10 Book Club Tips: Guest Post By Dina Santorelli

 by Dina Santorelli, @DinaSantorelli
To promote Baby Grand, my debut novel, I’ve done all
kinds of appearances. Bookstores. Libraries. Assisted living communities.
(Street corners.) 
But probably my absolute favorite thing to do is attend book
club meetings. Sitting in a casual circle, talking about the book that I wrote
and everyone read, eating, drinking and, most importantly, seeing up close how
readers have responded to my book, how they’ve taken ownership of the
characters and defend them, fight for them, question them, hate them, love
them. It’s pretty cool. But in addition to being a great way to spend an
evening, book clubs offer tremendous marketing opportunities. Here are 10 ways
authors can make the most of their book club appearances.

1. Put together discussion questions. Whether
the book club has a facilitator or asks you to serve as facilitator for
the evening, bring handouts for all the members that include discussion
questions and distribute them before the meeting gets started. This will
eliminate any worries of “what will we talk about?” and also gives members
a heads-up on what kinds of things you have in mind to discuss, which
gives them a chance to think about their comments (some people get stage

2. Distribute contact info. I like to maintain
relationships with book club members long after the meeting, so I give out
my contact information (email,
Twitter, Facebook, etc.). I
usually include this on the handout I’ve distributed, but you can also use
business cards or bookmarks, if you prefer.

3. Post/pass around a mailing list sign-up sheet. As an
author, you may (should) already have a
mailing list—an opt-in list of
folks who have agreed to let you send them your news. Book clubs are a
great place to grow your mailing list, because they offer readers who not
only are familiar with your books, but like them enough to have you appear
at their discussions. You can put your mailing list sheet—mine is usually
attached to a clipboard, looks more official that way—in an accessible
place, perhaps near the room entrance, and ask people to sign up if
they’re interested in receiving more info about you. However, I find the
better way to go is to pass the clipboard around the room while we’re all
sitting in a circle—many times readers are interested in signing up, but
once the discussion gets going they often forget about the list, so
getting the mailing list out of the way or while the discussion is getting
started is more advantageous.

4. Bring a camera. Local newspapers are always looking
for news, and sending a photo of a local book club appearance is not only
exciting for the book club members, but it can help spread the word about
your book. I usually gather the members around for a group shot sometime
after our discussion and before dessert, so that we don’t have cookie
crumbs on our lips or lapels.

5. Bring copies of your book—and at least one Sharpie. While
dessert is under way, I usually pull out a Sharpie and begin an autograph
session. Many of the book club members will already have purchased my book
in order to participate in the discussion, but I find that sometimes
members want copies for friends, family members or colleagues. Or, if
they’ve bought the eBook, they might want an autographed hard copy as
well. Work closely with your book club contact to gauge how many books you
should bring. I usually bring 15 to 20 copies. Also, one Sharpie should
do, but it couldn’t hurt to have a back-up in case that one runs out of

6. Sell your book at a group discount. I offer Baby Grand at a book club discount for groups
of 10 or more. I find that, in addition to helping to sell books at the
actual book club events, a discount helps to entice book clubs to take on
your book as a reading selection in the first place — because book club members
are buying books all the time, they appreciate the opportunity to save a
few bucks where possible.

7. Suggest a theme for the meeting based on your book. Lots of
book clubs like to have theme-based discussions and often ask members to
bring food or desserts that cater to that particular theme. For example,
in keeping with the “mob” storyline of
Baby Grand, one club
had a theme of “Everything Italian,” and the book club organizer asked
members to bring wine, food and beverages that fit the bill. So there was
pizza, mozzarella and tomatoes drizzled with balsamic vinegar, Italian
chocolates and pastries, cannoli, espresso. It was so fun. And delicious.
And it got everyone in the mood for the book discussion. Reach out to the
organizer of the book club you’re planning to attend to see if they’re up
for some fiction-inspired fare.

8. Give ’em the inside scoop. Make your author appearance
special for the folks who are there, and let them in on some proprietary
info about your book. Give them the lowdown on how your book came to be,
some behind-the-scenes information or a preview of the book’s sequel.
Reveal what celebrity your villain was based on (mine was inspired by
Robert De Niro) or why you chose the book’s setting. Think of the stuff
you would like to know if you were meeting an author, and then go ahead
and spill your guts.

9. Publicize the events on social media. I often
post photos I’ve taken, an insightful comment a reader made, or a themed
food served at the meeting on my Facebook page, or my
blog. I also
spotlight a book club of the month in my monthly newsletter.

