6 Ways to Tame Writers’ Public Speaking Fears–by Deborah Sharp

Please join me in welcoming my friend Deb Sharp to Mystery Writing is Murder today. I’m a fan of Deb’s Mace Bauer mysteries and can’t wait to see what Mama is up to next in her latest release, Mama Sees Stars.

When my first mystery came out four years ago, I was terrified. I
wasn’t as nervous about how the book would do as I was about how I
would do. My fear was one shared by legions of other authors. Nope,
not stingy, foodstamp-worthy royalties. Public speaking.

Before I share how I managed to tame that fear, I want to thank
Elizabeth for inviting me to Mystery Writing is Murder. I’ve learned a
lot from this terrific blog, and I’m grateful to be asked to
contribute. I know she’s spotlighted public speaking here before. My
take is a bit different, though. And the terror remains pervasive.
Many surveys show it as No. 1 on the list of human fears, followed by
death at No. 2. Jerry Seinfeld did a bit about the ranking: ”This
means to the average person, if you go to a funeral, you’re better off
in the casket than doing the eulogy.”

In the weeks and months leading up to the 2008 release of MAMA DOES
TIME, I obsessed about having to talk about the book. Solitary,
introverted, I was well-suited to my former career as a newspaper
reporter. A crusty old editor told me early on to keep my eyes and
ears open and my mouth shut. Sounded like the perfect job description
to me.

”What if I forgot what I was going to say about the book?” I fretted
to my husband. ”What if I blather on and on and make no sense? What
if I open my mouth and nothing comes out?”

He poured me a glass of water and handed me a Xanax. Just kidding. It
was a glass of wine. ”Don’t worry,” he said. ”You’re over-thinking.
Just wing it.”

Wing it? That strategy may come naturally to my husband, a TV reporter
for NBC and a born ham. He’s the life of the party to my wallflower;
Mr. Loquacious to my Mrs. Laconic; the razzle to my dearth of dazzle.
But after 22 years together, he still doesn’t know that ”wing it”
are not words found in the vocabulary of his control-freak wife?

So, instead of winging it, I signed up for Toastmasters (
http://www.toastmasters.org/ ) I spent the three months leading up to
my release date learning how not to be afraid. The key to public
speaking is confidence, which can actually be learned through
practice. Who knew? The 87-year-old organization may not suit
everyone, but it definitely served my purpose. Many Toastmasters go on
to hold office within the group, polishing leadership skills and
pursuing networking opportunities. Not being much of a joiner or
networker, my intent was simply to practice through Toastmasters’
speaking exercises and competitions. I wanted to learn as much as I
could in a short period of time to vanquish my fear. For me, it

So much so that I invited a Toastmasters representative to come preach
the gospel to my fellow introverts at Mystery Writers of
America/Florida Chapter. The crowd we drew was among the largest for
any luncheon program this year. Here are five public speaking tips I
learned through Toastmasters, modified a bit for issues specific to
authors doing signings or appearances:

1. Arrive early and mingle, introducing yourself to strangers. Once
you start to speak, seeing those now-familiar faces in the audience
will help. They’ll be rooting for you.

2. Memorize an opening line and practice, practice it. It will get you
off to a good start and build your confidence.

3. Ask questions of the audience. It not only engages them, it makes
you feel less ”on display.” A safe one is ”How many other writers
are here today?” because lots of hands usually go up. You can then
introduce any other published authors in the crowd, because it’s a
nice thing to do … and it also takes the spotlight off you.

4. Unless you’re Meryl Streep or Al Pacino, resist the urge to read
long passages from your book. Even if you feel comfortable and your
delivery is lively — good eye contact, lots of pauses, audible
projection — still keep it short. A few passages, maybe three or
four pages. Any more, and you’re likely to hear snoring.

5. A few deep breaths before speaking will steady your voice. S-L-O-W
down. Rushing is a common beginner’s mistake. Drinking water is great,
but small sips are best. I learned the hard way that a giant swallow
may lead to a burp. Over the microphone.

Bonus Tip: No need to be fancy, but do dress presentably. Just because
we write in our pajamas, doesn’t mean we show up in our pajamas.

How about you? Any public speaking nightmares to share? Any successes?

Deborah Sharp writes the funny Mace Bauer Mysteries, set in a sweet-tea-and-barbecue slice of her native Florida. MAMA SEES STARS (September 2011, Midnight Ink) is the series’ fourth book, each featuring Mace’s wacky mama. Deborah has been interviewed on the Today Show, where she managed to string together some coherent sentences while not throwing up on Al Roker — major accomplishments for a formerly fearful public speaker. You can read an excerpt from Mama Sees Stars here:


Elizabeth Spann Craig

View posts by Elizabeth Spann Craig
Elizabeth writes the Memphis Barbeque series (as Riley Adams) and the Southern Quilting mysteries for Penguin and writes the Myrtle Clover series for Midnight Ink and independently. She also has a blog, which was named by Writer’s Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers. There she posts on the writing craft, finding inspiration in everyday life, and fitting writing into a busy schedule.


  1. Journaling WomanSeptember 12, 2011

    Great advice, Deb. I love speaking in public. One way to make it the best is to know your subject through and through. This way you don’t have to think so much. :)

    Elizabeth, thanks for hosting.

  2. Margot KinbergSeptember 12, 2011

    Elizabeth – Thanks for hosting Deborah.

