A New Frontier: Radio

 blog5 Barbara Ehrentreu who has a great blog for writers, Barbara’s Meanderings, very thoughtfully invited me to be interviewed by her on the Red River Writers podcast.  The interview will run live at 4 p.m. EST (3 p.m. CDT).

LIVE! Because I’m calling in at 4:00 to the show.  From my house.  My house which goes berserk at promptly 4:00 every day.

I’m thinking about doing this radio interview from my closet. I’ll let you know how that works. 

More information on Red River Writers: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/RedRiverWritersLive

Wish me luck. 

Elizabeth Spann Craig

View posts by Elizabeth Spann Craig
Elizabeth writes the Memphis Barbeque series (as Riley Adams) and the Southern Quilting mysteries for Penguin and writes the Myrtle Clover series for Midnight Ink and independently. She also has a blog, which was named by Writer’s Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers. There she posts on the writing craft, finding inspiration in everyday life, and fitting writing into a busy schedule.


  1. Elspeth AntonelliOctober 22, 2009

    Every good wish! I think your idea of locking yourself into a closet is a good one…just make sure you can get out again!


  2. Marvin D WilsonOctober 22, 2009

    You’ll love it. I’ve done lots of these and they can be SO much fun, especially if the host is engaging and know how to lead without upstaging. Make sure and post your report and impressions!

    The Old Silly

  3. Crystal Clear ProofingOctober 22, 2009

    LUCK! :)
    Have fun with it! And definitely let us know how it goes!

  4. Karen WalkerOctober 22, 2009

    Oh, I can just see you holed up in the closet amongst the clothes. Can’t wait to hear how it went. Good luck!

  5. Jemi FraserOctober 22, 2009

    I hope it went well! I think LIVE is a little scary. Did they prep you with some questions, or is it all “off the cuff”?

  6. Elizabeth Spann CraigOctober 22, 2009

    Marvin–I loved it more than I thought. I’ll post on it tomorrow. :)

    Crystal–Thanks so much!

    Elspeth–It was a little chaotic. Ahhh…mommyhood.

    Karen–Well, I ended up just locking my bedroom door…I figured a land line would work better than a mobile. But my daughter kept knocking on my door about 1/2-way through…

    Jemi–I had questions, but not time to prepare for them because of carpool driving! The questions came about 45 minutes before the show and I was busily driving drama class carpool. :)

  7. Elizabeth BradleyOctober 22, 2009

    My husband has used the walk-in closet many a time to record for production. First of all, it’s acoustically perfect!

  8. Lorel ClaytonOctober 23, 2009

    Congrats–you are now a radio star :)

  9. Elizabeth Spann CraigOctober 23, 2009

    Elizabeth–I never thought of it that way! I need to get a longer cord for my land line phone, though, to get it in the closet. I just thought the cordless might cut out or something.

    Lorel–Or something! :) It was fun, though.

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