A Release and a Directory

Progressive Dinner Deadly Cover

It’s out! Progressive Dinner Deadly, a new Myrtle Clover mystery is now available on Kindle and Nook for $2.99 .

This is a follow-up to Pretty is as Pretty Dies, published by Midnight Ink in 2009. I’m publishing this book myself.

When intrepid octogenarian sleuth Myrtle Clover caught Jill, her new housekeeper, peering into her medicine cabinet, she should have been upset. But discovering that Jill wasn’t such a squeaky-clean goody-goody made her vastly more interesting in Myrtle’s eyes.

Myrtle would have happily continued figuring out what made Jill Caulfield tick…if Jill hadn’t foolishly gone and gotten herself murdered.

Thanks to Kendel Flaum, who designed the lovely cover, and Keith Snyder from Typeflow who formatted and designed the interior of the book.

I wanted, also, to go ahead and share with y’all a work in progress—the ebook services directory. It’s in a Google Spreadsheet format and divided into cover designers, formatters, freelance editors, ghost writers, and book trailers.

It’s a work-in-progress because I don’t frequently work with spreadsheets (which you’ll probably be able to tell!). :) I’ll be coming up with a badge and a bit more of a polished look, soon. Also, it’s something that it looks like I’ll be adding to every couple of days (I’m getting in plenty of additions.) But I wanted to go ahead and make it available since I’m already getting emails from writers asking for it.

I did put a caveat emptor on there because, unfortunately, I don’t have time to vet everyone. As always, and with any business arrangement, please enter the relationship with caution. This directory is intended to be a starting point to connect writers with services, since currently the ebook industry seems to be working on word of mouth.

If you want to be added to the directory or see any errors, please contact me at elizabethspanncraig (at) gmail (dot) com.


Elizabeth Spann Craig

View posts by Elizabeth Spann Craig
Elizabeth writes the Memphis Barbeque series (as Riley Adams) and the Southern Quilting mysteries for Penguin and writes the Myrtle Clover series for Midnight Ink and independently. She also has a blog, which was named by Writer’s Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers. There she posts on the writing craft, finding inspiration in everyday life, and fitting writing into a busy schedule.


  1. Angela AckermanAugust 16, 2011

    Oh very cool–both the directory you’re putting together and your release! Congrats!

    Angela @ The Bookshelf Muse

  2. HeatherAugust 16, 2011

    This sounds like a lot of fun! I’m glad you made it available for the Nook too so I can get a copy!

  3. Journaling WomanAugust 16, 2011

    Congratulations on this new Myrtle Clover mystery. I’ll have to get it.

    Was it a good experience doing it yourself?


  4. Margot KinbergAugust 16, 2011

    Elizabeth – Congratulations on the new Myrtle Clover story!! Woot! I’ve been waiting for a new Myrtle mystery :-). And thank you for putting together this directory. Like all that you do for the writing community, this will be invaluable.

  5. Alan OrloffAugust 16, 2011

    Congrats on the new release, Elizabeth! Best of luck with it!

  6. Terry OdellAugust 16, 2011

    Congrats, Elizabeth, and welcome to the world of indie-publishing.

    Terry’s Place
    Romance with a Twist–of Mystery

  7. Karen WalkerAugust 16, 2011

    Awesome, Elizabeth. Congratulations. Now I definitely have to get an e-reader because I love your Myrtle series.

  8. Carol KilgoreAugust 16, 2011

    This is great info to have, Elizabeth. Thanks for sharing early :)

    I LOVE your cover!

  9. Hilary Melton-ButcherAugust 16, 2011

    Hi Elizabeth .. congratulations on going the self-publishing route .. seems like an interesting idea to try it out. Good luck with the book –

    Also excellent spreadsheet idea .. I’m sure everyone will find that very helpful ..

    Cheers Hilary

  10. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsAugust 16, 2011

    Heather–Thank you!


    Journaling Woman–Good experience? Wellllll…probably as well as could be expected. I’m one of those types who likes to go into something with some sort of idea of what I’m doing…and I was sort of making it up as I went along! One problem was that I had so many decisions to make. And I’m not a good one for making decisions.

    Margot–I hope it’ll give writers a chance to have some choices about different types of price points, different types of designs, etc.

    Alan–Thank you!

    Hilary–Hope so. Maybe at least it’ll provide folks with options.

    Terry–Thanks! It’s a whole different world.

    Karen–Thank you! I think I’m going to have a PDF of it, too…just a lot of stuff still to figure out.

    Carol–Thanks so much! I like it, too. :) And…yeah, I’m kind of Type A about sharing things before they’re really DONE, but I have a feeling this directory will never be done, so may as well go ahead and share! Ha!

  11. Dorte HAugust 16, 2011

    Congratulations! This one is definitely a must.

    Do you plan to publish via Smashwords also? (it´s just because that is cheaper for Danish customers so I won´t rush off to buy via Amazon if…)

  12. Clarissa DraperAugust 16, 2011

    I really like the cover and that you published it yourself. I can see why many writers are self-publishing. I’ll pick up a copy.

  13. Laura MarcellaAugust 16, 2011

    Congratulations, Elizabeth! I read Pretty Is As Pretty Dies and Myrtle was hilarious! Looking forward to this one. Very cool idea to self-publish it yourself.

  14. Lisa Gail GreenAugust 16, 2011

    Yet another great resource! You are amazing. Good luck on the release!!

  15. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsAugust 16, 2011

    Clarissa–Thanks! :)

    Laura–I thought maybe I’d just cover all my bases. :)

    Lisa–Thanks so much!

  16. Alex J. CavanaughAugust 16, 2011

    Congratulations! Need to do a shout out for you.

  17. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsAugust 16, 2011

    Alex–Thanks! :)

  18. The Daring NovelistAugust 17, 2011

    That is a lovely cover, and I loved the other sample covers at your artist’s site. Very nice.

    (And I’ll be picking up a copy of the book as soon as I leave this page…)

  19. Judy HarperAugust 17, 2011

    How can I get the book if I don’t have Kindle or the Nook?

  20. L. Diane WolfeAugust 16, 2011

    The directory looks great! I need to send our emails to you for inclusion.

  21. GigglesandGunsAugust 16, 2011

    A new release and a directory to help everyone. GREAT!
    I can’t wait to read this one.

  22. The Daring NovelistAugust 17, 2011

    Jody, you can read on your computer or lots of handheld devices.

    Go to the Amazon page for the book (or any Kindle book) and look down the right hand side, under the buy and sample buttons, you’ll see a box which says: “Read books on your computer or other mobile devices.”

    Below that are download links for various apps — for your computer, for android, for iPhone or iPod Touch, and one or two others. (Note: with the iPod/iPhone/iPad products, it’s quickest and easiest to download them via the app store on the device itself.)

    Barnes and Noble have similar links and apps.

  23. Judy HarperAugust 18, 2011

    Thanks “Daring Novelist”! I’ll download to my computer. I’m glad to know this as I thought I couldn’t buy since I didn’t have Kindle or Nook!

  24. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsAugust 19, 2011

    Dorte–It’s looking like I probably won’t at this point. Sorry about that!

    Diane–Got them and you’re included!

    GigglesandGuns–Thank so much!

    The Daring Novelist–I did, too. And thank you!

    The Daring Novelist–Thanks for explaining that!


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