10. Have fun. This is probably the most important
tip. Be yourself. Let your hair down. Have a cannolo. Guffaw, if you dare.
For many of us, this is the reason we became writers: To have the
opportunity to share stories with readers. What’s more, after a night of
laughter and silliness and debating which one of us will be running away
with one of the main characters, I’m often approached to appear at another
book club (many readers are in more than one). If readers are having a
good time, then they’re apt to tell their reader-friends that they did.
And the best part? You get to do it all over again.

Dina’s bio:
Voted one of the
Best Long Island Authors for 2013 (Long Island
), Dina Santorelli has been a freelance writer for over 15 years
and has written for Newsday, First for Women and

CNNMoney.com, among
other publications. 
Her debut novel, Baby Grand,
is a Top Rated Mystery & Thriller on Amazon Kindle. Among her nonfiction
work, Dina served as the “with” writer for the well-received Good Girls Don’t Get Fat and most recently
contributed to Bully, the companion book
to the acclaimed documentary. Dina is also the Executive Editor of Salute and Family
magazines for which she has interviewed many celebrities, including James
Gandolfini, Tim McGraw, Angela Bassett, Mario Lopez, Gary Sinise and Kevin
Bacon. Dina blogs about the writing life at http://makingbabygrand.com.
and will teach a publishing course this summer for Hofstra University’s
Continuing Education department. For more information about Dina, visit her
website at http://dinasantorelli.com.
Social media:
BABY GRAND summary:
In Albany, New York,
the governor’s infant daughter disappears without a trace from her crib at the
Executive Mansion. Hours later, newly divorced and down-and-out writer Jamie
Carter is abducted from the streets of Manhattan. Jamie is whisked upstate, where
she is forced by her captor, Don Bailino, a handsome, charismatic ex-war
hero/successful businessman, to care for the kidnapped child in a plot to delay
the execution of mobster Gino Cataldi – the sixth man to be put to death in six
years by hardliner Governor Phillip Grand. What prevails is a modern-day
thriller about family ties, loyalty, murder, betrayal, and love that’s told in
deftly interweaving narratives that follow the police investigation of the
missing Baby Grand, the bad guys who took her, and the woman who found the
strength to protect her.

Elizabeth Spann Craig

View posts by Elizabeth Spann Craig
Elizabeth writes the Memphis Barbeque series (as Riley Adams) and the Southern Quilting mysteries for Penguin and writes the Myrtle Clover series for Midnight Ink and independently. She also has a blog, which was named by Writer’s Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers. There she posts on the writing craft, finding inspiration in everyday life, and fitting writing into a busy schedule.


  1. Jemi FraserApril 22, 2013

    I don’t know if I would have ever thought of book clubs. These are awesome suggestions – thanks so much. The Italian night sounds awesome!

  2. Margot KinbergApril 22, 2013

    Elizabeth – Thanks for hosting Dina.

    Dina – Those are such helpful ideas! Simple things like some preparation, a few book copies, a Sharpie or two and a business card can make a book club visit so much more professional (and yet fun, too). And people do talk; a good impression at a book club meeting ripples out, if I can put it that way.

  3. Teresa ColtrinApril 22, 2013

    Thanks, E, for hosting.

    Dina, I love your ideas and will tuck them away for future reference.

  4. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsApril 22, 2013

    Hi Dina! Thanks so much for posting today and for providing some great tips for speaking to book clubs.

    I’ve done a few book club talks (have another one scheduled for June), and will definitely be using your ideas. I’ve never taken a picture (great idea!), never given a group discount (another very good idea), and never had a theme. :) All very good ideas.

    What do you usually wear to these things? I’m frequently the most dressed-up person there, but I figure I’m the one who needs to look professional. Business casual? A dress? Do you ask the host in advance?

  5. Dina SantorelliApril 22, 2013

    Hey, Elizabeth! Thank YOU so much for the opportunity, and also for the kind words.

    Great question! Every book club meeting I’ve been to has been casual-dress, even the ones not held in readers’ homes. However, I typically dress business-casual, which, for me, means jeans and a blazer, with black shoes/boots. I like to look professional, but be comfortable. :)

  6. L. Diane WolfeApril 22, 2013

    Excellent tips, Dina. I’ve done a few book clubs, but for some reason they are difficult to locate. I’ve found a few listed with Meetup, but most don’t respond to messages sent. Google searches are often vague and I’ll only spend so long searching.

