuly 22, 2011

    Have a great break! :D

  17. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsJuly 23, 2011

    Thanks so much, y’all! I’m looking forward to it. :)

  18. GlynisJuly 23, 2011

    Enjoy your break!

  19. Stephen TrempJuly 27, 2011

    Goos luck with your break from blogging. We all need them.

  20. Helen GingerJuly 27, 2011

    Have a fabulous and productive time, Elizabeth. You definitely deserve the break.

  21. Elizabeth MuellerJuly 28, 2011

    Elizabeth, you’re one smart cookie. I decided to have a Blog Tour during my deadline times. Oy, what was I thinking? Talk about debutitis! Ugh…

    Can Alex save Winter from the darkness that hunts her?
    YA Paranormal Romance, Darkspell coming fall of 2011!
    Pre-order your copy now!

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