    Deborah – Thanks for that excellent advice :-). Toastmasters sounds like a very good resource for writers – especially those who aren’t much for public speaking…

  3. Paula PettySeptember 12, 2011

    Great tips. I speak at different conferences and suffer from “foot-in-mouth” disease. You know, where you tell everyone that your sales have been “erotic” instead of “erratic.” I will check out Toastmasters. Thanks again.

  4. Terry OdellSeptember 12, 2011

    Maybe it’s the years I spent teaching, but I don’t mind public speaking.(Hubster will tell you it’s harder to get me to shut up.)

    Barry Eisler introduced me to the, “mingle and hand out handouts/bookmarks/business cards” as people enter the room. That was harder for me, because I’m not good with individual strangers, but once I started, I found it did help make the audience/speaker connection.

    And whatever you do, don’t read a prepared speech unless you’re doing a keynote–and even then, if it sounds like you’re reading, it’s easy for the audience to tune you out. We don’t talk the way we write.

    And bring chocolate.Give a piece to everyone who contributes. (after setting aside some for yourself)

    Terry’s Place
    Romance with a Twist–of Mystery

  5. Alex J. CavanaughSeptember 12, 2011

    Good tips, although it’s still not something I want to do!

  6. Alison StevensSeptember 12, 2011

    You are the second author I’ve had recommend joining Toastmasters; helps you think on your feet and truly wing it! After teaching for years, I can get up in front of a crowd, but it’s still a challenge. Thanks for the great post, Deb!

  7. Deborah SharpSeptember 12, 2011

    Hey, all … want to thank Elizabeth again for hosting me. I’ve learned SO much at this blog, hope I’ve given a little something back.
    Journaling Woman: I wish I truly loved it. Still an effort; but your tip is a good one: Know your subject!
    Alex: Me neither, but the good news is it DOES get easier with practice.
    Margot: Toastmasters may not be for everyone, but it was a great short-term experience for me.
    Alison: Stop reading this right now, click on that link to the group, and find your local Toastmasters. Drop me a line thru my website and let me know how it goes! I’m serious. Do it now.

  8. Robin AllenSeptember 12, 2011

    Excellent advice, Deb! I, too, and am an introvert, control-freak homebody and would rather have my fingernails pulled out than speak in public. However, my first book, If You Can’t Stand the Heat, came out this year and I did a little book tour.

    I had to make my brain work while being the center of attention. I’d had a bit of practice in front of a few writer friends, but nothing like the 50 people who showed up for my release party. It gets easier the more you do it, but man, that first time was harder than writing the book!

  9. Michael HaskinsSeptember 12, 2011

    Deb, great advice. I’ve often thought of joining Toastmaster here in KW now I may do it. I’ve done everything wrong at my readings so the only thing left is to do it right.

  10. Hart JohnsonSeptember 12, 2011

    I definitely needed this advice–I love that ‘get there early’ so you know some of the audience and asking if there are authors in the audience. Easy and manageable. I sometimes have to ‘present’ for my day job, so I KNOW the wisdom of practice practice practice. Still… very nervewracking.

  11. Dorte HSeptember 12, 2011

    Great tips because even if I am not very scared of speaking in public (have taught for too long to let an audience scare me), I am far from an expert.

    And I decided to check out if I could get the first Mace Bauer mystery for Kindle – found out it was the perfect day!

  12. Deborah SharpSeptember 12, 2011

    Paula: Hmmm, I don’t know. I think you might get a better response to a speech detailing how your sales are ‘erotic.’ I’m laughing out loud!
    Robin: I know exactly what you mean. Writing the book was a piece of cake compared to that first time on a big stage. Never had nightmares about finishing the book.
    Michael, HAH! I don’t believe that. You always seem relaxed and fun.
    Terry: Great tips, especially about bringing chocolate. Just don’t bring it for an outdoor event like I did one time during the summer in Fla. Melted chocolate and the white pages of books make for a bad combo!
    Hi, Hart … that ”get there early” advice was probably the best thing I learned from T-masters. That, and don’t have a big swig of anything right before approaching the mic!

  13. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsSeptember 12, 2011

    Deb, thanks so much for your wonderful post today! I’ve had a lot of public speaking fears, myself, and have thought about contacting Toastmasters. Thanks for your thoughts on the group! (And, sorry about the weird formatting on the post today! I don’t know what’s going on with Blogger, but I’ve been at war with them today…sigh…)

  14. Jemi FraserSeptember 13, 2011

    GREAT tips! I love the one about having that first line ready to go. Once you get started, it’s not as bad as you fear… at least that’s what I tell the kids I teach! :)

  15. Deborah SharpSeptember 14, 2011

    Hi, there … got busy, but glad I checked back to see Elizabeth’s nice thank-you (I’m the one who should be thanking her! Isn’t she great, y’all?)
    Jemi: You’re so right! It never is as bad as you fear, but oh, those fears can be so paralyzing in the beginning.
    Dorte: I’m so glad you found the first book, MAMA DOES TIME. Let me know if you like it.
    It’s still being offered for a short time as a FREE download for both Amazon’s Kindle and Barnes & Noble’s NOOK. Get ’em while they’re hot!! (or at least, FREE.)

  16. Warren BaldwinSeptember 14, 2011

    Excellent suggestions. Thanks for posting!

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