  7. Dina SantorelliApril 22, 2013

    Jemi: The Italian night WAS awesome. I had to control myself, so only had one cannolo — I didn’t want to be known as “that author who just kept eating!” :) Thanks for your comment!

    Diane: You’re right. They can be difficult to locate. I’ve been lucky in that virtually all the book clubs I’ve visited have come to me. They found out about BABY GRAND, usually from a friend, read it and liked it enough to invite me. My advice would be to get the word out that you’re interested in attending book clubs — local press, maybe? Social media too has been key. I was invited to join a Facebook book club group recently and have gotten quite a few invites from there. Good luck!

  8. Dina SantorelliApril 22, 2013

    Margot: Hey, lady! How are you? Thanks so much for the lovely comment! I agree… Good impressions do ripple out, whether it’s a book club meeting, a bookstore appearance or just a social media comment. I hope all is well!

    Teresa: Excellent! I hope they help! All best!

  9. Kellie Larsen MurphyApril 22, 2013


    This is an excellent list. I’ve done several book clubs in Richmond and Northern Virginia and I don’t think you missed a thing!


  10. ~Sia McKye~April 22, 2013

    You have some great ideas here Dina.

    Your book sounds intriguing and one that I would enjoy.

  11. Dina SantorelliApril 22, 2013

    Kellie: Hey there! Thanks for the kind words. Book clubs are fun, aren’t they? They really are a great way for writers and readers to connect on an intimate level. Thanks for stopping by, lady!

    Sia: Glad you liked the post! I’m a thriller lover too, which is probably why I wanted to write one. Nothing like an edge-of-your-seat story, right? Have a great day!

  12. Alex J. CavanaughApril 22, 2013

    If I ever attend a book club meeting, I will be prepared.

  13. Hart JohnsonApril 22, 2013

    Great advice! I’ve been too timid to set these up, but know it would be good, so it’s nice to have a list of great advice to get going with!

  14. Carol KilgoreApril 22, 2013

    I’ve never done a book club talk, but I’m bookmarking this post for when I do. Thanks for sharing such great tips.

    And thanks for hosting, Elizabeth!

  15. Kelley LynnApril 22, 2013

    This was a great post and perfect timing. I just released my first novel so I need all the advice I can get.

    So glad I found you! :)

  16. Dina SantorelliApril 22, 2013

    Alex: Awesome! And I’m sure you’ll find it worthwhile. Good luck!

    Hart: Glad to help! And, yes, it’s nice to have an outline or agenda when you get there. It’s like my security blanket. :)

    Kelley: Congrats on the release of your first novel! That’s awesome! Book clubs are a great way to spread the word about a new book. Good luck!

  17. JoelApril 23, 2013

    I LOVE doing live events, but I haven’t yet managed a group discussion of one of my books.

    I think I’ll take all your ideas and create an Irish evening here in our tiny community to share my Irish mystery with a group.

  18. Dina SantorelliApril 23, 2013

    Carol: I think you’ll find book clubs to be lots of fun. Hope these tips help you when you visit your first one! Definitely contact me to let me know how it goes! :)

    Joel: I LOVE that idea! An Irish evening sounds like a great way to spend an evening — and market a book. :)Good luck!!

  19. Julie MusilApril 24, 2013

    I’ve never been to a book club meeting, but I love your ideas. Thanks!

  20. Dina SantorelliApril 24, 2013

    Julie: Thanks! I hope the ideas are helpful to you when you decide to join the book club circuit! All best!

  21. Hilary Melton-ButcherApril 26, 2013

    Hi Elizabeth – what a great guest .. with loads of ideas and thoughts – so useful to one and all.

    I’ve definitely taken on board Dina’s thoughts .. and I know I can return to Elizabeth’s blog when the time comes for me getting out and about.

    Cheers Hilary

  22. Dina SantorelliApril 26, 2013

    Hilary: Thank you so much for the kind words. I hope you find the tips helpful when you’re “out and about”! I think it’s important for authors to support one another, and we are very lucky to have a blog like Elizabeth’s where we can stay up to date and learn from each other. :)

  23. T.K. ThorneMay 20, 2013

    Great post. Talking to bookclubs is my most favorite thing to do to. It is such an intimate way to share your baby and I learn things from members insights. It is quite a feeling to have someone see a layer or nuance in your story that you didn’t even realize was there!
    T.K. Thorne

  24. Dina SantorelliMay 26, 2013

    T.K.: You are so right! After years of working alone, your book becomes a shared experience, and, as you said, I often leave the book club meeting with new insight and excitement. Thank you so much for stopping by!

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