by Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraig

Twitterific links are fed into the Writer’s Knowledge Base search engine(developed by writer and software engineer Mike Fleming) which has over 23,000 free articles on writing related topics. It’s the search engine for writers.
I also wanted to mention a cool new tool for writers (free) that I helped to test drive before its release. Vook released a new ebook tracking tool that tracks sales across all major retail channels. Publishers Weekly wrote about it here . I liked that I didn’t have to pull up my KDP page, my Smashwords page, my iBookstore page, and my Nook page to get a sense of my sales for the last month, because it compiled them all…what’s more, it puts results in dollars and cents, which is helpful for the math-challenged like me. You can track up to ten titles for free.
When to Add a Scene Break: @janice_hardy
Warning Signs that Your Character Is Acting Out of Character: @KMWeiland
What to do when you get an offer while your MS is still with other agents: reading